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The PicoScope 4444 and its accessories offer accurate and detailed measurement for a multitude of applications.
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Key features

  • 4 fully differential high-impedance inputs
  • 20 MHz bandwidth
  • Flexible 12 and 14-bit resolution
  • 256 MS deep memory
  • Rejects common-mode noise
  • Interface for intelligent probes and clamps
  • Low-voltage probe for millivolts to 50 V
  • 1000 V CAT III probe for high-voltage applications

Typical applications

  • Non-ground-referenced measurements
  • Safe probing of single-phase and three-phase voltages and currents
  • Measuring power drawn by mobile and IoT devices
  • Mains quality testing
  • SMPS design
  • Hybrid and electric vehicle design
  • Motor drives and inverters
  • Biomedical electronics
  • Measuring differential signals (CAN, balanced audio) with a single channel


High end oscilloscope

High-end oscilloscope

At the heart of every PicoScope 4444 is an advanced oscilloscope that offers everything you would expect and much more, including:

  • 10 000 waveform circular buffer
  • Up to 100 000 waveforms per second update rate
  • Serial bus decoding
  • Mask limit testing
  • Advanced math and filtering
  • Measurements with statistics
  • Advanced digital triggering 
  • USB 3.0 connected and powered


Differential input oscilloscope

Intelligent differential inputs

With a traditional oscilloscope probe, single-ended measurements are made between a high-impedance input and a low-impedance ground.

With a differential oscilloscope, measurements are made between two high-impedance inputs, allowing measurements to be made across components and test points where neither side is grounded. Differential inputs also reject common-mode noise: noise picked up equally on both high-impedance inputs is rejected.

Each of the four input channels on the PicoScope 4444 features an intelligent probe interface that detects and identifies compatible probes, and powers them where necessary. Each channel can have its own choice of voltage or current probe.

Non-attenuating probes allow high-resolution, low-noise measurement of signals ranging from millivolts to ±50 V. Attenuating probes allow signals up to 1000 V CAT III to be measured. Current probes are available for currents up to 2000 A.


D9 to 4mm probe

PicoConnect 441: Measure from millivolts to ±50 V

The PicoConnect 441 differential voltage probes are suitable for voltages up to ±50 V (for higher voltages see the PicoConnect 442). The probes are fitted with industry-standard 4 mm connectors and supplied with detachable sprung hook probe tips. Other 4 mm accessories such as multimeter probes and crocodile clips are available separately.

As well as measuring non-grounded voltage signals, differential inputs are ideal for measuring current through sensing resistors. As neither side needs to be grounded, they can make high-side measurements. The sensitive input ranges, high resolution and fast sampling are ideal for measuring fast-changing currents in battery-powered and IoT devices.


Human heartbeat captured on oscilloscope

Human heartbeat captured on PicoScope 4444

The high-impedance, high-resolution inputs are also suited to biological and scientific research, as they allow measurements on low-level millivolt signals (2 mV/div at 12 bits) in the presence of common-mode noise without the need for expensive differential preamplifiers or differential oscilloscope probes. The probe is constructed with twinax cable (twisted-pair inner conductors with an outer shield) to ensure a high common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR). The outer screen of the cable can optionally be connected to a signal ground to improve rejection of common mode voltages and currents.

The PicoConnect 441 probes are also ideal for measuring differential signal sources such as CAN bus and balanced audio on a single channel, and can be used to directly measure from bridge-type sensors such as load cells and pressure sensors.


Switch mode power supply waveforms

PicoConnect 441 probes are ideal for work with low voltage SMPS, PicoConnect 442 (shown) for voltages up to 1000 V.


PicoConnect 442: 1000 V CAT III probes

The PicoConnect 442 is an attenuating differential voltage probe that increases the input range to 1000 V to allow the safe and cost-effective measurement of single-phase, three-phase and other signals, such as those found in motor drives and inverters.

The PicoConnect 442 probe requires no power supply or batteries. This makes it ideal for mains quality measurement and other long-term measurements.  

The differential inputs of the PicoScope 4444 allow each channel to measure signals with different common-mode voltages. As an example, consider the battery pack in an electric vehicle. You can measure across the whole pack using one channel set to an input range of ±500 V, and at the same time set the other channels to ±5 V to measure across individual cells. This arrangement allows you to take advantage of the full resolution of the oscilloscope.


2000A AC/DC current clamp

Three current probes with intelligent probe interface

Three different current probes are available with Pico D9 interfaces. TA300 and TA301 use the Hall effect to measure AC and DC currents without direct connection to the cable, and the TA368 uses the Rogowski principle for AC-only measurements. The intelligent probe interface powers the probes, so no batteries are required. It also means that when you connect either probe, the PicoScope software identifies it and configures the oscilloscope to read in amperes.

The TA300 current probe is a 40 A probe suitable for measuring signals from DC to 100 kHz. It is a precision probe for smaller currents and can resolve down to a few milliamps. 

Read more about the TA300 40 A AC/DC current probe

The TA301 current probe is a switched-range 200/2000 A probe suitable for measuring signals from DC to 20 kHz bandwidth. 

Read more about the TA301 2000 A AC/DC current probe

The TA368 current probe is a single-range 2000 A AC probe suited for measuring signals above DC to 20 kHz, and because the probe is rated to 1000 V CAT III, it is ideal for making mains current measurements.

Read more about the TA368 2000 A AC current probe

In addition to the above probes, Pico stocks a wide range of AC and DC current clamps with BNC connectors that can be connected to the PicoScope 4444 using the TA271 D9 to BNC adaptor.


High voltage oscilloscope kit

Powerful and portable

Just load the software, plug in the USB cable and you are up and running in minutes. Saving and printing are easy: PicoScope users can take copying waveforms into reports for granted.

On the bench, a PicoScope saves valuable space and can be placed right by the unit under test.

Laptop users benefit even more: with no power supply required you can now carry an oscilloscope with you all the time in your laptop bag. Perfect for the engineer on the move.

With our scopes, high-end features such as serial decoding, mask limit testing, advanced math channels and segmented memory are all included in the price.

To protect your investment, both the PC software and firmware inside the scope can be updated. Pico has a 26-year history of providing new features for free through software downloads. We deliver on our promises of future enhancements year after year.

Users of our products reward us by becoming lifelong customers and frequently recommending us to their colleagues.

  • PicoScope 4444 differential oscilloscope features

    Switch mode power supply waveforms

    PicoConnect 441 probes are ideal for work with low voltage SMPS, PicoConnect 442 (shown) for voltages up to 1000 V.


    True differential measurements in high resolution

    The PicoScope 4444’s four inputs allow you to make true differential measurements. The maximum input range at full scale is ±50 V (±1000 V CAT III using the PicoConnect 442 probe), and the maximum common-mode range is also ±50 V (also ±1000 V with the PicoConnect 442 probe). You can set the scope to measure at resolutions of 12 or 14 bits, far better than the 8-bit resolution typical of many oscilloscopes. The deep capture memory (up to 256 million samples shared by the active channels) is another advantage, allowing you to carry out long captures without lowering the sampling rate.


    Spectrum analyzer: Multiple spectrum views

    FFT spectrum analyzer

    The spectrum view plots amplitude against frequency and is ideal for finding noise, crosstalk or distortion in signals. The spectrum analyzer in PicoScope is of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) type which, unlike a traditional swept spectrum analyzer, can display the spectrum of a single, non-repeating waveform.

    A full range of settings gives you control over the number of spectrum bands (FFT bins), window types, scaling (including log/log) and display modes (instantaneous, average, or peak-hold).

    You can display multiple spectrum views alongside oscilloscope views of the same data. A comprehensive set of automatic frequency-domain measurements can be added to the display, including THD, THD+N, SNR, SINAD and IMD. A mask limit test can be applied to a spectrum and you can even use the AWG and spectrum mode together to perform swept scalar network analysis.

    More information on Spectrum analyzer >>


    High resolution oscilloscope

    Noise that is invisible at 8 bits (black trace) is revealed at 12 bits

    High resolution offers 64x more detail

    The PicoScope 4444 can sample at speeds of up to 400 MS/s with 12-bit high resolution. This is 16 times more vertical resolution than traditional 8-bit oscilloscopes (4096 vertical levels vs 256). The example shows how with a 12-bit oscilloscope (blue trace) you can zoom in to reveal details of the signal that are not visible on an 8-bit oscilloscope (black trace).

    The PicoScope 4444 hardware can also be switched into a 14-bit mode (maximum sampling rate drops to 50 MS/s) offering 64 times more vertical resolution than traditional 8-bit oscilloscopes. The ADC in this mode is a 14-bit flash converter, giving you the ability to capture extremely fine details in scientific and battery test applications.

    Once you have seen high-resolution waveforms on a high-resolution PC monitor you will never want to use a traditional benchtop oscilloscope with its small display again.

    As well as improved oscilloscope traces, high resolution offers big benefits when performing spectrum analysis, offering an additional 20 dB dynamic range on the spectrum over 8-bit oscilloscopes. Signals that were previously hidden in the noise floor are now clearly visible and the spectrum becomes a powerful tool to track down the causes of noise.


    CAN bus decoding on a deep memory oscilloscope

    Deep memory oscilloscopes are ideal for serial decoding


    Deep-memory oscilloscopes

    The PicoScope 4444 oscilloscope has a huge buffer memory of 256 million samples – many times larger than competing scopes of either PC-based or traditional benchtop design.

    Deep memory produces several benefits: fast sampling at long timebases, timebase zoom, and memory segmentation to let you capture a sequence of events. Deep memory oscilloscopes are also ideal for serial decoding applications as they allow the capture of many thousands of frames of data.

    Most other scopes with large buffers slow down when using deep memory, so you have to manually adjust the buffer size to suit each application. You don’t have to worry about this with PicoScope deep-memory scopes as hardware acceleration ensures you can always use deep memory while displaying at full speed.

    More information on Deep memory oscilloscopes >>


    Multi-cycle waveform measurements using PicoScope DeepMeasure tool.

    DeepMeasure parameters


    One waveform, millions of measurements.

    Measurement of waveform pulses and cycles is key to verification of the performance of electrical and electronic devices.

    DeepMeasure delivers automatic measurements of important waveform parameters on up to a million waveform cycles with each triggered acquisition. Results can be easily sorted, analyzed and correlated with the waveform display.

    More information on DeepMeasure >>


    Digital triggering

    The majority of digital oscilloscopes still use an analog triggering architecture based on comparators. This causes time and amplitude errors that cannot always be calibrated out and often limits the trigger sensitivity at high bandwidths.

    In 1991 Pico pioneered the use of fully digital triggering using the actual digitized data. This technique reduces trigger errors and allows our oscilloscopes to trigger on the smallest signals, even at the full bandwidth. Trigger levels and hysteresis can be set with high precision and resolution.

    The reduced rearm delay provided by digital triggering, together with segmented memory, allows the capture of events that happen in rapid sequence. On many of our products, rapid triggering can capture a new waveform every microsecond until the buffer is full.

    More information on Advanced digital triggers >> 


    fast oscilloscope waveform update rate

    Hardware acceleration ensures fast screen update rates even when collecting 10,000,000 samples per waveform

    Hardware Acceleration Engine (HAL3)

    Some oscilloscopes struggle when you enable deep memory; the screen update rate slows and controls become unresponsive. The PicoScope 4444 avoids this limitation with use of a dedicated hardware acceleration engine inside the oscilloscope. Its parallel design effectively creates the waveform image to be displayed on the PC screen. PicoScope oscilloscopes manage deep memory better than competing oscilloscopes, both PC-based and benchtop.

    The PicoScope 4444 is fitted with third-generation hardware acceleration (HAL3). This speeds up areas of oscilloscope operation such as allowing waveform update rates in excess of 100 000 waveforms per second and the segmented memory/rapid trigger modes. The hardware acceleration engine ensures that any concerns about the USB connection or PC processor performance being a bottleneck are eliminated.


    oscilloscope persistence mode

    100 000 waveforms per second

    An important specification to understand when evaluating oscilloscope performance is the waveform update rate, which is expressed as waveforms per second. While the sample rate indicates how frequently the oscilloscope samples the input signal within one waveform, or cycle, the waveform capture rate refers to how quickly an oscilloscope acquires waveforms.

    Oscilloscopes with high waveform capture rates provide better visual insight into signal behavior and dramatically increase the probability that the oscilloscope will quickly capture transient anomalies such as jitter, runt pulses and glitches – that you may not even know exist.

    The PicoScope 4444 oscilloscope uses hardware acceleration to achieve up to 100 000 waveforms per second.

    More information on Fast waveform update rates >>


    Signal integrity

    Most oscilloscopes are built down to a price. PicoScopes are built up to a specification.

    Careful front-end design and shielding reduces noise, crosstalk and harmonic distortion. Years of oscilloscope design experience can be seen in improved bandwidth flatness and low distortion.

    We are proud of the dynamic performance of our products and publish our specifications in detail. The result is simple: when you probe a circuit, you can trust in the waveform you see on the screen.

    PicoScope = PC oscilloscopes done properly.


Oscilloscope kits

Ordering Code Product Name Description
PIC-PQ073 Extra low voltage differential kit PicoScope 4444 plus 3× PicoConnect 441 probes and 1× TA271 D9-BNC adaptor
PIC-PQ074 1000 V CAT III mains voltage kit PicoScope 4444 plus 3× PicoConnect 442 probes and 1× TA271 D9-BNC adaptor
PIC-PQ167 1000 V CAT III mains voltage and current kit PicoScope 4444 plus 3× PicoConnect 442 probes, 3× TA368 flex current probes and 1× TA271 D9-BNC adaptor
PIC-PQ088 PicoScope 4444 oscilloscope Oscilloscope only. Must be purchased with at least one of the Pico D9 accessories listed below


Order Code Product Name Description Connector
PIC-PQ098 PicoConnect 441 probe** Passive differential 1:1 15 MHz voltage measurement probe. Pico D9
PIC-PQ087 PicoConnect 442 probe** 1000 V CAT III, passive differential 25:1 10 MHz voltage measurement probe. Pico D9
PIC-TA300 TA300 AC/DC current probe 40 A AC/DC, 300 V CAT III, 100 kHz current measurement probe Pico D9
PIC-TA301 TA301 AC/DC current probe 200/2000 A AC/DC, 150 V CAT II, 20 kHz current measurement probe Pico D9
PIC-TA368 TA368 flex current probe Flexible single-phase 2000 A AC RMS, 1000 V CAT III, 600 V CAT IV, 10 Hz to 20 kHz current probe Pico D9
PIC-TA325 TA325 flex current probe 3-phase Flexible 3-phase switched-range 30/300/3000 A AC RMS, 1000 V CAT III, 10 Hz to 20 kHz current probe. Requires 3x TA271 D9-BNC adaptor (sold separately). 3x BNC
PIC-TA326 TA326 flex current probe Flexible single-phase switched-range 30/300/3000 A AC RMS, 1000 V CAT III, 10 Hz to 20 kHz current probe. Requires 1x TA271 D9-BNC adaptor (sold separately). BNC
PIC-TA271 TA271 D9-BNC adaptor D9-BNC adaptor suitable for ground-referenced measurements using a single probe Pico D9
PIC-TA299 TA299 D9-dual BNC adaptor D9-dual BNC adaptor suitable for differential measurements using two single-ended probes Pico D9
PIC-PA149 Carry case< Portable carry case to hold the PicoConnect 4444 and its accessories N/A


For more information please click here

PicoScope 4444 oscilloscope manuals

Resource Language Version Size Updated
Data Sheets:
PicoScope 4444 Data Sheet English 5 6 MB November 20 2019
User’s Guides:
PicoScope 6 User’s Guide English 51 10 MB January 12 2021
Programmer’s Guides:
PicoScope 4000 Series (A API) Programmer’s Guide English 7 3 MB October 01 2020
Quick Start Guides:
PicoScope 4444 Quick Start Guide English
中文 (简体)
3 4 MB June 20 2019
Application Notes:
Using oscilloscope advanced triggers with PicoSDK English 1 498 KB June 23 2021
PicoScope 4444 EU Declaration of Conformity English 1 252 KB February 21 2017