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Qty: {{cartItem.Quantity | number : 2}}

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{{cartItem.ProductName}} {{cartItem.ProductName}}
SKU: {{cartItem.ProductSku}}
{{cartItem.Quantity | number : 2}}
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{{cartItem.ProductName}} {{cartItem.ProductName}}
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{{cartItem.Quantity | number : 2}}
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{{cartItem.ProductSku}} {{cartItem.ProductName}} {{cartItem.UnitCost | currency : 'R' : 2}} {{cartItem.Quantity | number : 2}} {{cartItem.UnitCost * cartItem.Quantity | currency : 'R' : 2}}
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Fluke 500 Series Battery Analyzer

sku Product SKU:  FLK-BT500s

Product overview: Fluke 500 Series Battery Analyzer

Reduced testing complexity, a simplified workflow and an intuitive user interface provide a new level of ease-of-use in battery testing.

  • The ideal test tool for maintenance, troubleshooting and performance testing of individual stationary batteries and battery banks used in critical battery back-up applications
  • The intuitive user interface, compact design and rugged construction ensure optimum performance, test results and reliability
  • Covers a broad range of battery test functions ranging from DC voltage and resistance tests to full condition testing using automated string function testing and the test probe integrated infra-red temperature measurement system
  • Designed for measurements on stationary batteries of all types.

Voltage and Resistance Thresholds

Fluke Battery Analyzers allow you to quickly and easily define upper and lower measurement thresholds or tolerance ranges. During the testing process, measured values are automatically compared to the predefined threshold levels producing a PASS, FAIL or WARN indication after each measurement. A maximum of 10 sets of thresholds can be stored and threshold indications are determined based on the following criterion:

Voltage Resistance
> Voltage Lower < Voltage Lower < Reference > Reference and Reference x (1+Warning %) > Reference x (1+Fail)
Pass Fail Pass Warning Fail

Fluke Battery Management Software

Fluke Battery Management Software Easily allows you to quickly and easily import data from the battery analyzer to a PC. The measurement data and battery profile information is stored and archived with the Management Software and can be used compare results, switch results between conductance and resistance readings and perform trend analysis. All measurement data, battery profile and analysis information can be used to easily generate reports.

  • Quick view saved readings
  • Profile management
  • Histogram of a battery string with end user-defined threshold
  • Historical trend data of batteries
  • Multiple rounds of discharge voltage
  • Quick Report Generation
  • Upgrade Fluke Battery Analyzer firmware
  • Switch measurement results between conductance and resistance readings

Fluke Battery Analyze mobile app

The BT521 offers wireless communication for data download and remote display while measuring via the dedicated Fluke Battery Analyzer mobile app (note: the Fluke BT521 is not currently Fluke Connect compatible). Using the Fluke Battery Analyze mobile app you can:

  • Browse profile
  • Review sequence testing data
  • E-mail sequence testing data

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