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Fluke 110 True-rms Digital Multimeter - Limited Stock
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Personal Greeting

Product overview: Fluke 110 True-rms Digital Multimeter

Compact true-rms meter for accurate electrical installation and troubleshooting

The Fluke 110 is a versatile multimeter for electrical measurements and troubleshooting. Trusted by residential and commercial electricians for troubleshooting and maintenance. The 110 is for professional use, where true-rms accuracy is needed.

Key product capabilities

  • True-rms ac voltage for accurate measurements on non-linear signals
  • Large white LED backlight to work in poorly lit areas
  • Resistance and continuity
  • Min/Max/Average to record signal fluctuations
  • CAT III 600 V safety rated

Specifications: Fluke 110 True-rms Digital Multimeter

Accuracy is specified for 1 year after calibration, at operating temperatures of 18 °C to 28 °C, with relative humidity at 0 % to 90 %. The accuracy specifications take the form of: ± ( [ % of Reading ] + [ Counts ] )

General specifications
Maximum voltage (between any terminal and earth ground) 600V
Safety IEC 61010-1, Pollution degree 2
IEC 61010-2-033, CAT III 600 V
Display Digital: 6,000 counts, updates 4/sec
Bar graph 33 segments, updates 32/sec
-10 °C to + 50 °C
-40 °C to + 60 °C
Battery 9 volt Alkaline, IEC 6LR61
Battery life 400 hours typical, without backlight
Measurement Range Resolution Accuracy ± ([% of reading] + [counts])
DC millivolts 600.0 mV 0.1 mV 0.5 % + 2
DC volts 6.000 V
60.00 V
600.0 V
0.001 V
0.01 V
0.1 V
0.5 % + 2
Measurement Range Resolution Accuracy ± ([% of reading] + [counts])
AC millivolts1 true-rms 600.0 mV 0.1 mV 1.0 % + 3 (dc, 45 Hz to 500 Hz)
2.0 % + 3 (500 Hz to 1 kHz)
AC volts1 true-rms 6.000 V
60.00 V
600.0 V
0.001 V
0.01 V
0.1 V
1.0 % + 3 (dc, 45 Hz to 500 Hz) 2.0 % + 3 (500 Hz to 1 kHz)
Continuity 600 Ω 1 Ω Beeper on < 20 Ω, off> 250 Ω; detects opens or shorts of 500 μs or longer.
Ohms 600.0 Ω 0.1 Ω 0.9 % + 2
6.000 kΩ
60.00 kΩ
600.0 kΩ
6.000 MΩ
0.001 kΩ
0.01 kΩ
0.1 kΩ
0.001 MΩ
0.9 % + 1
40.00 MΩ 0.01 MΩ 5 % + 2

1All ac voltage ranges are specified from 1 % to 100% of range. Because inputs below 1 % of the range are not specified, it is normal for this and other true-rms meters to display non-zero readings when the test leads are disconnected from a circuit or are shorted together. For volts, the crest factor of ≤ 3 at 4000 counts, decreasing linearly to 1.5 at full scale. AC volts is ac-coupled.

  • True-rms ac voltage for accurate measurements on non-linear signals
  • Resistance and continuity
  • Large white LED backlight to work in poorly lit areas

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