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Comtest Store RFQ

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Ametek Power Special Test Equipment (PSTE)

sku Product SKU:  AME-PSTE

The Elgar Power Special Test Equipment (PSTE) provides programmable DC power, and programmable loading, to the electrical systems of satellites for system functional testing.

There are several key benefits of the PSTE. First, it is a complete turnkey system that is capable of operating locally through a simple GUI interface or remotely via a host computer as a single Ethernet address. The spacecraft engineer who defines the spacecraft power bus limits, cabling scheme, mode simultaneity matrix, and system behavior based upon limit conditions implements the real intelligence of the system. From this definition, operating procedures can be generated to allow spacecraft technicians to operate the system, system protections are implemented that perform cable detection and mode verification, automated spacecraft fixture identification and related mode capability, and more.

Second, the PSTE is intended to negate the need for purchasing new power test equipment with each new spacecraft. With a review of current and future needs and industry trends, power resources can be sized to provide the optimal blend of flexibility and price.

The system also monitors and provides protection for the satellite electrical power systems against any damage by programming error or by system failure.

The following resources are available in the system pictured on the cover. In most cases, the hardware resources can be scaled to meet the customer's individual requirements.

AC Isolation transformers

  • 75KVA power rating; Transform 480VAC 3phase Delta to 208VAC 3 phase Wye

Main Power Rack

  • Five 10KW power channels; 150VDC at 67A each
  • One 5KW load channel; 3-450V, 0-150A constant current
  • Eight programmable strip chart recorder outputs

Solar Array Simulator

  • 64 Channels with 110V Voc and 450W each

Electronic Load Rack

  • Three 5KW load channel; 3-450V, 0-150A constant current

Remote User Interface

  • Ruggedized Portable PC with operator interface software

System Verification test Fixture

  • Customized for individual spacecraft I/O to allow convenient, manual verification of power setup.

Hardware Overview

In this section, the overall system is first represented by a simplified block diagram along with a general discussion of the function of each equipment rack. After which, each rack of equipment is represented by its own block diagram. Each rack block diagram is supported by a discussion of the equipment in the rack.

Either the Remote User Interface (RUI) or the Remote Operating System (ROS) is the source of control, or Computer in Charge (CIC), at any given time, at the operator's discretion. The ROS is supplied by the user. The CIC communicates directly with the system controller in the MPR (MPR controller), and the entire system is controlled via the MPR Controller.

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting can be accomplished directly from the MPR controller. The Main Power Rack (MPR) provides main bus power for tests from up to five internal power sources. The Solar Array Simulator (SAS) provides solar panel simulation power. The Spacecraft Protection Unit (SPU) further protects the spacecraft from damage in case of failure of the built-in OVP/OIP protection of the rest of the PSTE system. For electrical system loading tests, the Electronic Load Rack (ELR) provides three programmable Electronic Load Units (ELU). The MPR contains an ELU that can be used when only one ELU is required.

ZAR -1


Ametek i-BEAM Series

sku Product SKU:  AME-IBEAM-s

The Sorensen™ Intelligent-Bidirectional Energy AMplified (i-BEAM) Series is the newest addition to the AMETEK Programmable Power portfolio of high-power testing solutions. The new i-BEAM series features full DC source and sink capabilities with power levels from 60 kW up to 1.3 MW. The i-BEAM series is fully scalable up to 650 kW and beyond up to 1.3 MW with parallel systems. The available voltage ranges of 80V, 300V, 600V, 800V and 1,000VDC provide full power up to 1,000A within a single system. Single-channel, 2-channel and 4-channel configurations are available.

Control via Front Panel Touchscreen and Digital or Analog Control Interfaces

The i-BEAM Series can be operated from the intuitive, front panel touchscreen that enables the user to easily setup, control and monitor the Output Programming Parameters, Supervisory and Set Point limits, Measurements, and System Settings. Additionally, a variety of communication control interfaces are available including; VNC Ethernet, Modbus, CAN Bus, EtherCAT, Profibus DP, Profinet, LabVIEW, Matlab/Simulink or high-speed Analog control.


The i-BEAM Series is designed for testing today’s complex, high power electronics for the aerospace, industrial, automotive and energy storage markets in a variety of applications. This platform covers all test needs through the product life cycle from advance research and development (R&D), to design validation, and production test requirements.

ZAR -1

Ametek Mi-Beam Series

Ametek Mi-BEAM Series

sku Product SKU:  AME-Mi-BEAM-s

The Sorensen™ Modular Intelligent-Bidirectional Energy AMplified (Mi-BEAM) Series is the newest addition to the AMETEK Programmable Power portfolio of high-power testing solutions. The new Mi-BEAM Series features full DC source and sink capabilities with power levels from 12kW up to 37kW. The Mi-BEAM Series is fully scalable up to 1.2MW with parallel systems. The available voltage ranges of 600V, 1,500V and 2,000VDC in a 4U rack height chassis provide full power up to 150A within a single system.

Control via Front Panel Touchscreen and Digital or Analog Control Interfaces

The Mi-BEAM Series can be operated from the intuitive, front panel touchscreen that enables the user to easily setup, control and monitor the Output Programming Parameters, Supervisory and Set Point limits, Measurements, and System Settings. Additionally, a variety of standard communication control interfaces are available including; LAN, USB and RS-232. Optional IEEE-488 and EtherCAT are available.


The Mi-BEAM Series is designed to test today’s complex, high-power electronics for the automotive, energy storage, industrial, and aerospace markets in a variety of applications. This platform covers all test needs through the product life cycle from advance research and development (R&D), to design validation, and production test requirements.

  • Battery simulation
  • Battery testing (charge/discharge)
  • Electric powertrain testing
  • Fuel cell testing
  • Solar inverter testing

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