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Comtest Store RFQ

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molstic-L Mounting Systems

sku Product SKU:  FCL-molstic-L

molstics provide a quick connector input for convenient connection to the gas supply. This is followed by a 2 micron (0.5 micron for low flow) filter to protect the downstream components. Then, an adjustable regulator sets and regulates optimum molbloc upstream pressure and protects the molbox transducers against accidental overpressure. The regulator range supports all standard molbloc operating pressure ranges. A bellows shut-off valve, just before the molbloc, allows the gas supply to be shut-off for configuration changes and/or system leak checking.

Special cradles support the molbloc(s). A connection and pads are provided downstream of the molbloc for mounting the MFC (mass flow controller), another device under test, or the optional metering valve kit for manual flow control.

Single channel molstics are available to accommodate single molblocs. Dual channel models allow two molblocs to be mounted simultaneously to switch between two different molbloc ranges without changing hardware or to take advantage of molbox1+'s capability to run two molblocs in parallel.

There are low, mid and high flow versions of molstic. Low flow molstics use a unique, very high stability pressure regulator and minimize dead volumes. They are required for effective use of 2E2-L and lower molblocs and can be used up to the 1E3-L molbloc size. The mid flow molstics cover the ranges of all the molblocs from as low 2E2-L up to the 3E4-L. The high flow molstic is required for the 1E5-L (100 slm) molbloc and supports that molbloc only.


ZAR -1

molbox RFM Reference Flow Monitor

sku Product SKU:  FCL-molbox RFM

molstics provide a quick connector input for convenient connection to the gas supply. This is followed by a 2 micron (0.5 micron for low flow) filter to protect the downstream components. Then, an adjustable regulator sets and regulates optimum molbloc upstream pressure and protects the molbox transducers against accidental overpressure. The regulator range supports all standard molbloc operating pressure ranges. A bellows shut-off valve, just before the molbloc, allows the gas supply to be shut-off for configuration changes and/or system leak checking.

Special cradles support the molbloc(s). A connection and pads are provided downstream of the molbloc for mounting the MFC (mass flow controller), another device under test, or the optional metering valve kit for manual flow control.

Single channel molstics are available to accommodate single molblocs. Dual channel models allow two molblocs to be mounted simultaneously to switch between two different molbloc ranges without changing hardware or to take advantage of molbox1+'s capability to run two molblocs in parallel.

There are low, mid and high flow versions of molstic. Low flow molstics use a unique, very high stability pressure regulator and minimize dead volumes. They are required for effective use of 2E2-L and lower molblocs and can be used up to the 1E3-L molbloc size. The mid flow molstics cover the ranges of all the molblocs from as low 2E2-L up to the 3E4-L. The high flow molstic is required for the 1E5-L (100 slm) molbloc and supports that molbloc only.


ZAR -1

molstic-S Mounting System

sku Product SKU:  FCL-molstic-S

A key benefit of its modular design is that molstic-S can be used for testing devices in either the upstream or downstream position. The optional, adjustable DUT stand (P/N 401934) accommodates large DUTs that do not fit on the molstic-S.

molstic-S is available in either 1/2 inch or 1/4 inch system plumbing sizes. The 1/4 inch size is dedicated to the molbloc-S elements designated 1E2-S and lower, and the 1/2 inch size is for the 2E2-S through 2E3-S elements. All molstic-S platforms come with integrated flow shut-off/metering valves. This allows for system leak testing and provides a means of flow control (if required by DUT type). Optional high resolution metering valve kits are available for use with the 1/4 inch molstic-S in order to obtain finer flow control capability.


Because molbloc-S operates in the critical flow regime, test devices that have flow control capability must be installed upstream of the molbloc-S in order to control flow.

Devices that are to be calibrated at atmospheric pressure are generally installed downstream of the molbloc-S. molstic-S is built modularly in order to provide this flexibility.

Inlet gas supply pressure regulation is vitally important in order to protect the molbox pressure transducers. Therefore, it is recommended that the molstic-S Supply Only molstic be used upstream of test devices that have flow control capability and that the pressure reducing regulator option be installed on the molstic-S when calibrating devices that operate at atmospheric pressure. An optional back pressure regulator can be installed on the molstic-S to provide control of an upstream DUTs downstream pressure.

molstic-S™ provides an engineered solution to the practical issues of mounting molbloc-S® mass flow elements, connecting a gas supply, regulating the operating pressure and connecting the device under test (DUT). A filter is included on the 1/4 inch molstic-S to protect the smaller molbloc-S elements from contamination. Highest quality components are integrated into a convenient, compact, modular assembly to assure optimum molbloc®/molbox™ performance.

The single channel molstic-S is designed to accommodate one molbloc-S element. The dual channel allows two molbloc-S elements to be simultaneously mounted, allowing use of two ranges without changing hardware during a test. In addition, the outlet of the two molbloc-S elements can be plumbed in parallel using the downstream tee assembly (P/N 401884) in order to obtain additional flow range capacity when using a two-channel molbox1+.


ZAR -1

MFC-CB Control Box

sku Product SKU:  FCL-MFC-CB


MFC-CB is a compact and versatile, stand alone unit for setting and reading analog mass flow controller (MFC) and mass flow meter (MFM) instruments. Its front panel keypad and display make it suitable for manual, bench top operation. It also integrates into automated, computer controlled systems using its RS-232 or IEEE-488 interface.

MFC-CB is the standard analog voltage and current setting and measuring component in Fluke Calibration molbox RFM™ flow calibration systems. It can also be useful as a stand alone device in a variety of measurement and test systems that use an analog mass flow controller or mass flow meter.

MFC-CB is a stand alone control unit for setting and reading voltage and current to and from MFCs and MFMs on two channels simultaneously. An optional MFC Switchbox allows switching between up to five devices on each channel that can all be continuously powered.

A 4 x 4 keypad and 2 x 20 character display support local operation. Standard RS-232 and IEEE-488 interfaces allow remote communication. An additional RS232 interface (COM2), is available for pass through communications to another device.

Current measurements are made by dropping the voltage over a precision 250 ohm resistor.

The set point output is automatically corrected based on an independent sense line measurement at the device being set.

MFC-CB uses MFC profiles as a convenient way to support advanced features. MFC profiles specify electrical signal and flow range allowing MFC-CB to support set point entry and measurement display in electrical, % FS or flow units. In addition, two units of measure can be displayed simultaneously and the sum, difference and ratio of the two control channels can be determined. MFC gas conversion factors can also be entered and applied automatically.

  • Set and read gas mass flow controller and mass flow meter instruments
  • Set and read 0 to 5 V or 4 to 20 mA on two (2) channels simultaneously
  • Complete front panel local control and remote operation via RS-232 and IEEE-488 interfaces
  • Includes advanced features such as two (2) channel sum, difference and ratio
  • Displays in V, mA, % FS and flow units
  • Handles gas conversion (K) factors automatically
  • Switch each channel between five (5) channels using an MFC Switchbox™
  • Common look, feel and protocol with other molbloc/ molbox™ flow products
  • Compatible with COMPASS® for molbox software to set up automated molbloc/molbox based flow systems

ZAR -1