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Personal Greeting

The 3030 is a DC to 1MHz amplifier with a maximum output of 30 volts peak to peak from a  50 Ω source impedance. A 600 Ω output is also provided. The unit can output up to 15 volts peak to peak into a 50 Ω load and can drive up to 300 mA peak into a low impedance or short circuit.
The amplifier gain can be adjusted between x1 and x10 using the Vernier adjustment knob.  Additional features include a -20 dB attenuator and LED notifying when a signal is beyond the output limit (clipping).

• 30 Vpp output from 50 Ω
• DC to 1 MHz bandwidth
• 50 Ω and 600 Ω outputs
• -20 dB attenuation
• LED notification for clipped signals
• Fully protected output with high current drive







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