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ii910 Precision Acoustic Imager

sku Product SKU:  FLK-ii910

Finally, an easy way to detect, locate and analyze partial discharge in one tool

Tired of spending too much time detecting partial discharge? Introducing the ii910 Precision Acoustic Imager, engineered to locate partial discharge, corona discharge as well as gas and vacuum leaks. The ii910 acoustic imaging camera's groundbreaking technology is a cost efficient, safe, effective, and comfortable tool for teams who inspect and maintain power distribution and industrial high voltage equipment.

The invisible threat….now you can see

Partial discharge is a serious issue that teams monitor everyday. Whether you are scanning insulators, transformers, switch gears or high-voltage powerlines you need to be sure that you spot a problem quickly and early. Partial discharge that goes unchecked can cause blackouts, fires, explosions, or death from arc flashes. In addition to the danger that this can pose to the environment and human lives, it also has a very steep price tag. Having equipment go down can cost millions of dollars per hour and studies have shown that a single data center outage could cost as much as $8,851 per minute. On top of this, the Department of Energy estimated that outages cost the US economy $150 billion annually.

Key areas to scan for PD

  • Insulators
  • Transformers
  • High voltage powerlines
  • Switch gears
  • Arrestors
  • Busbars
  • High voltage coils
  • Breakers
  • Capacitors

Do it fast, Do it safe

The ii910 is the all-in-one tool you have been looking for when it comes to all your leak, PD, and mechanical issues. Everything you need is right at your fingertips. Quickly scan the area or environment and get all the pictures and videos you need with the simple one-button capture and large 7” touchscreen LCD. No additional tools or equipment needed. With no cumbersome secondary cables or devices needed, you have full mobility and greater flexibility to swap between detecting leak/PD/mechanical issues and fixing the issues.

Fluke safety you can trust with performance you value

The Fluke ii910 Precision Acoustic Imager is the perfect tool for high voltage electricians, electrical test engineers, and grid maintenance teams that are constantly inspecting and maintaining power distribution and industrial high voltage equipment. The ii910 provides a safe quick and easy way to detect and locate partial discharge in order to maintain high voltage equipment and prevent catastrophic events. With the SoundSight™ technology the ii910 translates the sounds that it hears into a visual representation so that you can quickly locate problem areas. The higher frequency capability of the ii910 allows for earlier detection to facilitate early maintenance planning that is why the ii910 has a frequency range of 2-100Khz.

Find and fix before flash

Partial discharge can cause a number of very serious and expensive problems from catastrophic equipment failure to lethal arc flashes. The only way to stop this from happening is to inspect and maintain the equipment properly. The ii910 Precision Acoustic Imager is built to make finding PD much more comfortable faster and easy. Gone are the days of wearing headphones and listening for very faint sounds or squinting at a small screen to locate issues. Everything you will need to locate issues from a large distance is in the ii910, no cords or other accessories hanging down and getting tangled. Simply pick it up, turn it on and start locating issues.

Safety you expect with the rugged product you trust

Safety is key when working on high voltage equipment and here at Fluke safety is all that matters, everything else is just a bonus. Due to the combination of specific microphone positions and a sophisticated algorithm the ii910 Precision Acoustic Imager can detect PD and Corona Discharge from 120 meters away. This means that you can stay even further than the required distance away while still being effective and efficient at finding all of the problem areas. With no external cords or dangling accessories the ii910 ensures that you wont get tangled up in any equipment as you do your rounds. In addition with the acoustic imaging technology being able to pick up reflections of sounds you don’t even need to have direct line of sight to locate a problem. This means you can locate PD without ever opening a cabinet.

Find it quickly, find it easily with no training

The ii910 is truly designed so that anyone can use it with little to no training. Tear up those certifications because you don’t need one to operate this tool. Simply turn on the ii910 with one button select your frequency range (or let the tool do that for you) and start scanning around immediately looking for PD, leaks, or mechanical areas of interest. Once you find a concerning image of a sound you can take a video or a photo to be used later after you have added any text annotation. If you want to know more details about a specific leak, PD, or potential mechanical issue, switch into PDQ, LeakQ, or MecQ mode.

LeakQ online reporting tool

  • Local PC installed application
  • No Leak Type selection (should be included at time of capturing the measurement)
  • Offers customization of reporting template

Fluke PDQ Mode™ Reporting Tool with Acoustic Imaging

  • Web (cloud) based solution
  • Standardized reporting template
  • Leak Type selection per capture

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IMG-Fluke Ti300+

Fluke Ti300+ Thermal Camera

sku Product SKU:  FLK-Ti300+

Leading an industrial maintenance team requires a unique combination of communication skills, industry knowledge and technical expertise. Implementing standard work and a preventive maintenance program is more than just good for business – it also aligns your team with a common goal of safely and efficiently keeping the plant up and running. Choosing the right tools can make a significant difference in the success of these types of programs.

The Fluke Ti300+ helps teams find issues before they are fully formed problems. It has the resolution and accuracy needed to clearly reveal temperature differentials or demonstrate progressive heat changes over time. With LaserSharp™ AutoFocus the Ti300+ ensures focused images – every single time. With the touch of a button, use the built-in laser distance meter to calculate and display the distance to your designated target on the camera screen and snap the image in focus. Most importantly, temperature readings from in focus images will be highly accurate. Enable your team to get clear images while maintaining a safer distance from operating equipment.

For thermal images to illustrate an issue, you need to know your equipment and understand the subtle difference between normal and abnormal operating temperatures. You also need confidence in your ability to capture accurate thermal images and having a Fluke Ti300+ thermal camera with LaserSharp AutoFocus makes taking everything much easier. Finally, you need a thermal camera that is rugged enough to capture quality infrared images even if it gets dropped (up to two meters).

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Fluke TiX580 Infrared Camera

sku Product SKU:  FLK-TiX580

Contact us to directly to ensure that you selet the right instrument for your application

Does everyone in the plant turn to you? Are you the one who quickly can collect facts, understand issues and mold process and procedures to meet expensive decisions head-on? If so, you need an infrared camera that is as flexible and detail oriented as you are. That is why the TiX580 should always be within arm’s reach. Your day can take you anywhere:

  • R&D lab
  • Production floor
  • Off site, remote locations
  • Transmission and distribution lines (substations)

From quality assurance to preventive maintenance and outdoor inspections, everyday can bring a different environment and a different challenge for your thermal imager. With an unsurpassed level of detail in every infrared image and the ability to capture quality images of objects whether they are tiny and close to large and far overhead. The ergonomic design and neck strap make long inspection days easier. Outside the rotating screen lets you adjust to minimize glare and the touchscreen delivers a premium in-field viewing experience. The TiX580 has the tools accommodate your environment.

  • Real-time temperature graphs
  • Radiometric video recording
  • Auto capture image sequence
  • MatLab and LabView integration capabilities

Get the most out of your TiX580 with Fluke Connect™ desktop software. Create professional reports in minutes while effic

  • Edit and optimize images
  • Combine infrared and visible images for simpler analysis
  • Create detailed reports
  • Organize and search images by asset, severity, and title

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sku Product SKU:  FLK-PQ400/B

Product overview: Fluke PQ400 Electrical Measurement Window

The Fluke PQ400 Electrical Measurement Window enables the connection of three phase measurement equipment to energized panels, without the need to open the panel door, or wear supplemental personal protective equipment (PPE)1.

Compliance without compromise. Safety without sacrifice.

The Fluke PQ400 gives you access to the critical power quality and energy data you need, all while decreasing testing time and helping you to maintain safety.

  • Reduce the risk of arc-flash and electrocution, while increasing the safety of your personnel
  • Decrease maintenance costs and reduce downtime by making critical power quality and energy measurements without opening the panel door, enabling logging and monitoring at any time—without disrupting operations
  • Reduce work permit requirements and processes by reducing the hazards associated with taking measurements on open panels, saving time and effort
  • Increase measurement efficiency and reduce the need for arc-flash PPE1, saving time, increasing efficiency and increasing operator comfort


  • Permanently connected voltage and current sensors located inside the electrical panel allow you to make power quality and energy measurements using the external access points without opening the panel door, reducing operator risk
  • Voltage and current connections for three-phase voltages, neutral and ground cover most measurement scenarios
  • Automatic probe detection for Fluke 1740 and 1730 series power quality and energy loggers and compatible clamps, eliminates the need to open cabinet to check the clamp model
  • Full 360 degree rotation allows the PQ400 window to be oriented in any direction
  • Simple installation using a step drill bit and electro-hydraulic hole punch (114.3 mm, 4.5 inch diameter)
  • CAT IV, 600V and CATIII 1,000V rating according to IEC61010-2-30
  • Compatibility with standard 4mm shrouded safety-socket voltage test leads makes it easier to make voltage connections, increases safety by reducing the risk of accidently touching live electrical components, and reduces the need for purchasing specialized voltage leads

How it works

The Fluke PQ400 Electrical Measurement Window is a permanently installed interface that provides technicians with near-instant access to electrical panels for making critical power quality and energy measurements. The PQ400 installs using a standard step drill bit and electro-hydraulic hole punch (114.3 mm, 4.5-inch hole diameter), and allows users to make three-phase voltage, current and ground connects covering most measurement configurations. Once installed, users can simply unlock the window cover, lift the lid, and connect the voltage leads of the logger or analyzer. Then, connect the leads for the current sensors and start making critical measurements. Once complete, simply remove the voltage and current connections from the front panel interface and lock the window lid, leaving the internal connections in place for future use.

1Comply with local and national safety codes. Use personal protective equipment (approved rubber gloves, face protection, and flame-resistant clothes) to prevent shock and arc blast injury where hazardous live conductors are exposed.

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Fluke 1625-2 GEO Earth Ground Tester

sku Product SKU:  FLK-1625-2

Fluke 1625-2 Earth Ground Tester offers fast, accurate earth ground testing using all four test methods.

The Fluke 1625-2 earth ground tester measures earth ground loop resistances using only clamps, only stakes, or one clamp and stakes. With the stakeless test method, the Fluke 1625-2 is able to measure earth ground loop resistances for multi-grounded systems using only current clamps. This technique eliminates the dangerous, and time consuming job of disconnecting parallel grounds, and finding suitable locations for auxiliary ground stakes. This allows you to perform earth ground tests in places you’ve not considered before, such as inside buildings, on power pylons, or anywhere you don’t have access to soil.

Keep your options open

If a bonded earth ground system does not exist for the building or structure under test, and there is only one path to ground, you can use the 1625-2 to perform the fall-of-potential test method with stakes.

The 1625-2 offers other advanced features including:

  • Automatic Frequency Control to identify existing interference and choose a measurement frequency to minimize its effect, thus providing a more accurate earth ground value.
  • R* measurement that calculates earth ground impedance at 55 Hz to more accurately reflect the earth ground resistance that a fault-to earth ground would see.

The 1625-2 is also very easy to use. World class accessories speed set up and test time. And the tester tells you which stakes or clamps to connect for each test. The large rotary switch and buttons are easy to operate even with a gloved hand. And you can store up to 1500 records and access them easily via the USB port.

Other useful capabilities:

  • Provides R* measurement that calculates earth ground impedance at 55 Hz to more accurately reflect the earth ground resistance that a fault-to earth ground would see
  • Includes USB port for data storage and transfer
  • Features IP56 rating for outdoor use
  • Offers adjustable limits for quicker testing
  • Comes with a rugged carrying case

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Fluke 117 Electrician's Ideal Multimeter with Non-Contact Voltage

sku Product SKU:  FLK-117

The Fluke 117 Digital Multimeter includes integrated non-contact voltage detection to help get the job done faster

Designed by electricians and engineered by Fluke, the Fluke 117 is a compact True-RMS meter for demanding applications like commercial buildings, hospitals, and schools. With its integrated non-contact voltage detection, Auto Volts and LoZ functions that help prevent false readings caused by ghost voltage, the Fluke 117 is a great choice for electricians. In fact, users around the world have said their 117 is an investment in accuracy. The Fluke 117 provides Min/Max/Average readings and measures frequency and capacitance. Plus, its easy-to-use interface can save you time and enable you to move from job to job more quickly.

Engineered and Tested with Your Safety on the Job in Mind

We test Fluke 117 multimeters for safe use in CAT III 600 V environments and we have designed in several features to make it easier and faster for you to get the measurements you need, including:

  • Measures 10 A (20 A overload for 30-seconds)
  • Measures resistance, continuity, frequency, and capacitance
  • Provides Min/Max/Average to record signal fluctuations
  • Comes with an holster with probe holders for easy storage
  • Features compact ergonomic design for one-handed operation
  • Fits into optional ToolPak™ magnetic hanger for hands-free operation
  • CAT III 600 V safety rated
  • A large white LED backlight to improve measurement visibility in poorly lit areas
  • VoltAlert™ technology for fast, go/no go non-contact voltage detection
  • AutoVolt and low input impedance modes to provide faster, more accurate readings

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Fluke 375 FC True-rms AC/DC Clamp Meter

sku Product SKU:  FLK-375FC

Fluke 375 FC True-RMS AC/CD Clamp Meter measures very low voltage and very high resistance

The Fluke 375 FC, part of the Fluke Connect family of wireless test tools, delivers high performance features and ease of use. It features a VFD low-pass filter for accurate motor drive measurements and wireless communications to transmit results to a smartphone via Fluke Connect

The 375 FC offers most of the features of the Fluke 376 FC including compatibility with the iFlex flexible current probe but, unlike the 376 FC, it does not include the iFlex® probe in the package. You can measure AC and DC current to 600 A and voltage up to 1000 V with the fixed jaw clamp. Or connect an optional iFlex® flexible current probe to expand your measurement range to 2500 A AC. The large diameter and flexible design of the iFlex probe make it easier to measure around large conductors in tight spaces or to access individual wires.

Wireless connectivity improves productivity

Using its Bluetooth connectivity to Apple and Android devices, you can read the 375 FC results a safe distance away on your smartphone, wearing less PPE. You can create and send reports in email right from the field and save results to the cloud. You can also converse with colleagues in real-time with ShareLive™ video calls.

Versatile performance

With True-RMS AC voltage and current measurements, the 375 enables you to accurately troubleshoot non-linear signals. And you can log and trend measurements to pinpoint intermittents while you are performing other tasks. The Fluke 375 FC Clamp Meter is the direct replacement for the Fluke 375 Clamp Meter.

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