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Fluke 805FC

sku Product SKU:  FLK-805FC

The reliable, repeatable, accurate way to check bearings and overall vibration

Make go or no-go maintenance decisions with confidence. The Fluke 805 FC Vibration Meter is the most reliable vibration screening device available for frontline mechanical troubleshooting teams that need repeatable, severity-scaled readings of overall vibration and bearing condition.

Other useful features:

  • Allows you to export data via USB
  • Compatible with Fluke Connect® Mobile App that can transmit measurements to your smartphone to be shared in real time
  • Enables you to get authorization to take next steps in an instant if machine health is at risk via Fluke Connect™ Share-Live™ video call*
  • Allows you to view trending in Microsoft® Excel using pre-built templates
  • Measures overall vibration (10 Hz to 1,000 Hz) for acceleration, velocity, and displacement units of measurement for a wide variety of machines
  • Provides Crest Factor+ technology for reliable bearing assessment using direct sensor tip measurements between 4,000 Hz and 20,000 Hz
  • Compares vibration levels with ISO-10816 severity scales and stores results to the Fluke Connect Cloud
  • Features colored lighting system (green, red) and on-screen comments to indicate how much pressure needs to be applied to take measurements
  • Measures temperature with Spot IR Sensor to increase diagnostic capabilities
  • Holds and saves up to 3,500 measurements in on-board memory
  • Provides external accelerometer support for hard to reach locations
  • Features built-in flashlight for viewing measurement locations in dark areas
  • Provides large high-resolution display for easy navigation and viewing

ZAR 63390,0000


Fluke 1736 and 1738

sku Product SKU:  FLK-173x-EUS

The Fluke 1736 and 1738 Three-Phase Power Loggers built with Fluke Connect® mobile app and desktop software compatibility give you the data you need to make critical power quality and energy decisions in real-time. The ideal test tools for conducting energy studies and basic power quality logging, the 1736 and 1738 automatically capture and log over 500 power quality parameters so you have more visibility into the data you need to optimize system reliability and savings. With the Fluke 1738 Advanced Power Logger you can perform advanced analysis with an enhanced Power Quality Health Summary (EN50160) function that provides you with fast insight into overall electrical system health. The Power Quality Health Summary is an evaluation of the logged data based on detailed power quality measurements and includes viewable event waveform captures so you have even more visibility into the data you need to optimize system reliability and savings.

An optimized user interface, flexible current probes, and an intelligent measurement verification function that allows you to reduce measurement errors by digitally verifying and correcting common connection errors makes setup easier than ever and reduces measurement uncertainty. Access and share data remotely with your team via the Fluke Connect® app so you can maintain safer working distances and make critical decisions in real-time, reducing the need for protective equipment, site visits and check-ins. You can also quickly and easily chart and graph measurements to help identify issues and create detailed reports with the included Fluke Energy Analyze Plus software package. Optionally, you can create IEEE519 Reports giving you more insight into harmonic levels, voltage and current distortion, and load current (license required).

Log the most common parameters

Designed to measure the most critical three phase power parameters, the 1736 and 1738 can simultaneously log rms voltage, rms current, voltage and current events, voltage and current THD, voltage and current harmonics up to the 50th harmonic, active power, reactive power, power factor, active energy, reactive energy, and more. With enough memory for more than a year of data logging, the 1736 and 1738 can uncover intermittent or hard-to-find issues that might otherwise have been missed.

Analysis and Reporting

Capturing logged data is just one part of the task. Once you have the data, you need to create useful information and reports that can be easily shared and understood by your organization or customers. Fluke Energy Analyze Plus software makes that task as simple as possible. With powerful analysis tools and the ability to create customized reports in minutes you’ll be able to communicate your findings and quickly solve problems so you can optimize system reliability and savings.


ZAR 146990,0000



sku Product SKU:  FLK-PQ400/B

Product overview: Fluke PQ400 Electrical Measurement Window

The Fluke PQ400 Electrical Measurement Window enables the connection of three phase measurement equipment to energized panels, without the need to open the panel door, or wear supplemental personal protective equipment (PPE)1.

Compliance without compromise. Safety without sacrifice.

The Fluke PQ400 gives you access to the critical power quality and energy data you need, all while decreasing testing time and helping you to maintain safety.

  • Reduce the risk of arc-flash and electrocution, while increasing the safety of your personnel
  • Decrease maintenance costs and reduce downtime by making critical power quality and energy measurements without opening the panel door, enabling logging and monitoring at any time—without disrupting operations
  • Reduce work permit requirements and processes by reducing the hazards associated with taking measurements on open panels, saving time and effort
  • Increase measurement efficiency and reduce the need for arc-flash PPE1, saving time, increasing efficiency and increasing operator comfort


  • Permanently connected voltage and current sensors located inside the electrical panel allow you to make power quality and energy measurements using the external access points without opening the panel door, reducing operator risk
  • Voltage and current connections for three-phase voltages, neutral and ground cover most measurement scenarios
  • Automatic probe detection for Fluke 1740 and 1730 series power quality and energy loggers and compatible clamps, eliminates the need to open cabinet to check the clamp model
  • Full 360 degree rotation allows the PQ400 window to be oriented in any direction
  • Simple installation using a step drill bit and electro-hydraulic hole punch (114.3 mm, 4.5 inch diameter)
  • CAT IV, 600V and CATIII 1,000V rating according to IEC61010-2-30
  • Compatibility with standard 4mm shrouded safety-socket voltage test leads makes it easier to make voltage connections, increases safety by reducing the risk of accidently touching live electrical components, and reduces the need for purchasing specialized voltage leads

How it works

The Fluke PQ400 Electrical Measurement Window is a permanently installed interface that provides technicians with near-instant access to electrical panels for making critical power quality and energy measurements. The PQ400 installs using a standard step drill bit and electro-hydraulic hole punch (114.3 mm, 4.5-inch hole diameter), and allows users to make three-phase voltage, current and ground connects covering most measurement configurations. Once installed, users can simply unlock the window cover, lift the lid, and connect the voltage leads of the logger or analyzer. Then, connect the leads for the current sensors and start making critical measurements. Once complete, simply remove the voltage and current connections from the front panel interface and lock the window lid, leaving the internal connections in place for future use.

1Comply with local and national safety codes. Use personal protective equipment (approved rubber gloves, face protection, and flame-resistant clothes) to prevent shock and arc blast injury where hazardous live conductors are exposed.

ZAR 54488,0000

Fluke 805

Fluke 805

sku Product SKU:  FLK-805

Product overview: Fluke 805 Vibration Meter

The Reliable, Repeatable, Accurate Way to Check Bearings and Overall Vibration

Make go or no-go maintenance decisions with confidence. The Fluke 805 Vibration Meter is the most reliable vibration screening device available for frontline mechanical troubleshooting teams that need repeatable, severity-scaled readings of overall vibration and bearing condition.

What Makes the 805 the Best Choice?

  • A meter – not a pen – that measures overall vibration as well as specific variables like bearing condition and temperature, to provide a more complete picture
  • A combination vibration and force sensor tip that compensates for user variance (force or angle) yielding accurate, repeatable readings
  • A four-level severity scale and onboard processor calculate bearing condition and overall vibration using easy-to-understand textual alerts (Good, Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory, Unacceptable)
  • Sensor sensitivity can read a wide range of frequencies (10 to 1,000 Hz and 4,000 to 20,000 Hz) covering most machine and component types
  • Straight-forward user interface that minimizes the user inputs to RPM range and equipment type

Other useful features:

  • Measures overall vibration (10 Hz to 1,000 Hz) for acceleration, velocity, and displacement units of measurement for a wide variety of machines
  • Provides Crest Factor+ technology for reliable bearing assessment using direct sensor tip measurements between 4,000 Hz and 20,000 Hz
  • Compares vibration levels with ISO-10816 severity scales
  • Allows you to view trending in Microsoft® Excel using pre-built templates
  • Features colored lighting system (green, red) and on-screen comments to indicate how much pressure needs to be applied to take measurements
  • Measures temperature with Spot IR Sensor to increase diagnostic capabilities
  • Holds and saves up to 3,500 measurements in on-board memory
  • Provides external accelerometer support for hard to reach locations
  • Allows you to export data via USB
  • Provides audio output for listening to bearing tones directly
  • Features built-in flashlight for viewing measurement locations in dark areas
  • Provides large high-resolution display for easy navigation and viewing

ZAR 63390,0000