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Pico TA384 rigid tips

sku Product SKU:  PIC-TA384

Passive oscilloscope probes

Our ergonomically designed passive oscilloscope probes are suitable for use with all major brands of oscilloscopes as well as the PicoScope range of USB Oscilloscopes. Passive probes don't require a power supply or batteries so are lightweight and easily portable.

Read our free guide: How to Tune x10 Oscilloscope Probes.

Replacement rigid probe tips, 5 pack

TA384 is a pack of 5 replacement rigid probe tips exclusively for TA375 and TA386 probes. Simply unscrew the probe tip fitted to the probe, and screw in a new tip. 

If replacement sprung probe tips are required for these probes, the TA385 pack of 5 sprung probe tips is also available.

Five replacement rigid tips lined up in a row


ZAR 372,0000

Pico TA386 Passive probe

sku Product SKU:  PIC-TA386

Passive oscilloscope probes

Our ergonomically designed passive oscilloscope probes are suitable for use with all major brands of oscilloscopes as well as the PicoScope range of USB Oscilloscopes. Passive probes don't require a power supply or batteries so are lightweight and easily portable.

Read our free guide: How to Tune x10 Oscilloscope Probes.

Passive oscilloscope probe: 200 MHz bandwidth 1:1/10:1 switchable, BNC

The TA386 is a passive switchable oscilloscope probe, with a bandwidth of 200 MHz. This probe is an upgraded version of our TA131 which includes many improvements to enhance durability, ease of use and performance, such as:

  • Redesigned probe tip allows removal and refitting of replacement tips
  • Replacement TA385 spring tips and TA384 rigid tips are available separately
  • Redesigned probe hook accessory fitting
  • Upgraded high durability probe cable

A passive oscilloscope probe with BNC connector with it's kit contents, cable coiled up.

ZAR 945,0000


Fluke Ti401 Pro

sku Product SKU:  FLK-Ti401-Pro

Every day you work hard to get the job done. Fluke gets that. For over 70 years, we have worked with people in the industrial trades. We understand that you need thermal imagers that will get the job done; rugged general use, everyday thermal imagers that are easy to use, accurate and create high-quality images. The Fluke Ti401 PRO is exactly this type of camera. It is an ideal camera for certified or uncertified thermographers working in:

  • industrial maintenance
  • heavy commercial facility maintenance
  • commercial building diagnostics

The rugged tool you need to establish and maintain a preventive maintenance program.

  • Splash resistant
  • Dust resistant
  • 2-meter drop tested

Capture more than you’d expect, at a price you wouldn’t

Equipped with a unique combination of 640 x 480 resolution and field of view that offers the flexibility to capture measurements in tight spaces or from a distance, even the novice thermographer can capture images of critical issues before they become failures. This well-priced camera offers the highest resolution in its class along with the best-selling features from Fluke. With temperature measurements up to 650 °C, it is suitable for most industrial environments.

Get the most out of your Ti401 PRO with Fluke Connect™ desktop software. Create professional reports in minutes while efficiently capturing full radiometric data to support your maintenance program.

  • Edit and optimize images
  • Combine infrared and visible images for simpler analysis
  • Create detailed reports
  • Organize and search images by asset, severity, and title

ZAR 204990,0000


Fluke Ti480 PRO Infrared Camera 9Hz

sku Product SKU:  FLK-Ti480PRO

Product overview: Fluke Ti480 PRO Infrared Camera

Increased sensitivity to visualize differences

  • Capture smaller temperature differences with increased thermal sensitivity

Old screen clarity versus the new sharper screen image 
Old screen clarity versus the new sharper screen image

Easier to visualize and diagnose issues

  • Sharper onscreen images with better visual color differentiation
  • Display deviations from standard temperatures and communicate issues with your team using multiple Delta-T markers - choose one as a reference point and the others to display a value as a difference
  • Multiple rectangle markers in-camera - identify min/max temperatures for an area of the equipment or an equipment array
  • Distinguish heat differences more easily with a new palette and a wider array of yellows and greens in the display

New intuitive user interface
New intuitive user interface

Old user interfaceOld user interface

More intuitive visual interface

  • Improved, user-tested, touch screen interface leverages current styles and is more intuitive than ever

More flexibility to visualize targets -  tiny to large

  • Now compatible with all Fluke infrared smart lenses
  • Macro, telephoto and wide angle – from tiny to large, capture your target
  • Fluke smart lenses are interchangeable between compatible cameras without calibration

With the Ti480 PRO MultiSharp™ focus captures images that are focused throughout the field of view, even if you start from a completely blurry target. The camera takes multiple images and combines them to give a clear, accurate focus on targets near and far. See more detail with SuperResolution, offering 4x the pixel data. Using the software and SuperResolution you can view images with up to 1280 x 960 resolution.

Save time with the Fluke Connect® system 
You can wirelessly sync images directly from your camera to the 
Fluke Connect® system, and attach it to an asset record or work order. Having access to maintenance records simultaneously at the inspection site and from the office or an off-site location enables faster decision making and real-time collaboration between team members. You can also live stream the camera display to your smartphone or PC and remotely control the camera.

Technician reviewing measurements from Fluke Connect® tools on smartphone
Capture and save measurements from your wireless-enabled test tools to the Fluke Connect® app on your smartphone.
Comparing two IR images on Fluke Connect™ Assets software
Asset analysis dashboard: Easily compare complex data.

ZAR 290000,0000


Fluke MDA-550

sku Product SKU:  FLK-MDA-550

Simplify complex motor-drive troubleshooting with guided test setups and automated drive measurements that provide reliable, repeatable test results.

The Fluke  MDA 550 Motor-Drive Analysers save time and eliminate the hassle of setting up complex measurements, while simplifying the troubleshooting process for variable frequency drives. Simply select a test and the step-by-step guided measurements show you where to make voltage and current connections, while the preset measurement profiles ensure you will capture all the data you need for each critical motor-drive section—from the input to the output, the DC bus, and the motor itself. From basic to advanced measurements, the MDA-500 Series has you covered, and with a built-in report generator you can quickly and easily generate as-found, and as-left reports with confidence.

The  MDA-550 are the ideal portable motor-drive analysis test tools and can help safely locate and troubleshoot typical problems on inverter type motor-drive systems.

  • Measure key motor-drive parameters including voltage, current, DC Bus voltage level and AC ripple, voltage and current unbalance and harmonics (MDA-550), voltage modulation, and motor shaft voltage discharges (MDA-550).
  • Perform extended harmonics measurements to identify the effects of low and high order harmonics on your electrical power system.
  • Conduct guided measurements for motor-drive input, DC bus, drive output, motor input and shaft measurements (MDA-550) with graphical step-by-step voltage and current connection diagrams.
  • Use simplified measurement setup with preset measurement profiles to automatically trigger data collection based on the chosen test procedure.
  • Create reports quickly and easily that are perfect for documenting troubleshooting and collaborative work with others.
  • Measure additional electrical parameters with full 500 MHz oscilloscope, meter and recording capability for complete range of electrical and electronic measurement on industrial systems.


The Fluke MDA-510 and MDA-550 Motor Drive Analyzers use guided test measurements to make analysis easier than ever.

Drive input

Measure input voltage and current to quickly see whether values are within acceptable limits by comparing the variable frequency drive’s (VFD), also known as a variable speed drive (VSD) or adjustable speed drive (ASD), nominal rated voltage to the actual supplied voltage. Then, check the input current to determine if the current is within the maximum rating and the conductors are suitably sized. You can also check whether the harmonic distortion is within an acceptable level by visually inspecting the waveform shape or by viewing the harmonics spectrum screen (MDA-550) with total harmonic distortion and individual harmonics.

Voltage and current unbalance

Check the voltage unbalance at the input terminals of the frequency speed drive so you can ensure the phase unbalance is not too high (> 6-8 %), and that the phase rotation is correct. You can also check the current unbalance, as excessive unbalance may indicate a drive rectifier problem.

Extended harmonic measurements

Excessive harmonics are not just a threat to your rotating machines but also to other equipment connected to the electrical power system. The MDA-550 provides the ability to discover the harmonics of the motor-drive but can also discover the possible effects of inverter switching electronics. The MDA-550 has three harmonic ranges, 1st to 51st Harmonics, 1 to 9 kHz and 9 kHz to 150 kHz giving the ability to detect any harmonic pollution problems.

DC bus

In a motor-drive the conversion of AC to DC inside the drive is critical, having the correct voltage and adequate smoothing with low ripple is required for the best drive performance. High ripple voltage may be an indicator of failed capacitors or incorrect sizing of the connected motor. The record function of the MDA-500 Series can be used to check DC bus performance dynamically in the operating mode while a load is applied.

Drive output

Check the output of the inverter drive focusing both on voltage to frequency ratio (V/F), and voltage modulation. When high V/F ratio measurements are experienced, the motor may overheat. With low V/F ratios, the connected motor may not be able to provide the required torque at the load to sufficiently run the intended process.

Voltage modulation

Measurements of the Pulse Width Modulated signal are used to check for high voltage peaks which can damage motor winding insulation. The rise time or steepness of impulses is indicated by the dV/dt reading (rate of voltage change over time), this should be compared to the motor’s specified insulation. The measurements can also be used to measure switching frequency to identify whether there is a potential issue with electronic switching, or with grounding, where the signal floats up and down.

Motor input

Ensuring that voltage is being supplied at the motor input terminals is key, and the selection of cabling from drive to the motor is critical. Incorrect cabling selection can result in both drive and motor damage due to excessive reflected voltage peaks. Checking that the current present at the terminals is within the motor rating is important as over current condition could cause the motor to run hot, decreasing the life of the stator insulation which can result in the early failure of the motor.

Motor shaft voltage

Voltage pulses from a variable frequency drive can couple from a motor’s stator to its rotor, causing a voltage to appear on the rotor shaft. When this rotor shaft voltage exceeds the insulating capacity of the bearing grease, flashover currents (sparking) can occur, causing pitting and fluting of the motor bearing race, damage that can cause a motor to fail prematurely. The MDA-550 Series analyzers are supplied with carbon fiber brush probe tips that can easily detect the presence of destructive flashover currents, while the impulse amplitude and count of events will enable you to take action before failure occurs. The addition of this accessory and capability of the MDA-550 allows you to discover potential damage without investing in expensive permanently installed solutions.

Step-by-step guided measurements ensure you have the data you need, when you need it

The MDA-500 Series is designed to help you quickly and easily test and troubleshoot typical problems on three-phase and single-phase inverter type motor-drive systems. The on-screen information, and step-by-step setup guidance make it easy to configure the analyzer and get the drive measurements you need to make better maintenance decisions, fast. From power input to the installed motor, the MDA-500 provides the measurement capability for the fastest motor-drive troubleshooting.

  • Connection Diagram Drive Input

ZAR 225000,0000


Fluke TiX580 Infrared Camera

sku Product SKU:  FLK-TiX580

Contact us to directly to ensure that you selet the right instrument for your application

Does everyone in the plant turn to you? Are you the one who quickly can collect facts, understand issues and mold process and procedures to meet expensive decisions head-on? If so, you need an infrared camera that is as flexible and detail oriented as you are. That is why the TiX580 should always be within arm’s reach. Your day can take you anywhere:

  • R&D lab
  • Production floor
  • Off site, remote locations
  • Transmission and distribution lines (substations)

From quality assurance to preventive maintenance and outdoor inspections, everyday can bring a different environment and a different challenge for your thermal imager. With an unsurpassed level of detail in every infrared image and the ability to capture quality images of objects whether they are tiny and close to large and far overhead. The ergonomic design and neck strap make long inspection days easier. Outside the rotating screen lets you adjust to minimize glare and the touchscreen delivers a premium in-field viewing experience. The TiX580 has the tools accommodate your environment.

  • Real-time temperature graphs
  • Radiometric video recording
  • Auto capture image sequence
  • MatLab and LabView integration capabilities

Get the most out of your TiX580 with Fluke Connect™ desktop software. Create professional reports in minutes while effic

  • Edit and optimize images
  • Combine infrared and visible images for simpler analysis
  • Create detailed reports
  • Organize and search images by asset, severity, and title

ZAR 395000,0000


T5-600 Voltage. Continuity and Current Tester

sku Product SKU:  FLK-T5-600

Product overview: Fluke T5-600 Voltage, Continuity and Current Tester

Fluke T5-600 Voltage, Continuity and Current Tester The T5-600 is a versatile troubleshooting tool to carry to every job site. Use it to check voltage, continuity, and current with one compact tool. Just select volts, ohms, or current and the tester does the rest. For higher voltage applications check out the Fluke T5-1000.

Automatically measure AC and DC voltage up to 600 V with precise digital resolution

  • Auto-selects between AC and DC voltage
  • Suitable for residential or commercial applications

Measure current up to 100 A without breaking the circuit with OpenJaw™ design

  • OpenJaw™ design allows for fast and easy current measurement
  • Measure current more safely without metallic contact

Troubleshoot resistance problems up to 1000 Ω

  • Measure resistance when troubleshooting motors, HVAC systems or electrical systems
  • Built-in continuity beeper provides fast and easy go/no-go tests

Work in tight spaces with detachable Slim Reach probe tips

  • Features a compact design with handy probe storage, easily fits in one hand
  • The test lead slot in the back makes the meter an “extended handle” for the probe, leaving the other hand free to place the second lead
  • Test leads accept Fluke accessory test clips

Key safety features

  • Protected to EN61010-1 CAT III 600 V rating
  • Integrated protection circuit allows it to stay connected to a voltage source longer than a solenoid tester
  • UL and CSA approved

Additional product features

  • Withstands a 10 ft. (3 m) drop
  • Offers Auto-off mode to conserve battery life
  • Fits into an optional holster that attaches to a belt and neatly stows test leads

ZAR 4890,0000


Fluke 710

sku Product SKU:  FLK-710


Smart Control Valve Testing is now easier than ever

The Fluke 710 Valve Testing Loop Calibrator is designed to enable users to perform quick, easy tests on HART smart control valves. Featuring built-in test procedures and an intuitive user interface, the 710 allows users to quickly and easily perform valve tests, while the valve test quick-check results provide at-a-glance diagnostics help you make maintenance decisions faster than ever. The valve health quick-check results let you know whether your valve is in good, marginal or in bad operating condition so you can quickly decide whether additional maintenance is necessary.

Valve testing and HART communication in a precision loop calibrator

With the 710 Valve Testing Loop Calibrator’s built in HART communication function, users can source a 4-20 mA signal to cause the smart control valve to move, while simultaneously interpreting the valve’s HART feedback signal to determine whether the valve is moving to the expected position. In addition to positional information, the measured pressure delivered from the valve’s internal I/P (which moves the valve) can be determined through the HART communication protocol.

The 710 has built-in test procedures that automatically increase and change the mA signal while monitoring the HART position and pressure feedback from the control valve, giving you a better overall picture of valve health at the simple push of a button.

Pre-configured valve tests, at-a-glance answers

Valve test routines built into the 710 include:

  • Manual testing; manually change the mA signal and view the HART position and pressure variable information
  • Full range ramping of the mA signal from 4 to 20 to 4 mA while recording the 0-100-0% position, or the pressures applied that move the valve from 0-100-0%
  • Stepping the mA signal on the input to the valve in steps and evaluating the valves response to the mA input changes
  • Speed tests to determine how fast the valve can open or close
  • Bump and partial stroke tests that help test valves over a portion of their range so they can be tested in a live process

ValveTrack™ Software enables further analysis and trending

Valve tests that are logged and recorded to memory in the 710 are available to upload to included ValveTrack™ analysis software.

ValveTrack™ software enables you to:


  • Upload, print and plot logged valve tests taken in the field
  • Compare previous uploaded tests to recent tests
  • View valve test history by HART Tag ID
  • Export valve test data to CSV for additional analysis in Microsoft Excel®

Saving time, getting answers

In addition, the 710 offers:

  • Logging of HART data in the field. Once recorded by the 710 in the field, the ValveTrack™ software can upload the HART configuration of up to (20) HART devices in your plant and output data in either (.csv) or (.txt) format.
  • Data logged mA loop measurements and HART data can be recorded from a particular transmitter for troubleshooting and loop tuning. The data log feature offers selectable capture with recording intervals of 1 to 60 seconds and a logging capacity of 4910 records or 99 individual sessions. Each record contains the mA measurement and all four process variables.

Product Highlights

  • Valve test procedures that deliver Good, Marginal or Bad assessment of a control valve
  • Generic HART communication
  • Best-in-class mA accuracy at 0.01 % measurement or source value
  • Compact rugged design
  • Intuitive user interface with Quick-Set knob for fast setup, easy to use
  • 24 V DC loop power with mA measure mode (-25 % to 125 %)
  • Resolution of 1 μA on mA ranges and 1 mV on voltages ranges
  • Built in selectable 250 Ω resistor for HART communications
  • Simple two wire connection for all measurements
  • Auto shutdown to conserve battery life
  • Variable step and ramp time in seconds

HART communication

The Fluke 710 offers a built-in HART modem to communicate the following HART commands:

  • Read sensor PV information
  • Read PV output information
  • Read and write PV unit type, tag ID name, descriptor, and message
  • Read and write PV ranges (upper and lower)
  • Enter/exit fixed current mode
  • Set zero offset
  • Trim DAC zero (mA output 4 mA)
  • Trim DAC gain (mA output 20 mA)

HART Commands for Valves

The 710 includes these unique HART commands to support control valves:

  • Autotrim of valve controller

In addition, the Fluke 710 offers: 

  • Logging of HART data in the field. Once recorded by the 710 in the field, the ValveTrack™ software can upload the HART configuration of up to 20 HART devices in your plant and output data in either .csv or .txt format
  • Data-logged mA loop measurements and HART data can be recorded from a particular transmitter for troubleshooting and loop tuning. The data log feature offers selectable capture with recording intervals of 1 to 6 seconds and a logging capacity of 4910 records or 99 individual sessions. Each record contains the mA measurement and all four process variables.

ZAR 82990,0000


Fluke 726 Precision Multifunction Calibrators

sku Product SKU:  FLK-726

Product overview: Fluke 726 Precision Multifunction Calibrators

Process calibration designed specifically for process industries

The Fluke 726 is a precise and powerful, yet easy-to-use, field calibrator. It features broad workload coverage, calibration power, and unsurpassed accuracy needed by process professionals. It measures and sources almost all process parameters to calibrate almost anything. Use it to test sensors and valves, and to test and calibrate transmitters. The 726 interprets results without the help of a calculator and stores measurement data for later analysis.

Measurement capabilities

This precision multifunction calibrator measures volts, mA, pressure, RTDs, thermocouples, frequency, and resistance to test sensors and transmitters. The 726 also sources and simulates volts, mA, thermocouples, RTDs, frequency to calibrate transmitters. Measures and/or sources pressure using when paired with any of the 50 Fluke 750P series Pressure Modules to test and calibrate pressure transmitters and other devices. The 726 can also:

  • Source mA with simultaneous pressure measurement to conduct valve and I/P test
  • Conduct enhanced flowmeter testing with frequency totalizer and frequency pulse train source mode

Designed for ease of use

The 726 has built-in features that make it easier to use in nearly any measurement situation. From its ability to store frequently used test setups, to programming custom RTD probe calibration constants for enhanced temperature measurement, or the integrated voltage input protection design that improves reliability, the 726 is built to perform. The use of two separate channels even allows you to measure, source, or view process signals simultaneously. The backlit display provides better visibility in low-light conditions, and the standard 3-year warranty provides extra confidence that the 726 will be there when you need it to be.

You can also use the 726 to:

  • Capture the set, reset, and deadband of a pressure switch with the integrated switch test
  • Calculate the transmitter error % to interpret calibration results without the use of a calculator
  • Perform fast linearity tests with the auto-step and auto-ramp features
  • Power a transmitter during test using 24 V loop supply and simultaneous mA measurement

If you want documenting and HART communication built into your calibrator, consider the Fluke 754 Documenting Process Calibrator with HART.

ZAR 135990,0000


Fluke 729

sku Product SKU:  FLK-729

Portable automatic pressure calibrator simplifies pressure calibration

The Fluke 729 Automatic Pressure Calibrator has been designed specifically with process technicians in mind to simplify the pres­sure calibration process and provide faster, more accurate test results. Technicians know that calibrating pressure can be a time-consuming task, but the 729 makes it easier than ever with an internal electric pump that provides automatic pressure generation and regulation in an in an easy-to-use, rugged, portable package.

The ideal portable pressure calibrator, the 729 allows you to simply type in a target pressure, and the calibrator will automatically pump to the desired set-point. Then, internal fine adjustment con­trol automatically stabilizes the pressure at the requested value.

The Fluke 729 can also automatically test multiple pressure test points and automatically document the results. Calibration is as easy as typing in the starting and ending pressure and the number of test points and tolerance level. The 729 does the rest.

Built-in HART communication capabilities enable HART transmitter mA adjustments, light HART configuration and the ability to adjust to applied 0% and 100% values.

Upload and manage documented calibration results with DPCTrack2™ Calibration Management Software, making it easy to manage your instrumentation, create scheduled tests and reports, and manage calibration data.

With three ranges to choose from, 30 psi (2 bar, 200 kPa), 150 psi (10 bar, 1 MPa) and 300 psi (20 bar, 2 MPa), Fluke 729 Automatic Pressure Calibrators are designed to perform when and where you need them.

ZAR 300000,0000


Fluke 753

sku Product SKU:  FLK-753

Product overview: Fluke 753 Documenting Process Calibrator

Fluke 753 Documenting Process Calibrator helps you work smarter and faster

The Fluke 753 is a powerful multifunction documenting calibrator that lets you download procedures, lists, and instructions created with software, and upload data for printing, archiving, and analysis. You'll find it does the work of several tools, with simultaneous source and measurement capabilities for all common process parameters. It sources, simulates, and measures pressure, temperature, and electrical signals in one rugged, hand-held calibration tool. It also automates calibration procedures, captures data for documentation, and helps you meet rigorous standards like ISO 9000, FDA, EPA, and OSHA regulations.

The 753 includes a USB interface and a USB communication cable to enable two-way communication with DPCTrack 2 and other instrumentation management applications. To create a seamless/paperless calibration management system consider adding Fluke DPCTrack2 Calibration Management software for use with your Fluke 753 and 754 or even legacy Fluke 743 and 744 calibrators.

Other useful features:

  • Measures and sources pressure using any of 50 Fluke 700Pxx Pressure Modules
  • Allows you to creates and run automated as-found/as-left procedures to satisfy quality programs or regulations, and record and document results
  • Holds up to a full week of downloaded procedures and calibration results
  • Offers many flexible features like autostep, custom units, user-entered values during test, one-point and two-point switch testing, square root DP flow testing, programmable measurement delay and more.
  • Offers compatibility with DPCTrack2 and many other asset management software packages
  • Bright white dual display for reading both sourced and measured parameters simultaneously
  • Easy-to-use multi-lingual interface
  • Gas gauge and rechargeable Li-Ion battery for 10 hour uninterrupted use
  • Comes with three-year warranty and DPC/Track trial software

ZAR 194000,0000


Fluke 754 Documenting Process Calibrator-HART

sku Product SKU:  FLK-754

Product overview: Fluke 754 Documenting Process Calibrator-HART

Fluke 754 Documenting Process Calibrator with HART communication does the work of many tools

Whether you're calibrating instruments, troubleshooting a problem, or running routine maintenance, the Fluke 754 with HART® communication can help you get the job done faster. It does so many different tasks, so quickly and so well, it's the only process calibrator you need to carry. This rugged, reliable integrated communicating calibrator is ideal for calibrating, maintaining, and troubleshooting HART and other instrumentation.

The 754 is a power multifunction documenting calibrator that you can use to download procedures, lists, and instructions created with software; or upload data for printing, archiving, and analysis. The powerful built-in HART interface is capable of performing nearly all the day-to-day tasks you now perform with a separate communicator.

In fact, the 754 does the work of several tools. It sources simulates and measures pressure, temperature, and electrical signals with one rugged, hand-held device. For documentation, the 754 automates calibration procedures and captures your data. And, of course, it helps you meet rigorous standards like ISO 9000, FDA, EPA and OSHA regulations. Plus, the new improved graphical screen, Li-Ion battery for longer life, USB port, and accessories help you work smarter and faster.

To create a seamless/paperless calibration management system consider adding Fluke DPCTrack2 Calibration Management software for use with your Fluke 753 and 754 or even legacy Fluke 743 and 744 calibrators.

ZAR 236000,0000

Fluke 772 Milliamp Clamp Meters

sku Product SKU:  FLK-772

Save time by NOT breaking the loop on 4-20 mA signal measurements.


  • Taking mA measurements by removing a wire and breaking the loop
  • Calling the control room to isolate a loop
  • Testing analog input/output on a console
  • Troubleshooting devices with mA inputs and outputs
  • Repairing intermittent or erratic 4-20 mA loops
  • Going back to the shop to get extra tools

If you need more time in your busy day take a good look at the Fluke 772 mA Clamp Meters. It’s designed to save you time, and money, by eliminating time wasting activities. Now you can troubleshoot and repair 4-20 mA loops without breaking the loop or bringing down the system.

Here are some specific ways the Fluke 772 Clamp Meters will help you:

Milliamp Clamp Features


How it saves time and money

Measure mA signals for PLC and control system analog I/O without breaking the loop

Measures low level dc current

Correlate process indication with real physical value

Measure output signals from transmitters without breaking the loop

Maintain and troubleshoot process and automation equipment without breaking the loop

No disruption to the process

Detachable clamp with extension cable

Measurements in tight locations

Enables measurements in difficult situations

Measurement Spotlight

Illuminates hard to see wires in dark enclosures

Measurement process is easier and quicker

Measure up to 99.9 mA range non-contact

Wide range of measurements

Measures 10 to 50 mA signals in older control systems

Automatic power off

After 15 minutes and 2 minute automatic off for backlight and spotlight

Saves battery life


ZAR 32390,0000