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{{cartItem.Quantity | number : 2}}
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Fluke Calibration 9142 | 9143 | 9144

sku Product SKU:  FCAL-9142-3-4

Product overview: Fluke Calibration 9142 Field Metrology Well

Small dry wells for big field applications

The 9142, 9143, 9144 Field Metrology Wells extend high performance to the industrial process environment by maximizing portability, speed, and functionality with little compromise to metrology performance.

Field Metrology Wells are packed with functionality and are remarkably easy to use. They are lightweight, small, and quick to reach temperature set points, yet they are stable, uniform, and accurate. These industrial temperature loop calibrators are perfect for performing transmitter loop calibrations, comparison calibrations, or simple checks of thermocouple sensors. With the “process” option, there is no need to carry additional tools into the field. This optional built-in two-channel readout reads resistance, voltage, and 4–20 mA current with 24 volt loop power. It also has on-board automation and documentation. Combined, the three models (9142, 9143, and 9144—each with a “process” option) cover the wide range of –25 °C to 660 °C.

High performance for the industrial environment

Field Metrology Wells are designed for the industrial process environment and fast speed to temperature. They weigh less than 8.2 kg (18 lb) and have a small footprint, which makes them easy to transport.

Field environment conditions are typically unstable, having wide temperature variations. Each Field Metrology Well has a built-in gradient-temperature compensation (patent pending) that adjusts control characteristics to ensure stable performance in unstable environments. In fact, all specifications are guaranteed over the environmental range of 13 °C to 33 °C.

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