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Comtest Store RFQ

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5080/CAL Software

sku Product SKU:  FCL-5080A


The 5080A Multi-Product Calibrator calibrates your analog workload accurately and reliably, thanks to its high voltage and current compliance. With maximum burden up to 800 mA for ac/dc voltage, and voltage up to 50 V for ac/dc current, 5080A calibrators can drive a wide range of analog meters.


Options and accessories enable you to use the 5080A Multi-Product Calibrator to calibrate an even broader workload, including:

  • Clamp meters. The 9100-200 10/50 turn coil and 5500A/COIL 50-turn current coil enables the 5080A to calibrate most popular clamp meters at currents up to 1000 A rms amps.
  • Oscilloscopes. Oscilloscope calibration to 200 MHz quickly, easily, and cost effectively. Verify dynamic response, bandwidth, timing, multiple triggering functions, and input resistance.
  • Megohm meters. This option sources high ohms, high voltage resistors up to 18 G ohms. It also measures high voltage outputs.


Mains voltage inadvertently applied to a calibrator’s output terminals can cause extensive damage, requiring costly repairs. Electrical protection for calibrator outputs is vital for daily operation. The 5080A calibrator’s innovative protection circuitry prevents it from being damaged by reversed input voltage, so you can use it with confidence day after day.


The 5080A has the highest voltage and current compliance of any calibrator in the Fluke Calibration multi-product and multifunction calibrator families, making it an ideal solution for calibrating analog meters and other instruments requiring higher drive capability for proper operation.


Versatile software applications enable automated calibration as well as paperless data collection and reporting

  • 5080/CAL. The 5080/CAL software is designed for calibrating analog and digital workload with the 5080A calibrator. It enables you to automate calibration, manage inventory, collect data and print reports, easily and economically.
  • MET/CAL® Lite for 5080A.MET/CAL Lite provides the power of MET/CAL Plus software in a lower cost version designed for use with 5080A calibrators.
  • MET/CAL® Plus. For the full spectrum of calibration automation and asset management, choose MET/CAL Plus software. Add Manual MET/CAL software for mechanical or dimensional workload where automation is not required.The solutions you need, from the leader in calibration


Fluke Calibration is a premium brand, well known around the world for its accurate, dependable, high quality products. Long known as a leader in dc and low frequency ac calibration, Fluke Calibration is also recognized for its offerings in temperature, pressure, power, process, and rf calibration. Fluke Calibration provides the calibrators, standards, software, service, support and training you need for a complete solution in your cal lab.

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Fluke Calibration 5901 Triple Point of Water Cells

sku Product SKU:  FCAL-5901

Must-have, primary temperature standards

  • Easy-to-use, inexpensive standard with uncertainty better than ± 0.0001 °C
  • Four sizes and two shells (glass and quartz) to choose from
  • Isotopic composition of Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water

The triple point of water (TPW) is not only the most accurate and fundamental temperature standard available, it’s also one of the least expensive and simplest to use.

Water cells are essential!

Triple point of water cells fill four critical purposes. First, they provide the most reliable way to identify unacceptable thermometer drift between calibrations—including immediately after a calibration if the thermometer has been shipped. Interim checks are critical for maintaining confidence in thermometer readings between calibrations. Second, they provide a critical calibration point with unequaled uncertainties.

Third, for users who characterize probes using ratios (that is, they use the ratios of the resistances at various ITS-90 fixed points to the resistance of the thermometer at the triple point of water, indicated by “W"), interim checks at the triple point of water allow for quick and easy updates to the characterizations of critical thermometer standards, which can be used to extend calibration intervals.

And lastly, the triple point of water is where the practical temperature scale (ITS-90) and the thermodynamic temperature scale meet, since the triple point of water is assigned the value 273.16 K (0.01 °C) by the ITS-90 and the Kelvin is defined as 1/273.16 of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water.

Good triple point of water cells contain only pure water and pure water vapor. (There is almost no residual air left in them.) When a portion of the water is frozen correctly and water coexists within the cell in its three phases, the “triple point of water" is realized. Fluke Calibration water cells achieve this temperature with expanded uncertainties of less than 0.0001 °C and reproducibilities within 0.00002 °C.

In simple terms, water cells are made from just glass and water, but there’s much more to it than that!

For starters, that’s not just any water in there.

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5430 Standard AC/DC Resistors

sku Product SKU:  FCL-5430

Six resistors in Fluke Calibration's Model 5430 series cover resistance values from 1 ohm to 10,000 ohms. Each one has an actual resistance within 10 ppm of its nominal value and holds its resistance within 2 ppm per year.

Each resistor comes with a Tinsley certificate on AC performance, traceable to NPL, including calibration uncertainty of 3 ppm. Additionally, Fluke Calibration can provide an optional DC certificate, traceable to NIST and NVLAP accredited, with uncertainty below 1 ppm.

Designed originally by a national lab, Tinsley resistors are bifilar wound to minimize reactance and are filled with oil to minimize both time- and temperature-caused instabilities. AC/DC transfer error at 90 Hz is only 0.1 ppm.

For maintaining your oil resistors, Fluke Calibration provides baths that range from 25- to 155-liter capacity with enough inside shelf space to maintain all your standard resistors. Each of these baths maintains your resistors within 1 mK in the short term (30–60 minutes) and within 5 mK for months at a time.

In our lab, we use both AC and DC bridges in addition to Super-Thermometers. We calibrate SPRTs in fixed points, and we calibrate reference resistors. We use standard resistors every day, and we understand the value of being able to rely on resistors that won’t drift. Tinsley makes the best AC/DC resistors around, and Fluke Calibration makes the best maintenance baths. Ask people who know. Then don’t compromise.


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PGC-10000-AF Pneumatic Gauge Calibrator

sku Product SKU:  FCL-PGC-10000

PGC-10000-AF Pneumatic Gauge Calibrator is a special pressure gauge calibrator made up of Fluke Calibration's GPC1 Gas Pressure Controller and RPM4 A70M/A20M Reference Pressure Monitor (see the GPC1 and RPM4 brochures for details). The PGC-10000-AF is a pressure gauge calibrator that is designed to optimize the testing and calibration of analog and digital pressure gauges with ranges from less than 500 psi (3.5 MPa) to 10,000 psi (70 MPa). This special pressure gauge calibration configuration was selected by the United States Air Force as the next generation high pressure pneumatic gauge calibration system for deployment in its Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratories (PMELs) throughout the world.

With GPC1 and associated GB-152 Gas Booster, the pressure gauge calibration operator effortlessly generates and adjusts pressure to set the device under test to its cardinal point. The RPM4 then precisely measures the actual pressure applied.

Interactive RPM4 embedded software automatically sets up the pressure gauge calibration procedure based on entry of the DUT full scale and tolerance. It then steps the operator through the test, logging data and providing real time notification of in or out-of-tolerance conditions at each point. A foot pedal “ENTER switch allows the operator to trigger readings hands free.

  • Calibrate any range device in gas from less than 500 to 10,000 psi (70 MPa) FS with one compact, integrated system
  • Effortless operation; no pumping, no weight lifting
  • Includes gas booster to boost a bottled air supply as low as 400 psi (2.75 MPa) to 10,000 psi (70 MPa)
  • Easily set pressure to DUT cardinal point and read back actual pressure from the reference
  • On-board calibration routines with real time out-of-tolerance notification and data logging
  • Foot pedal “ENTER key for hands free sequence execution
  • Complete a typical high pressure gauge run in about 20 minutes (20 % ascending increments)
  • Supports 12 units of measure and custom units
  • Push button switching between gauge and absolute measurement modes
  • RS232 and IEEE-488 interfaces included; compatible with COMPASS® for Pressure software
  • Delivered with connectors and adaptors for NPT, AN4 and gland and collar DUTs
  • Includes molded, reusable transit case for shipping RPM4/HPMS transfer standard for recalibration

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molstic-S Mounting System

sku Product SKU:  FCL-molstic-S

A key benefit of its modular design is that molstic-S can be used for testing devices in either the upstream or downstream position. The optional, adjustable DUT stand (P/N 401934) accommodates large DUTs that do not fit on the molstic-S.

molstic-S is available in either 1/2 inch or 1/4 inch system plumbing sizes. The 1/4 inch size is dedicated to the molbloc-S elements designated 1E2-S and lower, and the 1/2 inch size is for the 2E2-S through 2E3-S elements. All molstic-S platforms come with integrated flow shut-off/metering valves. This allows for system leak testing and provides a means of flow control (if required by DUT type). Optional high resolution metering valve kits are available for use with the 1/4 inch molstic-S in order to obtain finer flow control capability.


Because molbloc-S operates in the critical flow regime, test devices that have flow control capability must be installed upstream of the molbloc-S in order to control flow.

Devices that are to be calibrated at atmospheric pressure are generally installed downstream of the molbloc-S. molstic-S is built modularly in order to provide this flexibility.

Inlet gas supply pressure regulation is vitally important in order to protect the molbox pressure transducers. Therefore, it is recommended that the molstic-S Supply Only molstic be used upstream of test devices that have flow control capability and that the pressure reducing regulator option be installed on the molstic-S when calibrating devices that operate at atmospheric pressure. An optional back pressure regulator can be installed on the molstic-S to provide control of an upstream DUTs downstream pressure.

molstic-S™ provides an engineered solution to the practical issues of mounting molbloc-S® mass flow elements, connecting a gas supply, regulating the operating pressure and connecting the device under test (DUT). A filter is included on the 1/4 inch molstic-S to protect the smaller molbloc-S elements from contamination. Highest quality components are integrated into a convenient, compact, modular assembly to assure optimum molbloc®/molbox™ performance.

The single channel molstic-S is designed to accommodate one molbloc-S element. The dual channel allows two molbloc-S elements to be simultaneously mounted, allowing use of two ranges without changing hardware during a test. In addition, the outlet of the two molbloc-S elements can be plumbed in parallel using the downstream tee assembly (P/N 401884) in order to obtain additional flow range capacity when using a two-channel molbox1+.


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molbox RFM Reference Flow Monitor

sku Product SKU:  FCL-molbox RFM

molstics provide a quick connector input for convenient connection to the gas supply. This is followed by a 2 micron (0.5 micron for low flow) filter to protect the downstream components. Then, an adjustable regulator sets and regulates optimum molbloc upstream pressure and protects the molbox transducers against accidental overpressure. The regulator range supports all standard molbloc operating pressure ranges. A bellows shut-off valve, just before the molbloc, allows the gas supply to be shut-off for configuration changes and/or system leak checking.

Special cradles support the molbloc(s). A connection and pads are provided downstream of the molbloc for mounting the MFC (mass flow controller), another device under test, or the optional metering valve kit for manual flow control.

Single channel molstics are available to accommodate single molblocs. Dual channel models allow two molblocs to be mounted simultaneously to switch between two different molbloc ranges without changing hardware or to take advantage of molbox1+'s capability to run two molblocs in parallel.

There are low, mid and high flow versions of molstic. Low flow molstics use a unique, very high stability pressure regulator and minimize dead volumes. They are required for effective use of 2E2-L and lower molblocs and can be used up to the 1E3-L molbloc size. The mid flow molstics cover the ranges of all the molblocs from as low 2E2-L up to the 3E4-L. The high flow molstic is required for the 1E5-L (100 slm) molbloc and supports that molbloc only.


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molstic-L Mounting Systems

sku Product SKU:  FCL-molstic-L

molstics provide a quick connector input for convenient connection to the gas supply. This is followed by a 2 micron (0.5 micron for low flow) filter to protect the downstream components. Then, an adjustable regulator sets and regulates optimum molbloc upstream pressure and protects the molbox transducers against accidental overpressure. The regulator range supports all standard molbloc operating pressure ranges. A bellows shut-off valve, just before the molbloc, allows the gas supply to be shut-off for configuration changes and/or system leak checking.

Special cradles support the molbloc(s). A connection and pads are provided downstream of the molbloc for mounting the MFC (mass flow controller), another device under test, or the optional metering valve kit for manual flow control.

Single channel molstics are available to accommodate single molblocs. Dual channel models allow two molblocs to be mounted simultaneously to switch between two different molbloc ranges without changing hardware or to take advantage of molbox1+'s capability to run two molblocs in parallel.

There are low, mid and high flow versions of molstic. Low flow molstics use a unique, very high stability pressure regulator and minimize dead volumes. They are required for effective use of 2E2-L and lower molblocs and can be used up to the 1E3-L molbloc size. The mid flow molstics cover the ranges of all the molblocs from as low 2E2-L up to the 3E4-L. The high flow molstic is required for the 1E5-L (100 slm) molbloc and supports that molbloc only.


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PG7601 Piston Gauge

sku Product SKU:  FCL-PG7601


  • State-of-the-art primary pressure standards for the lowest uncertainty levels
  • Unified solution from vacuum to 500 MPa
  • Outputs fully validated reference pressures in real time
  • Intuitive local operator interface
  • Manual, semi-automated and fully automated configurations

The PG7000 Series calibration standards are based on the fundamental principle of mass loaded onto a piston to apply a known force to a known effective area

Integrated piston-cylinder modules
Each PG7000 piston-cylinder is an integrated metrological assembly that includes the critical piston-cylinder mounting components. All of the mechanical parts that affect piston cylinder metrology are associated with the individual piston-cylinder, rather than being common parts of the piston gauge platform, enabling the user to:

  • Change ranges (piston-cylinders) in seconds, without using tools.
  • Handle and interchange piston-cylinders without exposing critical surfaces to contamination.
  • Protect the piston-cylinder from damage due to accidental shock or impact when handling.
  • Improve measurement reproducibility by avoiding frequent assembly/disassembly of mounting components.
  • Improve piston-cylinder mounting design by allowing each mounting system to be optimized for a piston-cylinder size and range.

Mass loading concentricity
The number of independent parts between the piston and mass load has been reduced to two—the piston cap and the mass loading bell. The piston head is effectively made part of the piston by machining it after installation concentrically to the piston within ± 20 microns.

Integrated electronics, software and remote interfacing
The electronics for monitoring all ambient and instrument conditions and functions are integrated into the PG7000 platform. RS-232 and IEEE 488 interfaces are included for remote communication. The system power supplies are also contained in the terminal to remove their heat source from the PG platform. For local operation, the user interacts with the PG7000 through a keypad and alphanumeric display on a compact terminal, allowing rapid, intuitive operation.

On-board measurement of operating conditions
PG7000 includes integrated on-board measurement of all the ambient and operating conditions needed to calculate pressure within tolerance, including relative humidity, barometric pressure, ambient temperature, piston-cylinder temperature, and reference vacuum. Individual measurements can be observed in real time, both locally through the PG terminal and remotely over the RS-232 or IEEE 488 interface. Verification and recalibration of the on-board sensors is supported by embedded software.

Monitoring piston behavior
PG7000 measures and provides real time indication of piston position, drop rate, rotation rate, and rotation decelaration. Piston position is measured on the LVDT principle, with a ring on the inside of the mass loading bell acting as the armature. Rotation rate is measured optically by a sensor in the mounting post, which detects the movement of a notched ring on the inside of the mass loading bell. Both measurement systems are completely non-interfering, with no influence on the free movement of the piston in any axis.

Ready/not ready indication
The “ready/not ready" indication provides the operator with a clear “go/no go" indication of when an in-tolerance measurement can be made. It is based on testing for a variety of operating conditions, including piston position, piston fall rate, piston rotation rate, piston rotation deceleration, piston temperature rate of change and vacuum reference (when applicable). A ready condition is indicated when all conditions fall within specific limits. The limits for the various ready/not ready criteria can be customized by the user if desired.

Piston near-float detection
One of the most tedious aspects of operating a conventional piston gauge is adjusting pressure to float the piston. The piston lifts suddenly and without warning at the exact pressure corresponding to the mass loaded on the piston. Finding that point without overshooting requires slow and cautious pressure control. PG7000 makes it easier to float the piston with a piston preloading system, which provides advance warning that the pressure is near the point where the piston will leave end of stroke. The preloading system only affects the piston when it is at end of stroke; it does not interfere with the free movement of the piston when it is floating.

Intelligent piston rotation
PG7000 is the first commercially available piston gauge to provide monitoring of rotation rate and decay in rotation rate. These measurements are used to assure that pressure readings are always made within limits. This relieves the operator of rotation rate monitoring responsibility and replaces subjective operator judgment with objective measurement.

Storage and shipping containers
The PG7000 piston gauge platform and mass set are packaged in heavy duty, weather proof, molded transit cases with custom inserts to provide optimum protection. PG7000 piston-cylinders modules are delivered in compact, virtually indestructible PVC bullet cases.

Advanced pressure generation and control components
All PG7000 pressure accessories are designed to increase the efficiency and ergonomics of piston gauge operation. These include manual, semi-automated and fully automated options to quickly and easily generate pressure and float the piston at the set point.

COMPASS® for Pressure calibration assistance software
COMPASS software sets up records for the units under test (UUT), defines and associates test procedures with UUTs, runs tests, acquires reference and test data, produces standard and custom calibration reports. All reference, UUT and test data is collected and stored in a database and standard delimited files. COMPASS can manage any kind of test from manual operator control and logging of test data to fully automated, unattended test execution.

A unified solution from vacuum to 500 MPa
The PG7000 line of piston gauges covers the complete range of pressure from very low absolute and differential in gas, up to 500 MPa (75 000 psi) in oil. While several piston gauge platforms and specialized accessories may be needed to cover different ranges and media, a consistent user interface and operational principles are maintained throughout the line. In most cases, complete gas and oil calibration capability can be achieved with just two PG platforms, four piston-cylinder modules and one mass set. Maintaining consistency from system to system makes them easier to learn and to use. Maintenance costs are reduced by minimizing the number of metrological elements to be supported.

PG7000 Piston Cylinder Modules
The piston-cylinder defines effective area and is the piston gauge’s principal metrological element. The piston-cylinder’s intrinsic characteristics and how it is mounted and exploited are the keys to piston gauge performance.

PG7000 piston-cylinders are manufactured by Fluke Calibration using proprietary production techniques that result in pistons and cylinders whose typical shape is within less than 0.2 micron from ideal geometry.

Pure gas operated piston-cylinders use large diameters and very small annular gaps to minimize gas species and operating mode effects and to maximize piston float times. For example, the typical annular gap of a 35 mm gas operated piston-cylinder is less than 1 micron. Oil operated piston-cylinders use small diameters to reduce the quantity of mass needed to cover the typical high pressure range.

All Type 7000 pistons and cylinders are made of tungsten carbide. Each PG7000 piston-cylinder is a complete, integrated metrological assembly that includes the critical piston-cylinder mounting components for improved metrological performance. All Type 7000 piston-cylinders use free deformation mounting systems in which the cylinder is allowed to deform under the influence of applied pressure, without O-rings or seals along the cylinder length. For higher pressure gas assemblies, a new mounting system, negative free deformation, applies the measured pressure uniformly along the full length of the cylinder. This reduces deformation under pressure, so piston drop rates remain low even at high operating pressures, while avoiding the unpredictable strain points of conventional reentrant designs.

PG7000 Mass Sets
Masses loaded on the piston are accelerated by gravity to apply a known force on the piston against which the defined pressure is balanced.

A PG7000 manual mass set is made up of main masses of 10 kg or 5 kg, fractionary masses in 5-2-2-1 progression from 0.5 kg to 0.1 kg, and a trim mass set with masses from 50 kg to 0.01 g. Any desired mass value within the mass set range can be loaded to 0.01 g. All main and fractionary masses are machined from solid, nonmagnetic stainless steel and adjusted to their nominal values in the mass without cavities or trimming hardware which can reduce mass stability over time. Individual masses are comfortable to handle, with angled lifting surfaces on the edge of each mass and special mass trays that assist in orderly loading and unloading.

A PG7000 automated mass set is composed of main mass discs of 6.2 or 10 kg each and a set of tubular masses in binary progression from 0.1 to 3.2 or 6.4 kg.

A pneumatically driven automated mass handling accessory (AMH) loads requested mass values in increments of 0.1 kg. The AMH and mass set are easily removed to access the piston-cylinder module when necessary.

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Microchip Technology 9611B

sku Product SKU:  MIC-9611B-02

The 9611B switch and distribution system is an intelligent switching, monitoring and distribution system, packaged in a 1U rack-mount chassis.
The 9611B can be set up to distribute a wide range of signal formats; low noise sine waves, IRIG timecodes or pulse formats from either one of two inputs to all twelve outputs. The 9611B allows the user to deploy one model type to support multiple signaling formats which lowers support and logistics costs.
The 9611B provides for both manual and auto-switching signal distribution. When in auto-switching mode, the 9611 will detect any input or output failure based on the signal type being propagated. In the Auto mode, any input failure causes the unit to switch from Primary to Secondary source. Alarms will be indicated by all user interfaces including the front panel and Command Line Interface

 User Interfaces 

The 9611B is controlled through two user interfaces: front panel controls and indicators, and a command line interface (CLI) over a RS-232 serial port connection. 

Front Panel Controls and Indicators 

The 9611B processes two signal inputs (A and B). Either input may be designated primary and the other as secondary. In auto mode, the unit will automatically switch from primary to secondary in the event that the primary input fails. There are three push buttons (input A, auto, and input B) that allow the input mode to be selected. Pressing input A or input B will force the selected input to be sent to all channels to use the selected input. Pressing auto will activate the automatic switchover mode. The twelve LEDs, numbered one through twelve, are either green to indicate that the channel signal is present and active or red to indicate that the channel signal has failed.

 When any alarm (A, B, or 1–12) is set, the alarm indicator turns from green (normal) to red (alarm). Once the failure is remedied, the alarm can be deactivated by pressing the alarm pushbutton, or issuing a command over the CLI. If the alarm is cleared, all alarm indicators return to the normal green color. 

Command Line Interface 

The 9611B instrument has a serial port interface. Communication between the instrument is achieved by running a communications program on a PC and connecting the RS-232 serial ports of the PC and 9611B through a serial cable.


  • CE (compliant with RoHS 3 with Exemptions 
  • Emissions tests: EN 55032:201/AC:2013; KN 55032:2012; CISPR 32:2012; FCC Part 15 Subpart B (per ANSI C63.4:2014); Industry Canada ICES-003 Issue 6, January 2016; VCCI V-3/2015.04 and V-4/2012.04, A-0125, for a Class A Device; AUS/NZ. 
  • Immunity tests: EN 55024:2010; KN 55035:2012; CISPR 24:2010 


  • UL: 62368-1 
  • CSA C22.2 NO. 62368-1 
  • IEC/EN 62368-1 



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Microchip Technology SyncServer S650-FRONT

Microchip Technology SyncServer S650

sku Product SKU:  MIC-SyncServer S650

The modular Microchip Technology S650 combines the best of time and frequency instrumentation with unique flexibility and powerful network/security-based features. The level of timing signal flexibility is unprecedented and can even eliminate the need for additional signal distribution chasis and there is no degradation in the precise quality of the coherent output signals.


The base Timing I/O module with eight BNC connectors comes standard with the most popular timing I/O signals (IRIG B, 10 MHz, 1PPS and so on). When more flexibility is required, the unique Microchip Technology FlexPort Technology option enables six of the BNCs to output any supported signal (time codes, sine waves, programmable rates), all configurable in real time via the secure web interface. The incredible BNC-by-BNC configurations makes very efficient and cost-effective use of the 1U space available.


The 72-channel GNSS receiver coupled with Microchip Technology's patented Active Thermal Compensation Technology provides excellent accuracy of <15ns RMS to UTC (USNO). Backstop this with a durable hardware design subjected to MIL STD 810G testing, high-reliability components extending the operating temperature range to a very wide -20DegC to 65DegC and a dual power supply option. Further, upgrading to a high performance oscillator, such as Rubidium atomic clock, keeps the S650 accurate for long periods in the event of a GNSS service disruption.


The four standard GbE ports accommodate more than 10,000 NTP requests per second using hardware time stamping and compensation. All network traffic to the S650 CPU is bandwidth-limited for protection against denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. For more secure NTP operations, enable the optional Security-Hardened NTP ReflectorTM with line speed, 100% hardware-based NTP packet processing. The reflector is also a CPU-protecting firewall, bandwidth limiting non-NTP traffic to the CPU. It is also equipped with DoS detection, notification and protection against abnormally high network traffic.


The SyncServer S650 includes additional built-in hardware features that are enabled through software license keys, such as the Security-Hardened NTP ReflectorTM. Anticipated future software enabled hardware options are GbE PTP operations and GLONASS support.


All of the expected network management protocols are standard in the S650. These include mandatory password access, HTTPS/SSL only (using the high encryption cipher suite), SSH, access control lists, service termination, SNMPv2/v3 and NTP MD5 authentication. All traffic to S650 is bandwidth-limited for protection against the DoS attacks.


The modern web interface is the primary control interface for the S650. Once the keypad and display are used to bring the unit online, complete status and functions are easily found via the well-organized left side expanding/collapsing navigation menu. At-a-glance dashboard presentation combined with logical organization and intuitive controls make configuring the S650 quite easy.

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