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PicoSourceAS108 8 GHz Agile Synthesizer
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PicoSource AS108 Overview

three-quarter view of AS108 Agile Synthesizer shown with PC software screenshot

Professional and portable performance at low cost

The PicoSource™ AS108 Agile Synthesizer generates signals to meet the needs of both benchtop and integrated module applications. Its broad 300 kHz to 8 GHz frequency range, fast settling and programmable phase, frequency and amplitude match it to a wide range of applications, with the added advantages of low cost, small footprint and 12 to 15 V power requirement. 

The AS108 has professional-grade performance that is effective in both static and parameter-agile applications, making it a bench or field instrument for developers, scientists, educators, students, and service and installation technicians. Its speed, external clock referencing, trigger capabilities and user-programmable power-up mode all suited to system integrations such as automated test, unmanned installations and multi-signal stimulus.

The AS108 is a full-function USB-controlled vector (IQ) modulating signal synthesizer. It is supplied with a clean, easy and efficient user interface for controlling its amplitude, frequency and phase agility; including modulations, sweeps, hopping and list modes from Microsoft Windows. Multiple synthesizers can be controlled from multiple instances of the software running on a single controlling PC or device. Remote control is also possible using the API included.

PicoSource AS108 Features

Specification highlights

  • 300 kHz to 8 GHz operation
  • –15 dBm to +15 dBm dynamic range
  • Fast 55 μs frequency settling time to 10 ppm
  • Fast amplitude settling: < 25 μs to 1 dB and < 200 μs to 0.1 dB
  • Sweep, hop and list of frequency and level or list phase and level
  • −100 dBc/Hz phase noise typical at 1 GHz and 10 kHz offset

Powerful and Capable

  • FM, ØM, and AM modulation, internal sine or external input
  • External reference clock I/O and trigger I/O
  • Use sweep lists to emulate schemes such as QPSK, QAM, ASK, and FSK
  • Adjustable dwell and trigger sweep or trigger next point modes
  • Work in and convert units of measurement to suit application
  • Programming examples for LabVIEW, C, C#, Python, and MATLAB
  • Suited to bench, field, and system integration applications
  • USB-controlled from a Windows PC, display, or tablet
  • Touch, mouse, keyboard, or remote interface software (API included)
  • Multi-unit operation with synchronised modulation, sweeps, hops, and lists
  • Configurable stand-alone operation mode
  • Remote control operation

The PicoSource AS108 is supplied with a DLL that allows you to control the device from C and C-compatible languages and applications such as C++, C#, Python, Keysight VEE, National Instruments LabVIEW, and MathWorks MATLAB.

Download the SDK (go to PicoSource > PicoSource AS108 > Software > PicoSynth 2).

Multiple Device Operation
You can control multiple AS108 signal synthesizers from a single PC by running multiple instances of the PicoSynth 2 software. Each time you start a new instance of PicoSynth 2, it will list all compatible connected devices that are not yet being controlled. You can then select any device in the list for connection.

Demonstration Mode
The “User Interface Demo” device is always available in this list and allows PicoSynth 2 to run for demonstration purposes without a connected device. You can use this mode to try out the software before purchasing a device.

PicoSource AS108 Software

PicoSynth 2 Software
The PicoSynth 2 software provides a clean, efficient, touchscreen-compatible user interface for direct and convenient access to synthesis parameters. These can be entered manually, scrolled, or stepped by a configurable increment value, in a selectable unit of measurement such as dBm, mW, V RMS, V pk-pk, degrees, or radians. Its flexibility matches or exceeds that of the traditional control panel of a benchtop synthesiser.

The controls are organised into three independent parameter tabs, each holding separate settings for convenient mode switching:

  • Carrier wave and basic modulations
  • Sweep or hopping of parameters
  • Arbitrary list of parameters

Carrier Wave and Basic Modulations

Set the carrier wave frequency, level, and phase using typed values, scrolled digits, or by stepping by an increment of your choice, then enable the output. When required, add frequency (FM), phase (ØM or PM), or amplitude (AM) modulation using internal sine modulation synthesis or an external DC-coupled source connected to the front-panel BNC interface. Modulations are derived from digital IQ modulation, and the external trigger output (rear-panel BNC) is synchronised with the internal modulation source.

Sweep or Hop Parameters

Set up sweeps and hops between two parameter values: start of sweep and end of sweep (stop). Either can be the higher value. Set the number of points in a sweep (between 2 and 10,001 points). The dwell time then defines how long each point in the sweep will be output. PicoSynth calculates and displays the duration of the entire sweep and the linear step size between each point. A bidirectional sweep moves from the start to stop and back to start in a single cycle. A hop is a simplified version of a sweep with only two parameter values that alternate.

The AS108 can sweep or hop the frequency, level, or phase parameter. It can also sweep or hop two parameters simultaneously: frequency and level, or phase and level. This allows, for example, a simple linear flatness or loss-compensating profile to be applied to a sweep or hop, such as increasing output level as frequency increases. The example shown applies a 5 dBm increase in level as the frequency sweeps from 1 GHz to 2 GHz. Sweeps and hops can be synchronised to external events and instruments using the external trigger input and output (rear-panel BNCs) or software trigger. Triggering can occur at the start of a sweep or at each new point in the sweep. This synchronisation flexibility is particularly valuable for high-speed system sequencing, such as in high-speed testing.

Arbitrary Parameter List

Import a parameter list file to generate an arbitrary sequence of frequency/level or phase/level points. The file is in a straightforward comma-separated values (CSV) format, which can be created using any text editor or exported from a spreadsheet program.

PicoSynth 2 displays a summary of the file contents to help verify the correct file has been selected. You can program the dwell time (time between points) and trigger mode.

Save, Recall, and Other Settings

Parameter step increment values, along with saving and recalling user settings, are found under the Settings tab.

You can also save a modified or custom power-up setting to the device, allowing the signal source to power up in a known state without requiring further connection or control via USB.

For more information, please click here

PicoSource AS108 Manuals

Resource Language Version Size Updated
Data Sheets:
PicoSource AS108 Agile Synthesizer Data Sheet English 6 2 MB July 13 2020
User’s Guides:
PicoSource AS108 Agile Synthesizer User’s Guide   2 4 MB September 15 2022
Programmer’s Guides:
PicoSource AS108 Agile Synthesizer Programmer’s Guide English 2 1 MB October 12 2023
Quick Start Guides:
PicoSource AS108 Agile Synthesizer Quick Start Guide English 1 444 KB December 18 2018
PicoSource AS108 Agile Synthesizer EU Declaration of Conformity English 1 268 KB February 22 2019