Commercial & Industrial Solar Tools
We know commercial and industrial (C&I) solar installations are complex, spanning a wide variety of end-customers, system designs, and project sizes. Feeling equipped with the right tools for an array of challenges is key.
Building on the trust we have earned over the last 75 years, we’ve carefully crafted the tools that you need to ensure your C&I solar customers get the maximum value out of their PV assets.
Designed with solar PV safety, durability, and accuracy in mind, Fluke C&I solar tools bring you peace of mind when installing and maintaining medium- and large-scale solar systems. Fluke Solar tools are designed to withstand a wide range of outdoor weather conditions and rough tumbles inevitable in rooftop work. By using Fluke tools, new and veteran technicians alike can ensure projects are completed flawlessly and in a timely manner.
We’re the same equipment brand that has been trusted by world-class electricians and technicians for generations, now developing tools for the solar professionals of the 21st Century. Enter each C&I PV job with confidence, no matter the size and complexity.