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Comtest Store RFQ

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Ametek Battery Sting Simulator (BBS)

sku Product SKU:  AME-BSS

The Elgar Battery String Simulators (BSS) provide safe, reliable battery power for spacecraft testing. The broad range of features available ensures simulation capabilities for more than just two terminal power. It's the ideal solution for complete integrated system testing, not just battery elimination.

The BSS behavior is determined by a charge table, in spreadsheet format, specific for a battery topology and various battery conditions. Many charge tables can be stored on the computer hard drive for easy retrieval.

The BSS operates in two modes, static and dynamic. In the static mode, when a state-of-charge value is entered, the BSS will instantly produce the terminal voltage corresponding to that state-of-charge. Because of this programmable flexibility, time consuming discharge cycles of flight test batteries are eliminated. In the dynamic mode, once a state-of- charge start point is entered, the BSS will monitor the charge and discharge energies being impressed on the "battery" and modify the terminal voltage accordingly.

Single or dual battery pack simulator versions are available with discharge currents of up to 150A and charge currents of up to 50A per battery. In addition, optional sensor simulators (including thermistor, pressure transducer, and heater loads outputs) allow closed loop input to the Spacecraft Power Regulator for true battery emulation. As with the SAS systems, each Battery Simulator System is a fully integrated, turn-key system using a Windows Graphical User Interface and hardware control software. This control is accomplished via a standard ethernet or optional GPIB interface using standard SCPI format commands.

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Ametek Solar Array Simulator (SAS)

sku Product SKU:  AME-SAS

A spacecraft solar array is subjected to large temperature excursions, varying insolation (the amount of sunlight falling on the array), mechanical changes and aging, which substantially effect both its short and long term performance. In order to test the spacecraft's power environment, a cost-effective solution for ground based testing is to utilize a solar array simulator.

The Elgar SAS system reproduces all possible solar array outputs, based on the wide variety of input conditions that an array faces, including orbital rotation, spin, axis alignment, eclipse events, beginning-of-life and end-of-life operation. The SAS also provides complete programmable control of all the parameters that shape the solar cell I/V output curve. By being able to accurately simulate solar panels under various space conditions with complete control, a system developer can comprehensively verify design margins and quickly test, in production, spacecraft power systems and their associated electronics.

Each Solar Array Simulator is a fully integrated, turn-key system complete with Windows NT graphical user interface and hardware control software. It can be remotely controlled and addressable as a single device when integrated into a customer's test system. This control is accomplished via a standard ethernet or optional GPIB interface using standard SCPI format commands.

As a very important consideration in spacecraft testing, discrete hardware protection systems are a standard part of every SAS. These include subsystems that can remove power at the output of the SAS in under 10 microseconds. Each SAS string has an electronic circuit breaker and relay disconnect, so faults are localized and minimize disruption of the last process. SAS systems have been designed and delivered ranging from desktop, 2 channel, R&D units to systems capable of controlling two 64 channel SAS systems simultaneously. AMETEK's Engineered Solutions Group can assist in defining special requirements and customize each system using a standard building block approach. This allows each customer to get exactly what id needed while minimizing costs.

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Ametek RS Series

sku Product SKU:  AME-RS-Series

The RS Series consists of multiple high power AC and DC power systems that provide controlled AC and DC output for ATE and product test applications.

This high power AC and DC test system covers a wide spectrum of AC and DC power applications at an affordable cost. Using state-of-the-art PWM switching techniques, the RS series combines compactness, robustness and functionality in a compact floor-standing chassis, no larger than a typical office copying machine. This higher power density has been accomplished without the need to resort to elaborate cooling schemes or additional installation wiring. Simply roll the RS unit to its designated location (using included casters), plug it in, and the RS series is ready to work for you.

Simple Operation
The RS Series can be operated completely from its menu driven front panel controller. A backlit LCD display shows menus, setup data, and read-back measurements. IEEE-488, RS232C, USB and LAN remote control interfaces and instrument drivers for popular ATE programming environments are available. This allows the RS Series to be easily integrated into an automated test system. For advanced test applications, the programmable controller version offers full arbitrary waveform generation, time and frequency domain measurements, and voltage and current waveform capture.

The RS90 delivers output up to 90kVA in AC mode and 65% of rated power in DC and AC+DC mode.

For higher power requirements, the RS180, RS270, RS360, RS450 and RS540 models are available. Available reconfigurable RS models (-MB designation) provide multiple controllers which allow separation of the high power system into up to six individual RS90 units for use in separate applications. This ability to reconfigure the system provides an even greater level of flexibility not commonly found in power systems.

Product Evaluation and Test
Increasingly, manufacturers of high power equipment and appliances are required to fully evaluate and test their products over a wide range of input line conditions. The built-in output transient generation and read-back measurement capability of the RS Series offers the convenience of a powerful, and easy to use, integrated test system.

Regenerative, bidirectional “Green” Power Solution

The RS Series features the ability to both source and sink current, i.e. bi-directional current flow. The RS amplifier is designed to reverse the phase relationship between the AC input

With an output frequency range to 819 Hz (or 905 Hz with -HF option), the RS Series is well suited for aerospace applications. Precise frequency control and accurate load regulation are key requirements in these applications. The available IEEE-488 remote control interface and SCPI command language provide for easy integration into existing ATE systems. The RS Series eliminates the need for several additional pieces of test equipment, saving cost and space. Instrument drivers for popular programming environments such as National Instruments LabView™ are available to speed up system integration.

Regulatory Testing
As governments are moving to enforce product quality standards, regulatory compliance testing is becoming a requirement for a growing number of manufacturers. The RS Series is designed to meet AC source requirements for use in compliance testing such as IEC 61000, 3-2, 3-3, 3-11, 3-12, to name a few.

Choice of voltage ranges
The RS Series includeds 150V and 300V line to neutral. These models provide 3 phase output capability of 260 Vac or 520 Vac line to line respectively.

For applications requiring more than 300 V L-N (or 520 V L-L), the optional -HV output transformer provides an additional 400 V L-N and 693 V L-L output range for use in AC mode only.

High Crest Factor
With a crest factor of up to 3.6, the RS Series AC source can drive difficult nonlinear loads with ease. Since many modern products use switching power supplies, they have a tendency to pull high repetitive peak currents. The RS90 can deliver up to 720 Amps of repetitive peak current (150 V AC range) per phase to handle high crest factor three phase loads.

Remote Control
Standard RS232C & USB IEEE-488 along with optional LAN remote control interfaces allow programming of all instrument functions from an external computer. The popular SCPI command protocol is used for programming.

Application Software
Windows® application software is included. This software provides easy access to the power source's capabilities without the need to develop any custom code. The following functions are available through this GUI program:

  • Steady state output control (all parameters)
  • Create, run, save, reload and print transient programs
  • Generate and save harmonic waveforms
  • Generate and save arbitrary waveforms
  • Measure and log standard measurements
  • Capture and display output voltage and current waveforms
  • Measure, display, print and log harmonic voltage and current measurements [iX only]
  • Display IEEE-488 or RS232C bus traffic to and from the AC Source to help you develop your own test programs.

1. Requires PC running WindowsXP™ or Windows 2000™ / 2007.

Harmonic Waveform Generation
Using the latest DSP technology, the RS Series programmable controller is capable of generating harmonic waveforms to test for harmonics susceptibility. The Windows Graphical User Interface program can be used to define harmonic waveforms by specifying amplitude and phase for up to 50 harmonics. The waveform data points are generated and downloaded by the GUI to the AC source through the remote interface. Up to 200 waveforms can be stored in nonvolatile memory and given a user defined name for easy recall.

All RS Series configurations offer three phase waveform generation, allowing independent phase anomalies to be programmed. It also allows simulation of unbalanced harmonic line conditions.

Arbitrary Waveform Generation
Using the provided GUI program or custom software, the user also has the ability to define arbitrary AC waveforms. The arbitrary waveform method of data entry provides an alternative method of specifying AC anomalies by providing specific waveform data points. The GUI program provides a catalog of custom waveforms and also allows real-world waveforms captured on a digital oscilloscope to be downloaded to one of the many AC source's waveform memories. Arbitrary waveform capability is a flexible way of simulating the effect of real-world AC power line conditions on a unit under test in both engineering and production environments.

RS Series - AC and DC Transient Generation
The RS Series controller has a powerful AC and DC transient generation system that allows complex sequences of voltage, frequency and waveshapes to be generated. This further enhances the RS's capability to simulate AC line conditions or DC disturbances. When combined with the multiphase arbitrary waveform capabilities, the AC and DC output possibilities are truly exceptional. Transient generation is controlled independently yet time synchronized on all three phases. Accurate phase angle control and synchronized transient list execution provide unparalleled accuracy in positioning AC output events.

Transient programming is easily accomplished from the front panel where clearly laid out menu's guide the user through the transient definition process.

RS Series - Measurement and Analysis
The RS Series is much more than a programmable AC, DC or AC+DC power source. It also incorporates an advanced digital signal processor based data acquisition system that continuously monitors all AC source and load parameters. This data acquisition system forms the basis for all measurement and analysis functions. These functions are accessible from the front panel and the remote control interface for the RS Series.

Conventional Measurements [All controllers]
Common AC and DC measurement parameters are automatically provided by the data acquisition system. These values are displayed in numeric form on the front panel LCD display. The following measurements are available: Frequency, Vrms, Irms, Ipk, Crest Factor, Real Power (Watts), Apparent Power (VA) and Power Factor.

Harmonic Analysis
The RS Series provides detailed amplitude and phase information on up to 50 harmonics of the fundamental voltage and current (up to 16 kHz). Harmonic content can be displayed in both tabular and graphical formats on the front panel LCD for immediate feedback to the operator. Alternatively, the included GUI program can be used to display, print and save harmonic measurement data. Total harmonic distortion of both voltage and current is calculated from the harmonic data.

Waveform Acquisition
The measurement system is based on real-time digitization of the voltage and current waveforms using a 4K deep sample buffer. This time domain information provides detailed information on both voltage and current waveshapes. Waveform acquisitions can be triggered at a specific phase angle or from a transient program to allow precise positioning of the captured waveform with respect to the AC source output. The front panel LCD displays captured waveforms with cursor readouts. The included GUI program also allows acquired waveform data to be displayed, printed, and saved to disk.

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Ametek Mx Series

sku Product SKU:  AME-MX-Series

The California Instruments MX Series consists of multiple high power AC and DC power systems that provide controlled AC and DC output for ATE and product test applications.

This high power AC and DC test system covers a wide spectrum of AC and DC power applications at an affordable cost. Using state-of-the-art PWM switching techniques, the California Instruments MX series combines compactness, robustness and functionality in a compact floor-standing chassis, no larger than a typical office copying machine. This higher power density has been accomplished without the need to resort to elaborate cooling schemes or additional installation wiring. Simply roll the MX15, MX22.5, MX30, or MX45 unit to its designated location (using included casters), plug it in, and the MX series is ready to work for you.

Simple Operation
The MX Series can be operated completely from its menu driven front panel controller. A backlit LCD display shows menus, setup data, and read-back measurements. IEEE-488, RS232C, USB and LAN remote control interfaces and instrument drivers for popular ATE programming environments are available. This allows the MX Series to be easily integrated into an automated test system.

For advanced test applications, the programmable controller version offers full arbitrary waveform generation, time and frequency domain measurements, and voltage and current waveform capture.

The MX15 delivers up to 15 kVA of single phase output. The MX22.5, MX30 and MX45 deliver up to 22.5 kVA, 30 kVA and 45 kVA, respectively. These operate using single or three phase output in AC or AC+DC mode. In DC mode, 50% of the AC power level is available.. On MX-P models, AC+DC mode is also supported.

For higher power requirements, the MX90 and MX135 models are available. Multi cabinet MX45 systems always operate in three phase output mode. Available reconfigurable MX90 and MX135 models (-MB designation) provide
multiple controllers which allow separation of the high power system into two or three individual MX45 units for use in separate applications. This ability to reconfigure the system provides an even greater level of flexibility not commonly found in power systems.

Product Evaluation and Test
Increasingly, manufacturers of high power equipment and appliances are required to fully evaluate and test their products over a wide range of input line conditions. The built-in output transient generation and read-back measurement capability of the MX Series offers the convenience of a powerful, and easy to use, integrated test

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Ametek DLM 600

sku Product SKU:  AME-DLM-600-Series

The Sorensen DLM 600 series of programmable power supplies is designed to provide continuously variable output voltage and current for a broad range of applications in a compact 1U (1.75 inches) high, half-rack (8.5 inch) wide chassis.

With the use of Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS) technology, these supplies are able to achieve exceptionally low ripple and noise rivaling larger and more expensive linear power supplies. In addition, the high efficiency and fast load transient response assure that the DLM 600 is ideal for even the most demanding applications.

The DLM 600 power supply series is ideal for high density multiple output rackmount requirements or low profile benchtop applications. Output voltages from 0-5VDC to 0-300VDC and currents from 0-2A to 0-75A are available.

The cooling air intake is at the front and sides with exhaust at the rear and sides. Variable speed fans are controlled as a function of ambient air temperature and load, thus reducing acoustic noise and increasing fan life. This allows supplies to be stacked one directly on top of another without space in between, yielding maximum rackmount packing density and a wide operating temperature of 0-50° C. An optional rackmount kit is available to easily mount one or two units side-by-side.

The front panel layout makes the DLM 600 power supply series easy to use. Voltage and current can be set from individual 10-turn potentiometer knobs. Control push buttons include power on, output on, local/remote, voltage/current preview and overvoltage protection preview. Set-point or actual voltage/ current values can be viewed on two 3-1/2 digit LED displays.

DLM 600 near-linear DC power supplies can be connected in series or parallel. All models automatically accept any standard single phase input without manual set up.

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Ametek Asterion AC 1U / 2U / 4U / 14U


Asterion - Performance. Reliance. Brilliance.

Inspired by the enduring power of a brilliant star, the California Instruments "Asterion" line of AC power sources by AMETEK Programmable Power combines intelligence and flexibility to create an advanced platform of AC solutions. This easy-to-configure design features sophisticated technology for delivering high performance, programmable AC and DC power. Its sleek design packs maximum power density into a low-profile form factor with an intuitive touch screen interface placing that power at your fingertips. Centralized control and unparalleled modularity make Asterion the most adaptable platform on the market. Its groundbreaking capabilities set the standard for affordable, precision power sources.

NOW the Standard Warranty for all Asterion AC products is an industry-leading Five (5) Years.

iX2™ current doubling technology.
All Asterion sources employ AMETEK’s latest current enhancing technology, iX2™. The iX2 current doubling technology enables output current to increase linearly up to two times the full voltage current as the voltage decreases from range maximum to one-half of range voltage. iX2 technology results in a source that delivers full power over the widest voltage ranges. This eliminates the need to buy overpowered sources just to reach low line current requirements.


Control via Front Panel Touchscreen & Encoder or available digital control interfaces
The Asterion AC Series can be operated from the intuitive, easy to use front panel touchscreen or the Ethernet LXI, USB and RS232 standard control interfaces, as well as through the optional GPIB control interfaceThe touchscreen function group icons include a Dashboard, Output Programming Parameters, Measurements, Sequencing, Configuration, Control Interfaces, Applications, and System Settings. Function selection and parameter entry can be achieved either by direct selection from the touchscreen or by using the encoder selector button. The control resolution is adjusted by a dynamic rate change algorithm that combines the benefits of precise control over small parameter changes with quick sweeps through the entire range.

Asterion AC Virtual Panels (Graphical User Interface)
Virtual Panels allow remote control of the Asterion AC power source, as well as programming communication and monitoring for the Asterion ATE model, without front panel display.

The Asterion Series is available in an ATE (Automated Test Equipment) version without front panel, manual controls.

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Ametek CSW Series

sku Product SKU:  AME-CSW-Series

The CSW Series represents a new generation of AC/DC power sources that address the increasing demands on test equipment to perform additional functions at a lower cost. By combining a flexible AC/DC power source with a high performance power analyzer, the Compact CSW Series is capable of handling complex applications that have traditionally required multiple systems. The sleek integrated approach of the CSW avoids cable clutter that is commonly found in test systems. All connections are made internally and the need for digital multimeters, power harmonics analyzers, and current shunts or clamps is eliminated.

Since many components in the CSW are shared between the AC/DC source and the power analyzer, the total cost of the integrated system is less than the typical cost of a multiple unit system.

Easy to use controls
The CSW Series is DSP controlled and can be operated from an easy to use front panel keypad. Functions are grouped logically and are directly accessible from the keypad. This eliminates the need to search through various levels of menus and/or soft keys. A large analog control knob can be used to quickly slew output parameters. This knob is controlled by a dynamic rate change algorithm that combines the benefits of precise control over small parameter changes with quick sweeps through the entire range.

AC, DC or AC+DC Output
A direct coupled, transformerless design allows AC and DC on separate phases or on the same phase. The CSW can be used as a true DC power supply. High DC content waveforms (up to 312 volts) can be created with no derating of output power, even with 100% reactive loads, eliminating the need for a separate DC supply. Waveform programming is easily accomplished using the Graphical Users Interface software. Waveforms can be uploaded and modified from a digital scope. The waveforms can then be downloaded to the CSW and output to precisely simulate real-world conditions.

Easy To Use Local Controls
The CSW Series is DSP controlled and can be operated from an easy to use front panel keypad. Functions are grouped logically and are directly accessible from the keypad. This eliminates the need to search through various levels of menus and/or soft keys. A large analog control knob can be used to quickly slew output parameters. This knob is controlled by a dynamic rate change algorithm that combines the benefits of precise control over small parameter changes with quick sweeps through the entire range.

Flexibility in Power Ranges
The CSW Series is based on a 5,550VA power source. The CSW features selectable Single or Three Phase output via front panel menu selection or via remote control interface. Utilizing Master / Auxilary arrangement the CSW offers the flexibility to paralled up to power levels of 33,300VA

High Crest Factor
With a crest factor of up to 3.25:1; the CSW Series AC source can drive difficult nonlinear loads with ease. Since many modern products use switching power supplies, they have a tendency to pull high repetitive peak currents. The CSW5550 can deliver up to 38.5 Amps of repetitive peak current

Harmonic Waveform Generation
Using the latest DSP technology, the CSW Series programmable controller is capable of generating harmonic waveforms to test for harmonics susceptibility. The Windows Graphical User Interface program can be used to define harmonic waveforms by specifying amplitude and phase for up to 50 harmonics. The waveform data points are generated and downloaded by the GUI to the AC source through the remote interface. Up to 200 waveforms can be stored in nonvolatile memory and given a user defined name for easy recall.

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Fluke Calibration MET/CONNECT™ Calibration Integration Software


Integrate MET/CAL Calibration Management Software to your workflow with MET/CONNECT.

MET/CONNECT™ is the hub of a fast-growing community of mainline calibration software providers. These companies have partnered with Fluke Calibration to support MET/CAL automation. Whatever calibration management system you use, MET/CONNECT unlocks calibration and workflow automation in your lab.

MET/CONNECT partners:

  • Indysoft
  • AssetSmart
  • Qualer

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Fluke Calibration MET/CAL® Calibration Management Software

sku Product SKU:  FCAL-METCAL-Software

Calibration labs have their share of challenges: an increasing and more complex workload; fewer technicians; a growing list of quality standards. Above all, there is constant pressure to reduce costs. Fluke calibration software helps you meet those challenges by calibrating and managing your workload more efficiently and consistently.

MET/CAL® calibration management software includes MET/CAL® Procedure Editor and Runtime for automated calibration; plus MET/TEAM® » software for calibration work flow and asset management.

The MET/CAL and MET/TEAM » suite of software provide you with all the tools you need to:

  • Perform automated calibration on all kinds of test and measurement tools and equipment, including dc/lf, RF and microwave instruments.
  • Create, edit, test, and document calibration procedures, quickly and easily.
  • Configure and report a wider range of measurement uncertainty parameters and include verification data to provide an audit trail and support further analysis.
  • Track asset information including work order history and status, traceability, users, customers, and location.
  • Analyze and report asset information; produce customized printed certificates and reports.
  • Make data available to other corporate systems.
  • Import asset and calibration data into MET/TEAM software
  • Help meet the requirements of quality standards like ISO 9000, ISO/IEC 17025, NRC 10 CFR, ANSI Z540.3, and others.

With all of these capabilities, Fluke Calibration software offers the most comprehensive calibration automation solution available. And we back it up with the MET/SUPPORT Gold software support program to help keep you as productive as possible. Fluke Calibration also offers a variety of installation, training, and customization services to help you utilize the power of the MET/CAL and MET/TEAM » software suite.

Join the worldwide community of calibration professionals who have discovered the value of MET/CAL for increasing throughput and managing calibration assets more efficiently.

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Fluke Calibration E-DWT-H

sku Product SKU:  FCAL-E-DWT-H

E-DWT-H breaks new ground in dead weight tester calibration, improving the hydraulic pressure calibration process. E-DWT-H is an electronic calibrator designed to replace mechanical, piston-cylinder and weight based deadweight testers. It’s a lighter, easier-to-use deadweight tester calibration alternative that is at home in the lab or instrument shop, as well as in the field performing in-situ calibrations and tests. This complete hydraulic pressure calibration system combines the convenience and precision of continuous, realtime electronic pressure measurement with the simple and direct operation of high quality operator controlled pressure generation hardware. E-DWT-H one year measurement uncertainty is ± 0.02 % of reading with ranges up to 30,000 psi. It can be configured to provide this uncertainty from its full scale down to 1 % of its range. Built-in pressure generation and control hardware allow the operator to fill and prime the system under test and generate and precisely adjust pressure throughout the range with ease.

Broad workload coverage

The E-DWT-H has the operational versatility to calibrate and test a broad range of pressure measuring instruments including:

  • Analog gauges
  • Transducers
  • Calibrators
  • Sensors
  • Transmitters

AutoTest™ lets E-DWT operators quickly define test points and adjust all of the range-dependent settings with a single function.
The resolution and stability test used by the RPM4-E-DWT are set according to the range of the device under test. The upper limit setting is also set and provides range-based warnings and overpressure protection. While running AutoTests, the operator is prompted to set each sequential test point and test data is stored in the RPM4-E-DWT for recall or download. Typical test setup is quick and easy, but more complex tests can also be stored and reused.

Deadweight tester calibration performance with digital measurement convenience
E-DWT-H offers precision, low measurement uncertainty and the stability over time of a conventional deadweight tester without the inconveniences associated with the piston-cylinders, weights, hand pumps, and interconnecting plumbing.

Versatility to cover a broad workload in a variety of environments
The E-DWT-H is at home in metrology and calibration labs, on the production floor or in the field. It operates with Sebacate calibration fluid, mineral oil, Skydrol® and other liquids. An optional battery/charger pack supports up to eight hours of operation away from line power.

  • No weights to load and unload or regularly send out for calibration
  • No need to know and correct for local gravity or ambient temperature
  • No piston-cylinder changes; switch Q-RPT ranges in seconds
  • Not sensitive to level or vibration
  • Able to set and read any pressure value exactly, no minimum increment limited by smallest available masses
  • Operates in any unit of measure while deadweight tester is typically limited to the pressure unit stamped on the mass
  • Perfect for applications that require setting a nominal pressure precisely on the device under test and measuring it, such as analog gauge calibration
  • On-board, AutoTest calibration routines and data acquisition
  • Interfaceable with a PC or laptop to allow for automated data acquisition
  • Two year calibration interval supported at measurement uncertainty of ± 0.025% of reading.
  • Easily recalibrated without crossfloating. Automated calibration of E-DWT-H is possible using COMPASS® for Pressure software.

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