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Fluke TiX580 Infrared Camera

sku Product SKU:  FLK-TiX580

Contact us to directly to ensure that you selet the right instrument for your application

Does everyone in the plant turn to you? Are you the one who quickly can collect facts, understand issues and mold process and procedures to meet expensive decisions head-on? If so, you need an infrared camera that is as flexible and detail oriented as you are. That is why the TiX580 should always be within arm’s reach. Your day can take you anywhere:

  • R&D lab
  • Production floor
  • Off site, remote locations
  • Transmission and distribution lines (substations)

From quality assurance to preventive maintenance and outdoor inspections, everyday can bring a different environment and a different challenge for your thermal imager. With an unsurpassed level of detail in every infrared image and the ability to capture quality images of objects whether they are tiny and close to large and far overhead. The ergonomic design and neck strap make long inspection days easier. Outside the rotating screen lets you adjust to minimize glare and the touchscreen delivers a premium in-field viewing experience. The TiX580 has the tools accommodate your environment.

  • Real-time temperature graphs
  • Radiometric video recording
  • Auto capture image sequence
  • MatLab and LabView integration capabilities

Get the most out of your TiX580 with Fluke Connect™ desktop software. Create professional reports in minutes while effic

  • Edit and optimize images
  • Combine infrared and visible images for simpler analysis
  • Create detailed reports
  • Organize and search images by asset, severity, and title

ZAR -1


Fluke 1760 Basic Three-Phase Power Quality Recorder

sku Product SKU:  FLK-1760-Basic

Class-A compliance for the most demanding power quality tests

The Fluke 1760 Three-Phase Power Quality Recorder is fully compliant to IEC 61000-4-30 Class-A, for advanced power quality analysis and consistent compliance testing. Designed for analysis of utility and industrial power distribution systems, in medium- and low-voltage networks. The Fluke 1760 provides exceptional flexibility with the ability to customize thresholds, algorithms, and measurement selections. The 1760 power recorder captures the most comprehensive details on user-selected parameters; the supplied PQAnalyze application software enables users uses the in depth measurement and produce sophisticated analysis and reports.


  • Detailed disturbance analysis – Perform high-speed transient analysis and uncover root cause of equipment malfunction for later mitigation and predictive maintenance. The fast transient option, with its 6000 V measurement range, allows capture of very short impulses such as capacitor switching and lightning strikes.
  • Class-A quality-of-service compliance – Validate incoming power quality at the service entrance. Thanks to Class A compliance, the Fluke 1760 allows undisputable verification. The Fluke 1760 Class A compliance has been independently verified at a world leading power quality laboratory.
  • Event correlation at multiple locations – Utilizing GPS time synchronization, users can quickly detect where a fault occurred first, either inside or outside the facility. The accuracy of this time-stamping enables users with multiple 1760s on their network to understand the propagation of events across the network.
  • Galvanic separation and DC coupling – Allows complete measurements on dissimilar power systems. For example troubleshoot UPS systems by simultaneously recording the battery voltage and power output.
  • Power quality and power load studies – Assess baseline power quality to validate compatibility with critical systems before installation and verify electrical system capacity before adding loads.

ZAR -1


ii910 Precision Acoustic Imager

sku Product SKU:  FLK-ii910

Finally, an easy way to detect, locate and analyze partial discharge in one tool

Tired of spending too much time detecting partial discharge? Introducing the ii910 Precision Acoustic Imager, engineered to locate partial discharge, corona discharge as well as gas and vacuum leaks. The ii910 acoustic imaging camera's groundbreaking technology is a cost efficient, safe, effective, and comfortable tool for teams who inspect and maintain power distribution and industrial high voltage equipment.

The invisible threat….now you can see

Partial discharge is a serious issue that teams monitor everyday. Whether you are scanning insulators, transformers, switch gears or high-voltage powerlines you need to be sure that you spot a problem quickly and early. Partial discharge that goes unchecked can cause blackouts, fires, explosions, or death from arc flashes. In addition to the danger that this can pose to the environment and human lives, it also has a very steep price tag. Having equipment go down can cost millions of dollars per hour and studies have shown that a single data center outage could cost as much as $8,851 per minute. On top of this, the Department of Energy estimated that outages cost the US economy $150 billion annually.

Key areas to scan for PD

  • Insulators
  • Transformers
  • High voltage powerlines
  • Switch gears
  • Arrestors
  • Busbars
  • High voltage coils
  • Breakers
  • Capacitors

Do it fast, Do it safe

The ii910 is the all-in-one tool you have been looking for when it comes to all your leak, PD, and mechanical issues. Everything you need is right at your fingertips. Quickly scan the area or environment and get all the pictures and videos you need with the simple one-button capture and large 7” touchscreen LCD. No additional tools or equipment needed. With no cumbersome secondary cables or devices needed, you have full mobility and greater flexibility to swap between detecting leak/PD/mechanical issues and fixing the issues.

Fluke safety you can trust with performance you value

The Fluke ii910 Precision Acoustic Imager is the perfect tool for high voltage electricians, electrical test engineers, and grid maintenance teams that are constantly inspecting and maintaining power distribution and industrial high voltage equipment. The ii910 provides a safe quick and easy way to detect and locate partial discharge in order to maintain high voltage equipment and prevent catastrophic events. With the SoundSight™ technology the ii910 translates the sounds that it hears into a visual representation so that you can quickly locate problem areas. The higher frequency capability of the ii910 allows for earlier detection to facilitate early maintenance planning that is why the ii910 has a frequency range of 2-100Khz.

Find and fix before flash

Partial discharge can cause a number of very serious and expensive problems from catastrophic equipment failure to lethal arc flashes. The only way to stop this from happening is to inspect and maintain the equipment properly. The ii910 Precision Acoustic Imager is built to make finding PD much more comfortable faster and easy. Gone are the days of wearing headphones and listening for very faint sounds or squinting at a small screen to locate issues. Everything you will need to locate issues from a large distance is in the ii910, no cords or other accessories hanging down and getting tangled. Simply pick it up, turn it on and start locating issues.

Safety you expect with the rugged product you trust

Safety is key when working on high voltage equipment and here at Fluke safety is all that matters, everything else is just a bonus. Due to the combination of specific microphone positions and a sophisticated algorithm the ii910 Precision Acoustic Imager can detect PD and Corona Discharge from 120 meters away. This means that you can stay even further than the required distance away while still being effective and efficient at finding all of the problem areas. With no external cords or dangling accessories the ii910 ensures that you wont get tangled up in any equipment as you do your rounds. In addition with the acoustic imaging technology being able to pick up reflections of sounds you don’t even need to have direct line of sight to locate a problem. This means you can locate PD without ever opening a cabinet.

Find it quickly, find it easily with no training

The ii910 is truly designed so that anyone can use it with little to no training. Tear up those certifications because you don’t need one to operate this tool. Simply turn on the ii910 with one button select your frequency range (or let the tool do that for you) and start scanning around immediately looking for PD, leaks, or mechanical areas of interest. Once you find a concerning image of a sound you can take a video or a photo to be used later after you have added any text annotation. If you want to know more details about a specific leak, PD, or potential mechanical issue, switch into PDQ, LeakQ, or MecQ mode.

LeakQ online reporting tool

  • Local PC installed application
  • No Leak Type selection (should be included at time of capturing the measurement)
  • Offers customization of reporting template

Fluke PDQ Mode™ Reporting Tool with Acoustic Imaging

  • Web (cloud) based solution
  • Standardized reporting template
  • Leak Type selection per capture

ZAR -1


Fluke Norma 5000 Power Analyzers

sku Product SKU:  FLK-Norma-5000

Product overview: Fluke Norma 5000 Power Analyzers

Reliable, highly accurate measurements for the test and development of power electronics.

The compact Fluke Norma Series Power Analyzers provide the latest measurement technology to assist engineers with the development and testing of motors, inverters, lighting, power supplies, transformers and automotive components.

Based on a patented, high-bandwidth architecture, the instruments deliver high-precision measurements of single or three-phase current and voltage, harmonics analysis, Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) analysis, as well as calculations of power and other derived values.

The Fluke Norma 5000 Six-Phase Power Analyzer is a rugged, high-precision analyzer providing unmatched price performance for easy and reliable use in the field, or as a bench unit in laboratories and on test benches.


  • Electric motors and inverter drive systems – Through detailed spectrum analysis and dynamic torque calculation capabilities, switching losses caused by the inverter are accurately measured, and a thorough evaluation is made of torque transients and harmonics at higher frequencies.
  • Inverter drive system – Simultaneous measurement of all electrical and mechanical power parameters in the same time window enables users to observe the influence one component has on another, or on the whole system.
  • Lighting systems – A wide bandwidth of up to 10 MHz and a high sampling rate up to 1 MHz provide detailed signal analysis at ballast outputs. A unique shunt technique enables power measurements at very high frequencies. Simultaneous measurement of input and output power provides instant calculation of ballast losses.
  • Transformers – Synchronous six-phase power measurements enable highly accurate efficiency and loss calculations of large power transformers even at very low power factors. Synchronous multiphase resistance measurements of transformer coils are also possible.
  • Automotive – Synchronous electrical input and mechanical output measurements provide complete data on the efficiency and losses of individual components as well as the whole drive system.

Other useful features:

  • Performs simultaneous parallel acquisition of all phases to allow accurate viewing of dynamic events on all phases at exactly the same point in time
  • Compact design makes it easy to carry and saves working space.
  • Provides galvanically-isolated inputs to avoid short circuits in all applications
  • Includes FFT analysis, vector diagram, and digital oscilloscope (DSO) mode in the base unit for complete analysis capability
  • Offers user-selectable average time—from 15 ms up to 3600 s—for dynamic measurements
  • Includes 4 MB on-board memory (expandable to 128 MB) for storing measured values
  • Allows fast and easy connection to a PC; RS232 and USB included as standard; optional IEEE488, Ethernet, or USB2.0
  • Provides PI1 process interface to measure torque and speed with external sensors, plus four analog outputs for easy use on motor and drive applications
  • Features 341 kHz or 1 MHz sample rates for detailed signal analysis
  • Provides bandwidth from DC to 3 MHz or DC to 10 MHz for reliable measurement precision.
  • Includes Fluke NormaView PC software for data download, analysis, and reporting

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Fluke 1760TR Basic

sku Product SKU:  FLK-1760TR-basic

Product overview: Fluke 1760TR Basic Three-Phase Power Quality Recorder

Class-A compliance for the most demanding power quality tests

The Fluke 1760 Three-Phase Power Quality Recorder is fully compliant to IEC 61000-4-30 Class-A, for advanced power quality analysis and consistent compliance testing. Designed for analysis of utility and industrial power distribution systems, in medium- and low-voltage networks. The Fluke 1760 provides exceptional flexibility with the ability to customize thresholds, algorithms, and measurement selections. The 1760 power recorder captures the most comprehensive details on user-selected parameters; the supplied PQAnalyze application software enables users uses the in depth measurement and produce sophisticated analysis and reports.


  • Detailed disturbance analysis – Perform high-speed transient analysis and uncover root cause of equipment malfunction for later mitigation and predictive maintenance. The fast transient option, with its 6000 V measurement range, allows capture of very short impulses such as capacitor switching and lightning strikes.
  • Class-A quality-of-service compliance – Validate incoming power quality at the service entrance. Thanks to Class A compliance, the Fluke 1760 allows undisputable verification. The Fluke 1760 Class A compliance has been independently verified at a world leading power quality laboratory.
  • Event correlation at multiple locations – Utilizing GPS time synchronization, users can quickly detect where a fault occurred first, either inside or outside the facility. The accuracy of this time-stamping enables users with multiple 1760s on their network to understand the propagation of events across the network.
  • Galvanic separation and DC coupling – Allows complete measurements on dissimilar power systems. For example troubleshoot UPS systems by simultaneously recording the battery voltage and power output.
  • Power quality and power load studies – Assess baseline power quality to validate compatibility with critical systems before installation and verify electrical system capacity before adding loads.

ZAR -1


Fluke 1760TR Three-Phase Power Quality Recorder

sku Product SKU:  FLK-1760TR

Class-A compliance for the most demanding power quality tests

TheFluke 1760 Three-Phase Power Quality Recorder is fully compliant to IEC 61000-4-30 Class-A, for advanced power quality analysis and consistent compliance testing. Designed for analysis of utility and industrial power distribution systems, in medium- and low-voltage networks, this power quality monitor provides the flexibility to customize thresholds, algorithms, and measurement selections. The 1760 power recorder captures the most comprehensive details on user-selected parameters.


  • Detailed disturbance analysis – Perform high-speed transient analysis and uncover root cause of equipment malfunction for later mitigation and predictive maintenance. The fast transient option, with its 6000 V measurement range, allows capture of very short impulses such as lightning strikes.
  • Class-A quality-of-service compliance – Validate incoming power quality at the service entrance. Thanks to Class A compliance, the Fluke 1760 allows undisputable verification.
  • Event correlation at multiple locations – Utilizing GPS time synchronization, users can quickly detect where a fault occurred first, either inside or outside the facility.
  • Galvanic separation and DC coupling – Allows complete measurements on dissimilar power systems. For example troubleshoot UPS systems by simultaneously recording the battery voltage and power output.
  • Power quality and power load studies – Assess baseline power quality to validate compatibility with critical systems before installation and verify electrical system capacity before adding loads.

ZAR -1