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PicoLog 1000 Series

sku Product SKU:  PIC-LOG1000-S


The PicoLog 1000 Series is the result of a distinguished lineage that goes back to the release of our first multichannel data logger — the ADC-11 — in 1993. The original ADC-11, and its successor the USB ADC-11, proved to be the perfect choice for users wanting a low–cost way to measure and record multiple signals. The PicoLog 1000 Series builds on this success to give you the same low-cost data acquisition but with greater power and performance. (Because the ADC-11 was so popular we’ve also added a USB ADC-11 compatibility mode which allows you to use your PicoLog 1000 logger as a direct replacement to the USB ADC-11.)

Data logger terminal board


The budget model PicoLog 1012 has 12 input channels and 10 bit resolution. The powerful PicoLog 1216 has 16 channels and 12 bit resolution. Need more channels? No problem. Using PicoLog you can connect up to 4 Pico data loggers to one PC — giving you a potential 64 channel PicoLog 1000 Series data acquisition system, or the ability to use your PicoLog 1000 logger with other devices such as the USB TC-08 Thermocouple Data Logger.


The optional terminal board has screw terminals to allow sensor wires to be attached to the data logger without soldering. The terminal board also has locations where you can fit resistors to offset and extend the input ranges of the logger.

16 channel picoscope


With 10 or 12-bit resolution and multiple sampling modes, a PicoLog 1000 Series logger will meet your data logging needs. The PicoLog 1000 Series has 3 sampling modes: Streaming mode allows channel voltage readings to be logged continuously at up to 100 kS/s, while block mode captures up to the full 1 MS/s  sample rate of the logger for a duration limited by the 8000 sample buffer, both these speeds applying to single-channel operation. The PicoLog application provides an extra mode, real-time continuous sampling, which provides averaged, time-accurate readings with automatic measurements at up to 1 kS/s on any number of channels.

ZAR -1

PicoScope 2000 Series

sku Product SKU:  PIC-2000-S

USB oscilloscopes & mixed signal oscilloscopes

  • 2 channel, 4 channel and MSO models
  • 6 instruments in one
  • Ultra-compact design
  • Up to 100 MHz bandwidth
  • Up to 128 MS buffer memory
  • Decode 16 serial protocols as standard
  • USB connected and powered
  • Windows, Linux and Mac software

PicoScope 2000 Series 4-channel oscilloscope

Your complete test & measurement laboratory

You can use your PicoScope 2000 Series as an advanced oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, function generator, arbitrary waveform generator and protocol decoder out of the box. Mixed signal models also add a 16 channel logic analyzer. A complete electronics lab in one compact, low-cost, USB-powered unit.

The PicoScope 2000A models deliver unbeatable value for money and are ideal for education, hobby and field service use. In the lab the low cost allows one scope per person rather than having to share.

The PicoScope 2000B models have the added benefits of deep memory (up to 128 MS), higher bandwidth (up to 100 MHz) and faster waveform update rates. PicoScope 2000B models give you the performance to carry out advanced analysis of your waveforms. They are ideal for design, debug and serial decoding.

The Configure Your Scope panel on the left gives a quick guide to the models, specifications and prices.

High end oscilloscope

Oscilloscope display showing zoom, rulers and measurements

High-end oscilloscope

At the heart of every PicoScope 2000 is an advanced oscilloscope which offers everything you would expect and much more besides:

  • 10,000 waveform circular buffer
  • Up to 80,000 waveforms per second update rate
  • Mask limit testing
  • Advanced math & filtering
  • Measurements with statistics
  • Advanced digital triggering 
  • Resolution enhancement to 12 bits

mixed signal pc oscilloscope (MSO)

Logic analyzer / mixed signal ability

The PicoScope 2000 Series includes mixed signal models that include 16 digital inputs so that you can view digital and analog signals simultaneously.

The digital inputs can be displayed individually or in named groups with binary, decimal or hexadecimal values shown in a bus-style display. A separate logic threshold from –5 V to +5 V can be defined for each 8-bit input port. The digital trigger can be activated by any bit pattern combined with an optional transition on any input. Advanced logic triggers can be set on either the analog or digital input channels, or both to enable complex mixed-signal triggering.

The digital inputs bring extra power to the serial decoding options.  You can decode serial data on all analog and digital channels simultaneously, giving you up to 18 channels of data.  You can for example decode multiple SPI, I²C, CAN bus, LIN bus and FlexRay signals all at the same time!

Mixed Signal Oscilloscope / Logic Analyzer (roll over red circles for description)

Serial bus decoding and protocol analysis

PicoScope can decodev 1-Wire, ARINC 429, CAN, DCC, DMX512, Ethernet,  FlexRay, I²C, I²S, LIN, PS/2, SENT, SPI, UART (RS-232 / RS-422 / RS-485), and USB 1.1 protocol data as standard, with more protocols in development and available in the future with free-of-charge software upgrades.

Multiple protocols can be captured and decoded, the only limit being the number of available channels (18 for MSO models). The ability to observe data flow across a bridge (such as CAN bus in, LIN bus out) is incredibly powerful.

The deep memory buffers make the PicoScope 2000B models ideal for serial decoding as it is possible to capture and decode many thousands of frames of data.

FFT spectrum analyzer

Increasing the number of points in a FFT to 1 million increases frequency resolution and reduces the noise floor.

FFT spectrum analyzer

The spectrum view plots amplitude against frequency, revealing details that would otherwise be hidden in an oscilloscope view. It is ideal for finding noise, crosstalk or distortion in signals.

You can display multiple spectrum views alongside oscilloscope views of the same data. A comprehensive set of automatic frequency-domain measurements can be added to the display, including THD, THD+N, SNR, SINAD and IMD. A mask limit test can be applied to a spectrum and you can even use the AWG and spectrum mode together to perform swept scalar network analysis.

With PicoScope 2000B models FFTs of up to 1 million points can be computed in milliseconds giving superb frequency resolution. Increasing the number of points in a FFT also lowers the noise floor revealing otherwise hidden signals.

PicoScope Arbitary Waveform Generator (AWG) editor

Arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) and function generator

All PicoScope 2000 Series oscilloscopes have a built-in function generator and arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) which output signals on a front panel BNC.

The function generator can produce sine, square, triangle and DC level waveforms, and many more besides, while the AWG allows you to import custom waveforms from data files or create and modify them using the built-in graphical AWG editor.

As well as level, offset and frequency controls, advanced options allow you to sweep over a range of frequencies. Combined with the advanced spectrum mode, with options including peak hold, averaging and linear/log axes, this creates a powerful tool for testing amplifier and filter responses.

PicoScope 2000B models have trigger options that allow one or more cycles of a waveform to be output when various conditions are met, such as the scope triggering or a mask limit test failing.

Frequency response analyzer / Bode plot

Frequency response analyzer / Bode plot

Download new features or write your own

The software development kit (SDK) allows you to write your own software and includes drivers for Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac (OS X) and Linux (including Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone).

Example code shows how to interface to third-party software packages such as Microsoft Excel, National Instruments LabVIEW and MathWorks MATLAB. 

There is also an active community of PicoScope users who share code and applications on the Pico forum and PicoApps section of the web site. The Frequency Response Analyzer shown opposite is one of the most popular 3rd party applications.

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