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PicoScope 6000E Series 8-channel ultra-deep-memory oscilloscopes

sku Product SKU:  PIC-6000E-s

Performance and functionality for debugging next-generation embedded systems

The PicoScope 6000E Series fixed-resolution and FlexRes oscilloscopes provide 8 to 12 bits of vertical resolution, with 500 MHz bandwidth and 5 GS/s sampling rate. Eight analog channels have the timing and amplitude resolution you need to reveal signal integrity issues such as glitches, runts, dropouts, noise, distortion and ringing. 16 digital MSO channels enable the debug and verification of complex ECUs and FPGA-based designs.

  • 8-bit to 12-bit FlexRes® ADCs
  • 8 x 500 MHz analog channels
  • Up to 16 x 1 Gb/s digital channels
  • Dual 5 GS/s ADCs
  • 4 GS capture memory (up to 2 GS per trace)
  • 50 MHz 200 MS/s 14-bit AWG
  • 300 000 waveforms per second update rate
  • Free PicoScope 6 and PicoSDK software
  • Serial decoding and mask limit testing
  • High-resolution timestamping of waveforms
  • Over ten million DeepMeasure™ results per acquisition
  • Advanced triggers: pulse width, runt pulse, windowed, logic and dropout

Typical applications

These oscilloscopes, with PicoScope 6 application software, are ideal for design engineers working with high-performance embedded systems, signal processing, power electronics, mechatronics and automotive designs, and for researchers and scientists working on multichannel high-performance experiments in physics labs, particle accelerators and similar facilities.

The PicoScope 6000E Application Programming Interface (API) provides programming access to the full set of advanced hardware features and can be used to develop diverse custom and OEM applications. 

Best-in-class bandwidth, sampling rate and memory depth

With 500 MHz analog bandwidth complemented by a real-time sampling rate of 5 GS/s, the PicoScope 6000E Series scopes can display single-shot pulses with 200 ps time resolution.

The PicoScope 6000E Series gives you the deepest capture memory—up to 4 GS in total—available as standard on any oscilloscope at any price. This ultra-deep memory allows the oscilloscope to capture 200 ms waveforms at its maximum sampling rate of 5 GS/s.

The SuperSpeed USB 3.0 interface and hardware acceleration ensure that the display is smooth and responsive even with long captures.

The PicoScope 6000E Series gives you the waveform memory, resolution and analysis tools that you need to perform stringent testing of high-performance electronics devices and next-generation embedded system designs.

Power, portability and performance

Conventional eight-channel benchtop mixed-signal oscilloscopes occupy too much space on the bench and are too costly for most engineers working on next-generation designs. PicoScope 6000E Series oscilloscopes are small and portable, while offering the high-performance specifications required by engineers in the lab or on the move.

These oscilloscopes offer 8 analog channels, plus an optional 8 or 16 digital channels with the plug-in 8-channel TA369 MSO pods. The flexible high‑resolution display options enable you to view and analyze each signal in detail.

Supported by the PicoScope 6 software, these devices offer an ideal, cost-effective package for many applications, including design, research, test, education, service, and repair. PicoScope 6 is included in the cost of your scope, available for free download, with free updates, and can be installed on as many PCs as you want, including to view/analyze data off-line without the scope

High-end features as standard

Buying a PicoScope is not like making a purchase from other oscilloscope companies, where optional extras considerably increase the price. With our scopes, high-end features such as serial decoding, mask limit testing, advanced math channels, segmented memory, hardware-based timestamping and a signal generator are all included in the price.

To protect your investment, both the PC software and firmware inside the scope can be updated. Pico Technology has a long history of providing new features for free through software downloads. We deliver on our promises of future enhancements year after year. Users of our products reward us by becoming lifelong customers and frequently recommending us to their colleagues.

Powerful tools provide endless options

Your PicoScope is provided with many powerful tools to help you acquire and analyze waveforms. While these tools can be used on their own, the real power of PicoScope lies in the way they have been designed to work together.

As an example, the rapid trigger mode allows you to collect 10 000 waveforms in a few milliseconds with minimal dead time between them. Manually searching through these waveforms would be time-consuming, so just pick a waveform you are happy with and let the mask tools scan through for you. When done, the measurements will tell you how many have failed and the buffer navigator allows you to hide the good waveforms and just display the problem ones.

The screenshot here shows changing frequency versus time as a graph. Perhaps instead you want to plot changing duty cycle as a graph? How about outputting a waveform from the AWG and also automatically saving the waveform to disk when a trigger condition is met? With the power of PicoScope the possibilities are endless. To find out more about the capabilities of PicoScope software, visit our A to Z of PC Oscilloscopes.

ZAR -1

Pico 4824

PicoScope 4824A

sku Product SKU:  PIC-4824

High resolution, deep memory, 8 channel oscilloscope

8 Channel oscilloscope

  • 8 channels
  • 12 bit resolution
  • 20 MHz bandwidth
  • 256 MS buffer memory
  • High-performance arbitrary waveform generator
  • Advanced digital triggers
  • Serial bus decoding
  • SuperSpeed USB 3.0 interface
  • Windows, Mac and Linux software

The PicoScope 4824 is a low-cost, portable solution for multi-input applications. With 8 high-resolution analog channels you can easily analyze audio, ultrasound, vibration, power, and timing of complex systems. 

Despite its compact size, there is no compromise on performance. With a high 12-bit vertical resolution, bandwidth of 20 MHz, 256 MS buffer memory, and a fast sampling rate of 80 MS/s, the PicoScope 4824 has the power and functionality to deliver accurate results. It also features deep memory to analyze multiple serial buses such as UART, I2C, SPI, CAN and LIN plus control and driver signals.

8 channel oscilloscope waveform

Advanced display

PicoScope software dedicates almost all of the display area to the waveform. Using the display of your laptop or desktop the area is much bigger and of a higher resolution than with a traditional benchtop scope. This is a huge advantage when displaying 8 high-resolution channels.

With a large display area available, you can also create a customizable split-screen display, and view multiple channels or different views of the same signal at the same time. As the example opposite shows, the software can even show both oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer traces at once. Additionally, each waveform shown works with individual zoom, pan, and filter settings for ultimate flexibility.

The PicoScope software can be controlled by mouse, touchscreen or keyboard shortcuts.

High resolution offers 16x more detail

The PicoScope 4824 is a 12-bit oscilloscope that offers 16 times more vertical resolution than traditional 8-bit oscilloscopes (4096 vertical levels vs 256). The example shows how with a 12-bit oscilloscope (blue trace) you can zoom in to reveal details of the signal that are not visible on an 8-bit oscilloscope (black trace).

As well as the high vertical resolution, the 256 million sample buffer memory ensures a high horizontal resolution as well. You can collect long detailed captures without the sampling rate dropping.

Once you have seen high-resolution waveforms on a high-resolution PC monitor you will never want to use a traditional benchtop oscilloscope with its small display again.

As well as improved oscilloscope traces, high resolution offers big benefits when performing spectrum analysis offering an additional 20 dB dynamic range on the spectrum over 8-bit oscilloscopes. Signals that were previously hidden in the noise floor are now clearly visible and the spectrum becomes a powerful tool to track down the causes of noise.

deep memory oscilloscope showing zoom

Typical applications

The PicoScope 4824 mix of 8 channels, high resolution and deep memory makes it suitable for a wide range of applications that cannot be met by traditional benchtop oscilloscopes.

8 channels allows multiple power supply rails to be monitored at the same time, ideal for looking at power supply sequencing, balancing or quality. The high channel count allows the decoding of multiple different serial bus standards at the same time (CAN, LIN, FlexRay, I2C, SPI etc.)

12 bit resolution both for the oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer helps track down noise, analyze harmonics and measure distortion.

The 256 MS deep memory allows several seconds of capture at the full sampling rate (ideal for long captures of serial data or looking for glitches in power supplies). Managing all this data calls for some powerful tools, so zoom factors of several million are possible. Other tools such as the waveform buffer, mask limit test, serial decode and hardware acceleration work with the deep memory making the PicoScope 4824 one of the most powerful oscilloscopes on the market.

The compact size takes up little space on the bench and USB power makes the PicoScope 4824 ideal for those on the move.  For the first time you can carry an 8 channel oscilloscope in your laptop bag!

arbitrary waveform editor

Arbitrary waveform and function generator

The PicoScope 4824 has a built-in function generator (sine, square, triangle, DC level, white noise, PRBS and others) and arbitrary waveform generator.

As well as basic controls to set level, offset and frequency, more advanced controls allow you to sweep over a range of frequencies. Combined with the spectrum peak hold option this makes a powerful tool for testing amplifier and filter responses.

Trigger tools allow one or more cycles of a waveform to be output when various conditions are met such as the scope triggering or a mask limit test failing.

The 14-bit 80 MS/s arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) can be used to emulate sensor signals during product development, or to stress-test a design over a wide frequency range. AWG waveforms can be created or edited using the built-in AWG editor, imported from oscilloscope traces, or loaded from a spreadsheet.

More information on Arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) >>

Spectrum analyzer: Multiple spectrum views

FFT spectrum analyzer

The spectrum view plots amplitude against frequency and is ideal for finding noise, crosstalk or distortion in signals. The spectrum analyzer in PicoScope is of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) type which, unlike a traditional swept spectrum analyzer, can display the spectrum of a single, non-repeating waveform.

A full range of settings gives you control over the number of spectrum bands (FFT bins), window types, scaling (including log/log) and display modes (instantaneous, average, or peak-hold).

You can display multiple spectrum views alongside oscilloscope views of the same data. A comprehensive set of automatic frequency-domain measurements can be added to the display, including THD, THD+N, SNR, SINAD and IMD. A mask limit test can be applied to a spectrum and you can even use the AWG and spectrum mode together to perform swept scalar network analysis.

More information on Spectrum analyzer >>

oscilloscope signal integrity

Signal integrity

Most oscilloscopes are built down to a price. PicoScopes are built up to a specification.

Careful front-end design and shielding reduces noise, crosstalk and harmonic distortion. Years of oscilloscope design experience can be seen in improved bandwidth flatness and low distortion.

We are proud of the dynamic performance of our products and, unlike most oscilloscope manufacturers, we publish our specifications in detail. The result is simple: when you probe a circuit, you can trust in the waveform you see on the screen.

High-end features as standard

Buying a PicoScope is not like making a purchase from other oscilloscope companies, where optional extras considerably increase the price. With our scopes, high-end features such as serial decoding, mask limit testing, advanced math channels, segmented memory, and a signal generator are all included in the price.

To protect your investment, both the PC software and firmware inside the scope can be updated. Pico Technology have a long history of providing new features for free through software downloads. We deliver on our promises of future enhancements year after year, unlike many other companies in the field. Users of our products reward us by becoming lifelong customers and frequently recommending us to their colleagues.

ZAR -1

Pico TA385 spring tips

sku Product SKU:  PIC-TA385

Passive oscilloscope probes

Our ergonomically designed passive oscilloscope probes are suitable for use with all major brands of oscilloscopes as well as the PicoScope range of USB Oscilloscopes. Passive probes don't require a power supply or batteries so are lightweight and easily portable.

Read our free guide: How to Tune x10 Oscilloscope Probes.

Replacement spring probe tips, 5 pack

TA385 is a pack of 5 replacement spring probe tips exclusively for TA375 and TA386 probes. Simply unscrew the probe tip fitted to the probe, and screw in a new tip. 

If replacement rigid probe tips are required for these probes, the TA384 pack of 5 rigid probe tips is also available.

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Pico TA384 rigid tips

sku Product SKU:  PIC-TA384

Passive oscilloscope probes

Our ergonomically designed passive oscilloscope probes are suitable for use with all major brands of oscilloscopes as well as the PicoScope range of USB Oscilloscopes. Passive probes don't require a power supply or batteries so are lightweight and easily portable.

Read our free guide: How to Tune x10 Oscilloscope Probes.

Replacement rigid probe tips, 5 pack

TA384 is a pack of 5 replacement rigid probe tips exclusively for TA375 and TA386 probes. Simply unscrew the probe tip fitted to the probe, and screw in a new tip. 

If replacement sprung probe tips are required for these probes, the TA385 pack of 5 sprung probe tips is also available.

Five replacement rigid tips lined up in a row


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PicoScope 2000 Series

sku Product SKU:  PIC-2000-S

USB oscilloscopes & mixed signal oscilloscopes

  • 2 channel, 4 channel and MSO models
  • 6 instruments in one
  • Ultra-compact design
  • Up to 100 MHz bandwidth
  • Up to 128 MS buffer memory
  • Decode 16 serial protocols as standard
  • USB connected and powered
  • Windows, Linux and Mac software

PicoScope 2000 Series 4-channel oscilloscope

Your complete test & measurement laboratory

You can use your PicoScope 2000 Series as an advanced oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, function generator, arbitrary waveform generator and protocol decoder out of the box. Mixed signal models also add a 16 channel logic analyzer. A complete electronics lab in one compact, low-cost, USB-powered unit.

The PicoScope 2000A models deliver unbeatable value for money and are ideal for education, hobby and field service use. In the lab the low cost allows one scope per person rather than having to share.

The PicoScope 2000B models have the added benefits of deep memory (up to 128 MS), higher bandwidth (up to 100 MHz) and faster waveform update rates. PicoScope 2000B models give you the performance to carry out advanced analysis of your waveforms. They are ideal for design, debug and serial decoding.

The Configure Your Scope panel on the left gives a quick guide to the models, specifications and prices.

High end oscilloscope

Oscilloscope display showing zoom, rulers and measurements

High-end oscilloscope

At the heart of every PicoScope 2000 is an advanced oscilloscope which offers everything you would expect and much more besides:

  • 10,000 waveform circular buffer
  • Up to 80,000 waveforms per second update rate
  • Mask limit testing
  • Advanced math & filtering
  • Measurements with statistics
  • Advanced digital triggering 
  • Resolution enhancement to 12 bits

mixed signal pc oscilloscope (MSO)

Logic analyzer / mixed signal ability

The PicoScope 2000 Series includes mixed signal models that include 16 digital inputs so that you can view digital and analog signals simultaneously.

The digital inputs can be displayed individually or in named groups with binary, decimal or hexadecimal values shown in a bus-style display. A separate logic threshold from –5 V to +5 V can be defined for each 8-bit input port. The digital trigger can be activated by any bit pattern combined with an optional transition on any input. Advanced logic triggers can be set on either the analog or digital input channels, or both to enable complex mixed-signal triggering.

The digital inputs bring extra power to the serial decoding options.  You can decode serial data on all analog and digital channels simultaneously, giving you up to 18 channels of data.  You can for example decode multiple SPI, I²C, CAN bus, LIN bus and FlexRay signals all at the same time!

Mixed Signal Oscilloscope / Logic Analyzer (roll over red circles for description)

Serial bus decoding and protocol analysis

PicoScope can decodev 1-Wire, ARINC 429, CAN, DCC, DMX512, Ethernet,  FlexRay, I²C, I²S, LIN, PS/2, SENT, SPI, UART (RS-232 / RS-422 / RS-485), and USB 1.1 protocol data as standard, with more protocols in development and available in the future with free-of-charge software upgrades.

Multiple protocols can be captured and decoded, the only limit being the number of available channels (18 for MSO models). The ability to observe data flow across a bridge (such as CAN bus in, LIN bus out) is incredibly powerful.

The deep memory buffers make the PicoScope 2000B models ideal for serial decoding as it is possible to capture and decode many thousands of frames of data.

FFT spectrum analyzer

Increasing the number of points in a FFT to 1 million increases frequency resolution and reduces the noise floor.

FFT spectrum analyzer

The spectrum view plots amplitude against frequency, revealing details that would otherwise be hidden in an oscilloscope view. It is ideal for finding noise, crosstalk or distortion in signals.

You can display multiple spectrum views alongside oscilloscope views of the same data. A comprehensive set of automatic frequency-domain measurements can be added to the display, including THD, THD+N, SNR, SINAD and IMD. A mask limit test can be applied to a spectrum and you can even use the AWG and spectrum mode together to perform swept scalar network analysis.

With PicoScope 2000B models FFTs of up to 1 million points can be computed in milliseconds giving superb frequency resolution. Increasing the number of points in a FFT also lowers the noise floor revealing otherwise hidden signals.

PicoScope Arbitary Waveform Generator (AWG) editor

Arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) and function generator

All PicoScope 2000 Series oscilloscopes have a built-in function generator and arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) which output signals on a front panel BNC.

The function generator can produce sine, square, triangle and DC level waveforms, and many more besides, while the AWG allows you to import custom waveforms from data files or create and modify them using the built-in graphical AWG editor.

As well as level, offset and frequency controls, advanced options allow you to sweep over a range of frequencies. Combined with the advanced spectrum mode, with options including peak hold, averaging and linear/log axes, this creates a powerful tool for testing amplifier and filter responses.

PicoScope 2000B models have trigger options that allow one or more cycles of a waveform to be output when various conditions are met, such as the scope triggering or a mask limit test failing.

Frequency response analyzer / Bode plot

Frequency response analyzer / Bode plot

Download new features or write your own

The software development kit (SDK) allows you to write your own software and includes drivers for Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac (OS X) and Linux (including Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone).

Example code shows how to interface to third-party software packages such as Microsoft Excel, National Instruments LabVIEW and MathWorks MATLAB. 

There is also an active community of PicoScope users who share code and applications on the Pico forum and PicoApps section of the web site. The Frequency Response Analyzer shown opposite is one of the most popular 3rd party applications.

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TA375 Passive probe

sku Product SKU:  PIC-TA375

Passive oscilloscope probes

Our ergonomically designed passive oscilloscope probes are suitable for use with all major brands of oscilloscopes as well as the PicoScope range of USB Oscilloscopes. Passive probes don't require a power supply or batteries so are lightweight and easily portable.

Read our free guide: How to Tune x10 Oscilloscope Probes.

Passive oscilloscope probe: 100 MHz bandwidth 1:1/10:1 switchable, BNC

The TA375 is a passive switchable oscilloscope probe, with a probe bandwidth of 100 MHz. This probe is an upgraded version of our TA132 which includes many improvements to enhance durability, ease of use and performance, such as:

  • Redesigned probe tip allows removal and refitting of replacement tips
  • Replacement TA385 spring tips and TA384 rigid tips are available separately
  • Redesigned probe hook accessory fitting
  • Upgraded high durability probe cable

A passive oscilloscope probe with BNC connector with it's kit contents, cable coiled up.

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PicoScope 4x24

sku Product SKU:  PIC-4x24

12 bit oscilloscopes with optional IEPE interface

  • 2 or 4 channels
  • Optional IEPE interface (for accelerometers, microphones etc)
  • 12 bit resolution
  • 20 MHz bandwidth
  • 32 MS buffer memory
  • Serial decoding and mask testing as standard
  • USB connected and powered
  • Windows, Mac and Linux software

The Picoscope 4424 and 4224 offer both a high resolution (12 bits) and a high DC accuracy (1%) making them an excellent choice for noise, vibration, precision electronics and mechanical analysis.

The optional IEPE interface (see below) allows for the direct connection and powering of industry standard accelerometers and microphones.


High resolution offers 16x more detail

The PicoScope 4224 and 4424 are 12-bit oscilloscopes that offer 16 times more vertical resolution than traditional 8-bit oscilloscopes (4096 vertical levels vs 256). The example shows how with a 12-bit oscilloscope (blue trace) you can zoom in to reveal details of the signal that are not visible on an 8-bit oscilloscope (black trace).

As well as the high vertical resolution, the 32 million sample buffer memory ensures a high horizontal resolution as well. You can collect long detailed captures without the sampling rate dropping.

Once you have seen high-resolution waveforms on a high-resolution PC monitor you will never want to use a traditional benchtop oscilloscope with its small display again.

As well as improved oscilloscope traces, high resolution offers big benefits when performing spectrum analysis offering an additional 20 dB dynamic range on the spectrum over 8-bit oscilloscopes. Signals that were previously hidden in the noise floor are now clearly visible and the spectrum becomes a powerful tool to track down the causes of noise.


IEPE Interface

The PicoScope 4224 is available with an optional internal IEPE (integrated circuit piezoelectric) interface allowing for the direct connection and powering of industry standard accelerometers and microphones.  

When disabled the channels can be used as normal oscilloscope inputs. When IEPE is enabled (each channel has independent control via software) the input is AC coupled and a 24 V, 4 mA signal is output to power external sensors.

The high resolution and dynamic range of the 4224 makes it ideal for use with accelerometers and microphones. Having the IEPE interface built in makes for a compact, portable solution.


Advanced display

PicoScope software dedicates almost all of the display area to the waveform. This ensures that the maximum amount of data is seen at once. The viewing area is much bigger and of a higher resolution than with a traditional benchtop scope.

With a large display area available, you can also create a customizable split-screen display, and view multiple channels or different views of the same signal at the same time. As the example shows, the software can even show multiple oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer traces at once. Additionally, each waveform shown works with individual zoom, pan, and filter settings for ultimate flexibility.

The PicoScope software can be controlled by mouse, touchscreen or keyboard shortcuts.


FFT spectrum analyzer

FFT spectrum analyzer

The spectrum view plots amplitude vs frequency and is ideal for finding noise, crosstalk or distortion in signals. The spectrum analyzer in PicoScope is of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) type which, unlike a traditional swept spectrum analyzer, can display the spectrum of a single, non-repeating waveform.

A full range of settings gives you control over the number of spectrum bands (FFT bins), window types, scaling (including log/log) and display modes (instantaneous, average, or peak-hold).

You can display multiple spectrum views alongside oscilloscope views of the same data. A comprehensive set of automatic frequency-domain measurements can be added to the display, including THD, THD+N, SNR, SINAD and IMD. A mask limit test can be applied to a spectrum for automated testing.

More information on Spectrum analyzer >>


Picoscope 4424

Signal integrity

Most oscilloscopes are built down to a price. PicoScopes are built up to a specification.

Careful front-end design and shielding reduces noise, crosstalk and harmonic distortion. Years of oscilloscope design experience can be seen in improved bandwidth flatness and low distortion.

We are proud of the dynamic performance of our products and, unlike most oscilloscope manufacturers, we publish our specifications in detail. The result is simple: when you probe a circuit, you can trust in the waveform you see on the screen.


usb oscilloscope with IEPE interface


Pico Technology oscilloscopes are small, light and portable. In the lab they take up the minimum of bench space while for the engineer on the move they are small enough to fit in a bag with your laptop.

The USB connection makes printing, copying, saving, and emailing your data from the field quick and easy. The high-speed USB interface allows fast data transfer, while USB powering removes the need to carry around a bulky external power supply, making the scope even more portable for the engineer on the move.

The PicoScope 4424, 4224 and 4224 IEPE are supplied with software, documentation and USB cable. For the 4224 and 4424 a kit also containing oscilloscope probes and a carry case is available.

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PicoScope 4444

sku Product SKU:  PIC-4444

Key features

  • 4 fully differential high-impedance inputs
  • 20 MHz bandwidth
  • Flexible 12 and 14-bit resolution
  • 256 MS deep memory
  • Rejects common-mode noise
  • Interface for intelligent probes and clamps
  • Low-voltage probe for millivolts to 50 V
  • 1000 V CAT III probe for high-voltage applications

Typical applications

  • Non-ground-referenced measurements
  • Safe probing of single-phase and three-phase voltages and currents
  • Measuring power drawn by mobile and IoT devices
  • Mains quality testing
  • SMPS design
  • Hybrid and electric vehicle design
  • Motor drives and inverters
  • Biomedical electronics
  • Measuring differential signals (CAN, balanced audio) with a single channel


High end oscilloscope

High-end oscilloscope

At the heart of every PicoScope 4444 is an advanced oscilloscope that offers everything you would expect and much more, including:

  • 10 000 waveform circular buffer
  • Up to 100 000 waveforms per second update rate
  • Serial bus decoding
  • Mask limit testing
  • Advanced math and filtering
  • Measurements with statistics
  • Advanced digital triggering 
  • USB 3.0 connected and powered


Differential input oscilloscope

Intelligent differential inputs

With a traditional oscilloscope probe, single-ended measurements are made between a high-impedance input and a low-impedance ground.

With a differential oscilloscope, measurements are made between two high-impedance inputs, allowing measurements to be made across components and test points where neither side is grounded. Differential inputs also reject common-mode noise: noise picked up equally on both high-impedance inputs is rejected.

Each of the four input channels on the PicoScope 4444 features an intelligent probe interface that detects and identifies compatible probes, and powers them where necessary. Each channel can have its own choice of voltage or current probe.

Non-attenuating probes allow high-resolution, low-noise measurement of signals ranging from millivolts to ±50 V. Attenuating probes allow signals up to 1000 V CAT III to be measured. Current probes are available for currents up to 2000 A.


D9 to 4mm probe

PicoConnect 441: Measure from millivolts to ±50 V

The PicoConnect 441 differential voltage probes are suitable for voltages up to ±50 V (for higher voltages see the PicoConnect 442). The probes are fitted with industry-standard 4 mm connectors and supplied with detachable sprung hook probe tips. Other 4 mm accessories such as multimeter probes and crocodile clips are available separately.

As well as measuring non-grounded voltage signals, differential inputs are ideal for measuring current through sensing resistors. As neither side needs to be grounded, they can make high-side measurements. The sensitive input ranges, high resolution and fast sampling are ideal for measuring fast-changing currents in battery-powered and IoT devices.


Human heartbeat captured on oscilloscope

Human heartbeat captured on PicoScope 4444

The high-impedance, high-resolution inputs are also suited to biological and scientific research, as they allow measurements on low-level millivolt signals (2 mV/div at 12 bits) in the presence of common-mode noise without the need for expensive differential preamplifiers or differential oscilloscope probes. The probe is constructed with twinax cable (twisted-pair inner conductors with an outer shield) to ensure a high common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR). The outer screen of the cable can optionally be connected to a signal ground to improve rejection of common mode voltages and currents.

The PicoConnect 441 probes are also ideal for measuring differential signal sources such as CAN bus and balanced audio on a single channel, and can be used to directly measure from bridge-type sensors such as load cells and pressure sensors.


Switch mode power supply waveforms

PicoConnect 441 probes are ideal for work with low voltage SMPS, PicoConnect 442 (shown) for voltages up to 1000 V.


PicoConnect 442: 1000 V CAT III probes

The PicoConnect 442 is an attenuating differential voltage probe that increases the input range to 1000 V to allow the safe and cost-effective measurement of single-phase, three-phase and other signals, such as those found in motor drives and inverters.

The PicoConnect 442 probe requires no power supply or batteries. This makes it ideal for mains quality measurement and other long-term measurements.  

The differential inputs of the PicoScope 4444 allow each channel to measure signals with different common-mode voltages. As an example, consider the battery pack in an electric vehicle. You can measure across the whole pack using one channel set to an input range of ±500 V, and at the same time set the other channels to ±5 V to measure across individual cells. This arrangement allows you to take advantage of the full resolution of the oscilloscope.


2000A AC/DC current clamp

Three current probes with intelligent probe interface

Three different current probes are available with Pico D9 interfaces. TA300 and TA301 use the Hall effect to measure AC and DC currents without direct connection to the cable, and the TA368 uses the Rogowski principle for AC-only measurements. The intelligent probe interface powers the probes, so no batteries are required. It also means that when you connect either probe, the PicoScope software identifies it and configures the oscilloscope to read in amperes.

The TA300 current probe is a 40 A probe suitable for measuring signals from DC to 100 kHz. It is a precision probe for smaller currents and can resolve down to a few milliamps. 

Read more about the TA300 40 A AC/DC current probe

The TA301 current probe is a switched-range 200/2000 A probe suitable for measuring signals from DC to 20 kHz bandwidth. 

Read more about the TA301 2000 A AC/DC current probe

The TA368 current probe is a single-range 2000 A AC probe suited for measuring signals above DC to 20 kHz, and because the probe is rated to 1000 V CAT III, it is ideal for making mains current measurements.

Read more about the TA368 2000 A AC current probe

In addition to the above probes, Pico stocks a wide range of AC and DC current clamps with BNC connectors that can be connected to the PicoScope 4444 using the TA271 D9 to BNC adaptor.


High voltage oscilloscope kit

Powerful and portable

Just load the software, plug in the USB cable and you are up and running in minutes. Saving and printing are easy: PicoScope users can take copying waveforms into reports for granted.

On the bench, a PicoScope saves valuable space and can be placed right by the unit under test.

Laptop users benefit even more: with no power supply required you can now carry an oscilloscope with you all the time in your laptop bag. Perfect for the engineer on the move.

With our scopes, high-end features such as serial decoding, mask limit testing, advanced math channels and segmented memory are all included in the price.

To protect your investment, both the PC software and firmware inside the scope can be updated. Pico has a 26-year history of providing new features for free through software downloads. We deliver on our promises of future enhancements year after year.

Users of our products reward us by becoming lifelong customers and frequently recommending us to their colleagues.

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PicoScope 5000 Series

sku Product SKU:  PIC-5000-S

PicoScope 5000D MSO with hi-res waveform in the background

  • FlexRes 8 to 16-bit hardware resolution
  • Up to 200 MHz analog bandwidth
  • 1 GS/s sampling at 8-bit resolution
  • 62.5 MS/s sampling at 16-bit resolution
  • Up to 512 MS capture memory
  • 16 digital channels on MSO models
  • 130 000 waveforms per second
  • Built-in arbitrary waveform generator
  • 18 serial decoding protocols as standard
  • Up to 200 MHz spectrum analyzer

Today’s electronic designs employ a wide range of signal types: analog, digital, serial (both high- and low-speed), parallel, audio, video, power distribution and so on. All need to be debugged, measured and validated to ensure that the device under test is functioning correctly and within specification.

To handle this variety of signal types, PicoScope 5000D FlexRes hardware employs multiple high-resolution ADCs at the input channels in different time-interleaved and parallel combinations to optimize either the sampling rate to 1 GS/s at 8 bits, the resolution to 16 bits at 62.5 MS/s, or other combinations in between – you select the most appropriate hardware resolution for the requirements of each measurement.

2 and 4 channel models are available, all featuring a SuperSpeed USB 3.0 connection, providing lightning-fast saving of waveforms while retaining compatibility with older USB standards. The PicoSDK® software development kit supports continuous streaming to the host computer at rates up to 125 MS/s. The product is small and light, and operates silently thanks to its low-power fanless design.

Supported by the free-of-charge and regularly updated PicoScope 6 software, the PicoScope 5000D Series offers an ideal, cost-effective package for many applications, including design, research, test, education, service and repair. 

What is FlexRes?

Pico FlexRes flexible resolution oscilloscopes allow you to reconfigure the scope hardware to increase either the sampling rate or the resolution. This means you can reconfigure the hardware to be either a fast (1 GS/s) 8-bit oscilloscope for looking at digital signals, or a high-resolution 16-bit oscilloscope for audio work and other analog applications. Whether you’re capturing and decoding fast digital signals or looking for distortion in sensitive analog signals, FlexRes oscilloscopes are the answer.

PicoScope 5000D zoomed in on a PAL color burst video signal.

Deep capture memory

PicoScope 5000D Series oscilloscopes have waveform capture memories ranging from 128 to 512 million samples – many times larger than traditional benchtop scopes. Deep memory enables the capture of long-duration waveforms at maximum sampling speed. In fact, the PicoScope 5000D Series can capture waveforms over 500 ms long with 1 ns resolution. In contrast, the same 500 ms waveform captured by an oscilloscope with a 10 megasample memory would have just 50 ns resolution.

Deep memory can be useful in other ways too: PicoScope lets you divide the capture memory into a number of segments, up to a maximum of 10 000. You can set up a trigger condition to store a separate capture in each segment, with as little as 1 µs dead time between captures. Once you have acquired the data, you can step through the memory one segment at a time until you find the event you are looking for. Powerful tools are included to allow you to manage and examine all of this data. As well as functions such as mask limit testing and color persistence mode, PicoScope 6 software enables you to zoom into your waveform by a factor of several million. The Zoom Overview window allows you to easily control the size and location of the zoom area.

Other tools, such as DeepMeasureTM, serial decoding and hardware acceleration work with the deep memory, making the PicoScope 5000D Series among the most powerful oscilloscopes on the market.

PicoScope 5000D MSO showing both analog and digital channels

Mixed-signal models

The PicoScope 5000D MSO models add 16 digital channels to the 2 or 4 analog channels, enabling you to accurately time-correlate analog and digital channels. Digital channels may be grouped and displayed as a bus, with each bus value displayed in hex, binary or decimal or as a level (for DAC testing). You can set advanced triggers across both the analog and digital channels. The digital channels can also be used as sources for the serial decoders, giving up to 20 channels of data – for example decoding multiple SPI, I²C, CAN bus, LIN bus and FlexRay signals all at the same time.

PicoScope 5000D pulse width triggering setup menu

Advanced digital triggering

The PicoScope 5000D Series offers an industry-leading set of advanced triggers including pulse width, runt pulse, windowed and dropout. 

PicoScope 5000D MSO logic trigger setup menu

The digital trigger available on MSO models allows you to trigger the scope when any or all of the 16 digital inputs match a user-defined pattern. You can specify a condition for each channel individually, or set up a pattern for all channels at once using a hexadecimal or binary value. You can also use the logic trigger to combine the digital trigger with an edge or window trigger on any of the analog inputs, for example to trigger on data values in a clocked parallel bus.

PicoScope 5000D built-in Arbitrary Waveform Generator

Arbitrary waveform and function generator

All PicoScope 5000D units have a built in 14-bit 200 MS/s arbitrary waveform generator (AWG). You can create and adapt arbitrary waveforms using the built-in editor, import them from existing oscilloscope traces, or load a waveform from a spreadsheet.

PicoScope 5000D Function Generator

The AWG can also act as a function generator with a range of standard output signals, including sine, square, triangle, DC level, white noise and PRBS. As well as the basic controls to set level, offset and frequency, more advanced controls allow you to sweep over a range of frequencies.

Combined with the spectrum peak hold option, this makes a powerful tool for testing amplifier and filter responses. Trigger tools allow you to output one or more cycles of a waveform when various conditions are met, such as the scope triggering or a mask limit test failing.

Gain & phase plot using FRA for PicoScope application

Software Development Kit - write your own apps

The software development kit (SDK) allows you to write your own software and includes drivers for Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac (macOS) and Linux (including Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone).

Example code shows how to interface to third-party software packages such as Microsoft Excel, National Instruments LabVIEW and MathWorks MATLAB. 

There is also an active community of PicoScope users who share code and applications on the Pico forum and PicoApps section of the web site. The Frequency Response Analyzer shown opposite is one of the most popular third-party applications.

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PicoScope 4262

sku Product SKU:  PIC-4262

A digital oscilloscope for the analog world

16 bit oscilloscope

  • Dual channel oscilloscope / spectrum analyzer
  • 16-bit resolution
  • Low distortion (96 dB SFDR)
  • Low noise (8.5 µV RMS)
  • 5 MHz bandwidth
  • 16 MS buffer memory
  • Low-distortion signal generator
  • Arbitrary waveform generator
  • USB powered

Most digital oscilloscopes have been designed for viewing fast digital signals. The trend has been to use new technology solely to increase sampling rate and bandwidth. With the PicoScope 4262, however, we have focused on what’s important for measuring analog signals: increasing the resolution, improving dynamic range, and reducing noise and distortion.

The result is an oscilloscope / FFT analyzer that has a level of performance to put most audio analyzers to shame yet has a 5 MHz bandwidth making it equally suitable for vibration and ultrasound signals as well as a wide range of precision measurement tasks.

Many applications such as vibration analysis require long captures at high sampling rates, which requires a deep capture memory. The PicoScope 4262 has a 16 million sample buffer memory so can capture at 10 MS/s for timebases as long as 100 ms/div. If you require longer times, the USB streaming mode can sample directly into PC memory.

Advanced display

PicoScope software dedicates almost all of the display area to the waveform. This ensures that the maximum amount of data is seen at once. The viewing area is much bigger and of a higher resolution than with a traditional benchtop scope.

With a large display area available, you can also create a customizable split-screen display, and view multiple channels or different views of the same signal at the same time. As the example shows, the software can even show multiple oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer traces at once. Additionally, each waveform shown works with individual zoom, pan, and filter settings for ultimate flexibility.

The PicoScope software can be controlled by mouse, touchscreen or keyboard shortcuts.

FFT spectrum analyzer

The spectrum view plots amplitude vs frequency and is ideal for finding noise, crosstalk or distortion in signals. The spectrum analyzer in PicoScope is of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) type which, unlike a traditional swept spectrum analyzer, can display the spectrum of a single, non-repeating waveform.

A full range of settings gives you control over the number of spectrum bands (FFT bins), window types, scaling (including log/log) and display modes (instantaneous, average, or peak-hold).

You can display multiple spectrum views alongside oscilloscope views of the same data. A comprehensive set of automatic frequency-domain measurements can be added to the display, including THD, THD+N, SNR, SINAD and IMD. A mask limit test can be applied to a spectrum and you can even use the AWG and spectrum mode together to perform swept scalar network analysis.

More information on Spectrum analyzer >>

arbitrary waveform editor

Arbitrary waveform and function generator

The PicoScope 4262 has a built-in 20 kHz function generator (sine, square, triangle, DC voltage, ramp, sinc, Gaussian, half–sine, white noise and PRBS). The function generator offers an outstanding sine wave distortion performance of 102 dB SFDR.

As well as basic controls to set level, offset and frequency, more advanced controls allow you to sweep over a range of frequencies. Combined with the spectrum peak hold option this makes a powerful tool for testing amplifier and filter responses.

Trigger tools allow one or more cycles of a waveform to be output when various conditions are met such as the scope triggering or a mask limit test failing.

As well as the standard waveforms available from the function generator, custom waveforms can be created using the 16 bit / 192 kS/s arbitrary waveform generator (AWG). AWG waveforms can be created or edited using the built-in editor, imported from oscilloscope traces, or loaded from a spreadsheet.

More information on Arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) >>

High signal integrity

Most oscilloscopes are built down to a price. Ours are built up to a specification.

Careful front-end design and shielding reduces noise, crosstalk and harmonic distortion. Over 20 years of high resolution oscilloscope design experience leads to improved pulse response and bandwidth flatness.

We are proud of the dynamic performance of our products and publish these specifications in detail. The result is simple: when you probe a circuit, you can trust in the waveform you see on the screen.


The PicoScope 4262 oscilloscope is small, light and portable and requires no external power supply.  

In the lab they take up the minimum of bench space while for the engineer on the move they slip neatly into a laptop bag.

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