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PicoSource AS108

sku Product SKU:  PIC-SOURCE-AS108

PicoSource AS108 Overview

three-quarter view of AS108 Agile Synthesizer shown with PC software screenshot

Professional and portable performance at low cost

The PicoSource™ AS108 Agile Synthesizer generates signals to meet the needs of both benchtop and integrated module applications. Its broad 300 kHz to 8 GHz frequency range, fast settling and programmable phase, frequency and amplitude match it to a wide range of applications, with the added advantages of low cost, small footprint and 12 to 15 V power requirement. 

The AS108 has professional-grade performance that is effective in both static and parameter-agile applications, making it a bench or field instrument for developers, scientists, educators, students, and service and installation technicians. Its speed, external clock referencing, trigger capabilities and user-programmable power-up mode all suited to system integrations such as automated test, unmanned installations and multi-signal stimulus.

The AS108 is a full-function USB-controlled vector (IQ) modulating signal synthesizer. It is supplied with a clean, easy and efficient user interface for controlling its amplitude, frequency and phase agility; including modulations, sweeps, hopping and list modes from Microsoft Windows. Multiple synthesizers can be controlled from multiple instances of the software running on a single controlling PC or device. Remote control is also possible using the API included.

ZAR 14444,0000


PicoVNA 106

sku Product SKU:  PIC-VNA-106

PicoVNA 6 GHz Vector Network Analyzer

High performance, portability and low cost

  • 300 kHz to 6 GHz operation
  • High speed of > 5000 dual-port s-parameters per second
  • ‘Quad RX’ four-receiver architecture for optimal accuracy
  • 118 dB dynamic range at 10 Hz bandwidth
  • 0.005 dB RMS trace noise at bandwidth of 140 kHz
  • Compact half-rack, lightweight package 
  • PC-controlled over USB from a Microsoft Windows interface
  • Reference plane offsetting and de-embedding
  • Time domain and port impedance transformations
  • Tabular and graphic print and save formats, including Touchstone
  • P1dB, AM to PM, and stand-alone signal generator utilities
  • Fully accessible, guided 8 and 12-term calibration processes
  • 6 calibration modes, including unknown through and connected DUT isolation
  • Calibration and check standards with data for confident measurements

Making vector network analysis accessible

Today's microwave measuring instruments need to be straightforward, accurate, portable and affordable. No longer restricted to specialists, they are now used by scientists, educators, surveyors, inspectors, engineers and technicians in radio and gigabit data applications. Now Pico Technology has applied its expertise in microwave sampling oscilloscopes and time domain transmission and reflectometry to bring you a USB vector network analyzer.

The PicoVNA 106 is a professional USB-controlled, laboratory grade vector network instrument of unprecedented performance, portability and affordability. Despite its small size and low cost, the instrument boasts a ‘Quad RX’ four-receiver architecture to eliminate the uncorrectable errors, delays and fragility of three-receiver designs with internal transfer switches. 

The PicoVNA 106 offers exceptional dynamic range of 118 dB and only 0.005 dB RMS trace noise at its maximum operating bandwidth of 140 kHz. It can also gather all four s-parameters at every frequency point in just 190 µs; in other words a 500 point 2-port .s2p Touchstone file in less than one tenth of a second. The cost is so low that the PicoVNA 106 could even be used as a cost-effective high-dynamic-range scalar network analyzer! It's affordable in the classroom, small business and even amateur workshop, yet capable in the microwave expert's laboratory.

Vector network analysis everywhere

With all these advantages, the PicoVNA 106 is ideal for field service, installation test and classroom applications. Its remote automation interface extends its use to applications such as:

  • Test automation or the OEM needing to integrate a reflectometry or transmission measurement core, in:
    • Electronics component, assembly and system, and interface/interconnect ATE (cable, PCB and wireless)
    • Material, geological, life-science and food science tissue imaging or penetrating scan and radar applications
  • Inspection, test, characterization or calibration in the manufacture, distribution and service center industries
  • Broadband cable and harness test at manufacture, installation and fault over life
  • Antenna matching and tuning

ZAR 159335,0000