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Comtest Store RFQ

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PRS-370 Self-Adjusting Programmable Resistance Box & RTD Simulator

sku Product SKU:  IET-PRS-370

The PRS-370 is a Self-Adjusting Programmable Resistance Substituter, just connect an 8.5 digit DMM; Fluke 8508A, 8588A or the Keysight 3458A to the PRS-370 via the IEEE-488 interface, and the PRS-370 becomes a short-term stable variable standard of resistance.

The PRS-370 instructs the DMM to make a measurement of the source resistance and then automatically fine adjusts the output resistance to achieve the "best" accuracy to the nominal resistance value, typically better than 10 ppm.

The PRS-370 utilizes both the front and rear binding posts so that the DUT and DMM can be connected at the same time. Once the resistance measurement is complete using the DMM and rear binding posts, the source resistance is switched to the front binding posts.

The large graphical color display shows the target resistance, ∆ from nominal, measured resistance from the DMM and measurement uncertainty of the DMM.

Save time in adjustment
At the touch of a button the built-in firmware routine allows for automatic calibration of the internal resistors by just connecting a DMM to the PRS-370 . No entering values or manual trimming saves significant time over traditional programmable resistance decades or manual decades.

The right mix of features
The PRS-370 was designed with the right mix of features for to be efficient for both manual and automated application in both laboratory and production environments. With its wide range the PRS-370 was designed to replace multiple decade boxes, individual resistance standards and reduce test time.

User interface
The PRS-370 utilizes a large state-of-the-art color capacitive touchscreen which provides super fast response time. Even in low or bright light conditions the display provides exceptional clarity with large fonts and easy-to-read menus.

The user interface makes the PRS-370 well suited for high accuracy requirements for both manual and automated applications such as; calibration of resistance meters, calibration of temperature controllers and indicators, automated test systems requiring a precision resistive load

The user interface also features softkeys and a numeric keypad allowing use of the user interface without using the touch-screen.

No zero resistance
The PRS Series programmable resistance box employs very low resistance, low thermal emf relays with gold-clad silver-alloy contacts. A special design keeps contact resistance to a minimum. The gold plating keeps the silver contacts from becoming tarnished when unused, or when only low currents are passed through them. This is most often the case when only minute test currents are drawn by digital multimeters and other test instruments. Contact resistance remains low and repeatable through the use of multiple contacts.

Highest quality components
The programmable resistance box employs, high-quality gold-plated tellurium-copper five-way binding posts serve to minimize the thermal emf effects, which would produce errors in dc resistance measurements. Resistors are custom Z-foil and low inductance wirewound for low TC and excellent stability.

5 year warranty
With its industry leading 5 year warranty all aspects of the PRS-370 focus on reliability, reduced ownership costs and simplicity out of the box.

RTD calibration
The PRS-370 is also a programmable decade resistor and RTD simulator that can be used stand-alone to automate your source resistance and temperature controller testing.
Built-in tables for PT100 and PT1000 RTDs and direct resistance substitution makes the PRS-370 ideal for for RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector) simulation. User defined tables can also be created for use with other RTDs. The operator can enter temperature directly and the correct resistance will automatically be programmed.

Resistor carousel
Built-in EIA "preferred value" resistance tables of 1% (E96), 5% (E24), 10% (E12) increments or user specified increment allows the PRS-370 to be used as a resistor carousel.

AC performance
The PRS-370 programmable resistance box is a precision resistance source with excellent characteristics of stability, temperature coefficient, and power coefficient. The use of low inductance wirewound and Z-foil resistors allows the PRS-370 to be used in ac applications with minimal resistance change below 1 kHz.

Operation is both local using a color touch screen and numeric keypad or remote control with the standard IEEE-488 interface. The versatility of the IEEE-488 interface allows you to completely automate your testing when not used with a DMM.

Calibration history
Calibration history of each internal resistor can be reviewed to show drift and performance. The calibration history data can be retrieved via SCPI command for further analysis.
Pressing a switch on the front panel allows access to calibration history and adjustment menus minimizing unauthorized access.

Cyber security statement
The PRS-370 contains a microcontroller, and runs proprietary firmware. The firmware can only be updated via a JTAG or similar cable and only accessed by removing the top cover of the instrument.
There are no facilities to update firmware via the GPIB interface on the PRS-370.
Windows or Linux are not used in this product.
A factory reset is provide which will reset the PRS-370 back to factory default including calibration data history and all other data that can be saved by a user.

ZAR -1


eMaint food and beverage solutions

sku Product SKU:  EMAINT-FB

eMaint X5 cmms software shown on a computer screen. Simplify preventive maintenance with easy-to-use eMaint CMMS

Meet eMaint, the award-winning CMMS for food manufacturing. eMaint simplifies food safety and regulatory compliance for those moving production lines. Digitize your work orders, defend against food safety audits easily, and end unplanned downtime. eMaint evolves your maintenance program from a cost centre into a growth engine, boosting production line productivity.

eMaint is designed to streamline maintenance management for agriculture, food
processing, and food production maintenance & reliability teams


Digital PMs icon Cloud document icon eMaint X5 computerized maintenance management system (CMMS software) can help access procedures and process repository.
Say Goodbye to Paper PMs Reduce Unplanned Downtime Easy SQF, BRC, FDA Audit Prep
Digital work orders, asset management, and drag-and-drop PM calendaring, in one place. See machine failures coming with 24/7 condition monitoring and automatically trigger work orders. User-friendly dashboards offer quick visibility for audits, PMs, parts, downtime trends & more.


Our Food & Beverage preventive maintenance experts will learn your 
systems inside out and tailor a software package to your needs.

Top 6 Benefits of eMaint for Food & Beverage Manufacturers

Number one yellow icon


Work on the Go & Offline with Fluke Mobile

Manage work orders from anywhere, submit work requests by scanning QR codes on assets, and work offline in the field with the confidence that your work will later be uploaded.

Number two yellow icon


Save Time on Work Orders and Asset Management

eMaint manages work orders, asset hierarchy, and spare parts and lets you customize each table. You also have a drag-and-drop PM calendar and interactive floorplans at your fingertips.

Number three yellow icon


Quickly Demonstrate PM Compliance to Auditors

Maintenance scheduling, workflows with levels of approval, and audit dashboards make it easy to demonstrate PM compliance for FDA, SQF, BRC, and ISO 22000 food safety certifications.

Number four yellow icon


Maximize Uptime with Condition-Based Maintenance

Monitor parameters like temperature and set up work orders to trigger under specific conditions. Repair the right asset at the right time—reducing costs and increasing uptime.

Number five yellow icon


Get Approvals from Food Safety, Quality, and Sanitation

eMaint workflows can route work orders to Sanitation, Safety, and Quality, capturing e-signature approval. Establish conditional rules for specific events like inspection failures.

Yellow number 6 icon


Work Across Sites, Languages, and the Globe

eMaint is invaluable for multi-site, multilingual, and international companies with diverse workforces. Personalize settings for each site, from language to currency and time zone.


“The eMaint system is easy to use. Once we started using the capabilities, 
we understood and exploited more of its functionality. The more we’ve used it, 
the more we’ve seen a return on investment.”

– Monogram Foods


Our Most-Loved Tools for Food & Beverage Maintenance Challenges

eMaint equips you with a wealth of tools for problems unique to Food and beverage manufacturing. Our team will build a software package made for you, whether you want to simplify your audit prep or create a digital floorplan map that shows equipment status. eMaint also offers global customer support and in-depth educational resources.


Laptop with eMaint X5 screen

Audit Dashboards

Quickly Create Records that Satisfy Auditors

  • Give compliance auditors what they want in a glance for SQF, BRC, and FDA inspections.
  • Demonstrate food safety & quality controls meet "industry, customer, and regulatory requirements for all sectors of the food supply chain" as described by the SQF Institute.
  • Design yourself or request from eMaint.
Laptop with eMaint floorplanner screen

Interactive Plans

Floorplan Visualization & Real-Time Asset Status

  • Create an interactive visual floor plan of your production line & specific assets.
  • Click on assets to learn more.
  • Quickly see working conditionS with pins: available, in-service, offline, etc.
Laptop with eMaint work order screen

Work Order Routing & Approvals

Standardize Food Safety Controls


  • Work orders can be routed from maintenance to Safety, Quality, and Sanitation teams via workflows.
  • Capture password-protected e-signatures for specific actions from specific personnel.
  • Ensure post-maintenance sanitation & quality standards are met.
Laptop with eMaint condition monitoring on screen

Condition Monitoring

Optimizing Uptime & Avoiding Production Line Disasters

  • Gather vibration, temperature, power, pressure, or humidity data from sensors, SCADA systems, and more
  • Set up a normal range for each parameter
  • Set work orders to automatically trigger when parameters exceed limits

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PG7601 Piston Gauge

sku Product SKU:  FCL-PG7601


  • State-of-the-art primary pressure standards for the lowest uncertainty levels
  • Unified solution from vacuum to 500 MPa
  • Outputs fully validated reference pressures in real time
  • Intuitive local operator interface
  • Manual, semi-automated and fully automated configurations

The PG7000 Series calibration standards are based on the fundamental principle of mass loaded onto a piston to apply a known force to a known effective area

Integrated piston-cylinder modules
Each PG7000 piston-cylinder is an integrated metrological assembly that includes the critical piston-cylinder mounting components. All of the mechanical parts that affect piston cylinder metrology are associated with the individual piston-cylinder, rather than being common parts of the piston gauge platform, enabling the user to:

  • Change ranges (piston-cylinders) in seconds, without using tools.
  • Handle and interchange piston-cylinders without exposing critical surfaces to contamination.
  • Protect the piston-cylinder from damage due to accidental shock or impact when handling.
  • Improve measurement reproducibility by avoiding frequent assembly/disassembly of mounting components.
  • Improve piston-cylinder mounting design by allowing each mounting system to be optimized for a piston-cylinder size and range.

Mass loading concentricity
The number of independent parts between the piston and mass load has been reduced to two—the piston cap and the mass loading bell. The piston head is effectively made part of the piston by machining it after installation concentrically to the piston within ± 20 microns.

Integrated electronics, software and remote interfacing
The electronics for monitoring all ambient and instrument conditions and functions are integrated into the PG7000 platform. RS-232 and IEEE 488 interfaces are included for remote communication. The system power supplies are also contained in the terminal to remove their heat source from the PG platform. For local operation, the user interacts with the PG7000 through a keypad and alphanumeric display on a compact terminal, allowing rapid, intuitive operation.

On-board measurement of operating conditions
PG7000 includes integrated on-board measurement of all the ambient and operating conditions needed to calculate pressure within tolerance, including relative humidity, barometric pressure, ambient temperature, piston-cylinder temperature, and reference vacuum. Individual measurements can be observed in real time, both locally through the PG terminal and remotely over the RS-232 or IEEE 488 interface. Verification and recalibration of the on-board sensors is supported by embedded software.

Monitoring piston behavior
PG7000 measures and provides real time indication of piston position, drop rate, rotation rate, and rotation decelaration. Piston position is measured on the LVDT principle, with a ring on the inside of the mass loading bell acting as the armature. Rotation rate is measured optically by a sensor in the mounting post, which detects the movement of a notched ring on the inside of the mass loading bell. Both measurement systems are completely non-interfering, with no influence on the free movement of the piston in any axis.

Ready/not ready indication
The “ready/not ready" indication provides the operator with a clear “go/no go" indication of when an in-tolerance measurement can be made. It is based on testing for a variety of operating conditions, including piston position, piston fall rate, piston rotation rate, piston rotation deceleration, piston temperature rate of change and vacuum reference (when applicable). A ready condition is indicated when all conditions fall within specific limits. The limits for the various ready/not ready criteria can be customized by the user if desired.

Piston near-float detection
One of the most tedious aspects of operating a conventional piston gauge is adjusting pressure to float the piston. The piston lifts suddenly and without warning at the exact pressure corresponding to the mass loaded on the piston. Finding that point without overshooting requires slow and cautious pressure control. PG7000 makes it easier to float the piston with a piston preloading system, which provides advance warning that the pressure is near the point where the piston will leave end of stroke. The preloading system only affects the piston when it is at end of stroke; it does not interfere with the free movement of the piston when it is floating.

Intelligent piston rotation
PG7000 is the first commercially available piston gauge to provide monitoring of rotation rate and decay in rotation rate. These measurements are used to assure that pressure readings are always made within limits. This relieves the operator of rotation rate monitoring responsibility and replaces subjective operator judgment with objective measurement.

Storage and shipping containers
The PG7000 piston gauge platform and mass set are packaged in heavy duty, weather proof, molded transit cases with custom inserts to provide optimum protection. PG7000 piston-cylinders modules are delivered in compact, virtually indestructible PVC bullet cases.

Advanced pressure generation and control components
All PG7000 pressure accessories are designed to increase the efficiency and ergonomics of piston gauge operation. These include manual, semi-automated and fully automated options to quickly and easily generate pressure and float the piston at the set point.

COMPASS® for Pressure calibration assistance software
COMPASS software sets up records for the units under test (UUT), defines and associates test procedures with UUTs, runs tests, acquires reference and test data, produces standard and custom calibration reports. All reference, UUT and test data is collected and stored in a database and standard delimited files. COMPASS can manage any kind of test from manual operator control and logging of test data to fully automated, unattended test execution.

A unified solution from vacuum to 500 MPa
The PG7000 line of piston gauges covers the complete range of pressure from very low absolute and differential in gas, up to 500 MPa (75 000 psi) in oil. While several piston gauge platforms and specialized accessories may be needed to cover different ranges and media, a consistent user interface and operational principles are maintained throughout the line. In most cases, complete gas and oil calibration capability can be achieved with just two PG platforms, four piston-cylinder modules and one mass set. Maintaining consistency from system to system makes them easier to learn and to use. Maintenance costs are reduced by minimizing the number of metrological elements to be supported.

PG7000 Piston Cylinder Modules
The piston-cylinder defines effective area and is the piston gauge’s principal metrological element. The piston-cylinder’s intrinsic characteristics and how it is mounted and exploited are the keys to piston gauge performance.

PG7000 piston-cylinders are manufactured by Fluke Calibration using proprietary production techniques that result in pistons and cylinders whose typical shape is within less than 0.2 micron from ideal geometry.

Pure gas operated piston-cylinders use large diameters and very small annular gaps to minimize gas species and operating mode effects and to maximize piston float times. For example, the typical annular gap of a 35 mm gas operated piston-cylinder is less than 1 micron. Oil operated piston-cylinders use small diameters to reduce the quantity of mass needed to cover the typical high pressure range.

All Type 7000 pistons and cylinders are made of tungsten carbide. Each PG7000 piston-cylinder is a complete, integrated metrological assembly that includes the critical piston-cylinder mounting components for improved metrological performance. All Type 7000 piston-cylinders use free deformation mounting systems in which the cylinder is allowed to deform under the influence of applied pressure, without O-rings or seals along the cylinder length. For higher pressure gas assemblies, a new mounting system, negative free deformation, applies the measured pressure uniformly along the full length of the cylinder. This reduces deformation under pressure, so piston drop rates remain low even at high operating pressures, while avoiding the unpredictable strain points of conventional reentrant designs.

PG7000 Mass Sets
Masses loaded on the piston are accelerated by gravity to apply a known force on the piston against which the defined pressure is balanced.

A PG7000 manual mass set is made up of main masses of 10 kg or 5 kg, fractionary masses in 5-2-2-1 progression from 0.5 kg to 0.1 kg, and a trim mass set with masses from 50 kg to 0.01 g. Any desired mass value within the mass set range can be loaded to 0.01 g. All main and fractionary masses are machined from solid, nonmagnetic stainless steel and adjusted to their nominal values in the mass without cavities or trimming hardware which can reduce mass stability over time. Individual masses are comfortable to handle, with angled lifting surfaces on the edge of each mass and special mass trays that assist in orderly loading and unloading.

A PG7000 automated mass set is composed of main mass discs of 6.2 or 10 kg each and a set of tubular masses in binary progression from 0.1 to 3.2 or 6.4 kg.

A pneumatically driven automated mass handling accessory (AMH) loads requested mass values in increments of 0.1 kg. The AMH and mass set are easily removed to access the piston-cylinder module when necessary.

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Fluke 8588A Reference Multimeter

sku Product SKU:  FCAL-8588A

Stability, simplicity, and performance by design

The 8588A incorporates exceptional linearity, low noise, and stability in the design. This best-in-class long-scale digital reference multimeter guarantees superior 3.5 ppm one-year dc voltage relative accuracy and long-term stability over a wide measurement range and functions.

The 8588A contains the world’s most stable voltage references and attenuators custom crafted at Fluke Calibration.  These precision components eliminate the need for daily internal self-calibration to compensate for drift when less-precise components are used.  Autozeroing also becomes unnecessary because the amplifier offsets are ultra-stable.  The 8588A achieves an exceptional 8.5-digit resolution reading in one second, two times shorter than the next best in class, which amounts to considerable productivity improvements.

The 8588A is easy and intuitive to use. It is the ideal lab multimeter for metrologists and calibration laboratory managers who expect and appreciate a straightforward setup that quickly achieves the maximum performance of the instrument.

  • 2.7 µV/V (95%), 3.5 µV/V (99%), 1 year relative accuracy, dc voltage without internal self-calibration or auto-adjustments
  • 0.5 µV/V (95%), 0.65 µV/V (99%), 24 hour stability, dc voltage
  • 7 µΩ/Ω (95%), 9 µΩ/Ω (99%), 1 year, resistance
  • 2.02x full scale stretches lower noise floor to higher signal levels to maximize higher accuracies from the instrument
  • 200 ns to 100 s aperture setting allows the industry's widest flexibility to control data capture window

Accuracy, offset and stability provide excellent ac performance

The 8588A provides the most accurate true ac rms measurement available in a Fluke Calibration multimeter.

With a 5 mega-samples-per-second sampling analog-to-digital converter and an extraordinarily stable dc analog path, the 8588A achieves remarkable ac rms measurement performance that is ten times faster, two times less noisy, and more sensitive for low level signals than other instruments in this class. It utilizes digital rms calculations to maintain full resolution of a wide dynamic range of digitized signals, so you can see a wide range of measurements clearly.

Rapid digital filters are more effective than their analog equivalents for faster settling. The digital filters eliminate the dielectric absorption on analog filters, commonly associated with residual slow-tail characteristics. The digital filters effectively shorten settling time to within 6 cycles of the filter frequency and less than 1 ppm of the fully settled value.This is up to 10 times faster than other long scale precision digital multimeters at low frequencies.

Low noise is achieved from averaging the collected high-resolution digitized data and the inherently stable signal path. De-coupling low level signal sensitivity from temperature drift enables the 8588A to make higher accuracy low-level ac measurements. Therefore, temperature drift, offsets, and long-term instability typically associated with an analog rms converter are eliminated.

  • 60 µV/V (95%), 77 µV/V (99%), 1 year relative accuracy, for the most accurate ac voltage measurement
  • 250 µA/A (95%), 323 µA/A (99%), 1 year relative accuracy, ac current
  • 15 ms settling time at 1kHz ac filter form 10x faster ac voltage measurement
  • 2.02x full scale Vpp, 1.2x full scale rms
  • Up to 30 A for peak ac current greatly extends ac current measurement range


Usability designed for metrologists by metrologists

The 8588A is the ideal lab multimeter. It streamlines the measurement process while eliminating misunderstandings, with an easy-to-access user interface in English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Spanish. An intuitive graphical display lets you easily visualize trends, histograms, complex waveforms, and statistics and perform routine metrology tasks quickly. You can perform both real-time and post-capture analysis for short-term and long-term stability, identifying and quantifying drifts, run-around noise, and uncertainty analysis without the need for an external computer or software. You can also quickly visualize post-processed frequency domain signals of fundamental and harmonic amplitude and phase content.

Some popular system multimeters have complex menu structures and unintuitive commands, while others lack any user interface, presenting barriers to training and operation. By contrast, the 8588A/8558A feature an easy to- access configuration menu that makes it easy to train new users.

The front panel features many new usability improvements. Visual Connection Management™ output terminals light up to show which terminals are active, guiding the user to make the correct connections. The handles are over-molded for comfort and easy transport.

USB host ports are placed both on the front and rear of the instrument. Use the ports to export data to external memory devices or simplify firmware updates. For remote communication with a PC, choose from Ethernet, GPIB or USBTMC connectors on the rear panel.

The 8558A/8558A provides full emulation of the Fluke 8508A Reference Multimeter and command compatibility of the Keysight 3458A Digital Multimeter via SCPI commands, making it an ideal replacement for these older instruments.

  • Graphical display that enables instantaneous visualization of trend plot, statistical analysis, histogram and FFT. 
  • GPIB, USBTMC, Ethernet allows industry-standard selection of remote interface. • USB thumb drive enables quick and easy data transfer to PC in .csv format.
  • SCPI compliant commands with 8508A and 3458A emulation mode simplifies and accelerates system upgrade process to 8588A/8558A
  • Programmable front/rear input switching with ratio measurement allows ratio-metric measurements between front and rear terminals in dc voltage, resistance, current functions with state-ofthe- art linearity, noise performance, superb transfer uncertainties.
  • Capacitance and RF power meter readout from Rohde & Schwarz NRP Series expands the utility of 8588A in calibrating multi-product calibrators for improved productivity in calibration labs.

The MET/CAL™ Calibration Management Software advantage

The 8588A and 8558A work with Fluke Calibration MET/CAL™ Calibration Software, in 8508A emulation mode, allowing increased throughput while ensuring calibrations are performed consistently every time. This powerful software documents calibration procedures, processes and results for ease in complying with ISO/IEC 17025 and similar quality standards.

Support and services when you need them

Fluke Calibration offers testing, repair and calibration services to meet your needs quickly and at a fair cost while maintaining the high level of quality that you expect. Our electrical calibration laboratories are accredited for conformance to ISO Guide 17025 and we maintain global calibration and repair facilities.

You can enhance warranty protection with a Priority Gold Instrument CarePlan service package.

A Priority Gold Instrument CarePlan includes an expedited annual calibration to reduce downtime by a week and extended warranty to help ensure the best long-term performance from your instruments. Choose from one-year, three-year or five-year CarePlans. (Note: Priority shipping times vary by country. Contact your local Fluke Calibration sales representative for details.)

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Ametek Asterion DC ASA Series


The Sorensen™ Asterion® DC ASA Series is the newest addition to the Asterion platform of power testing solutions. The new ASA Series features three independent, isolated 600W channels for a combined 1800W total output power. The autoranging supplies feature expanded current and voltage range at the full output power level, enabling the ability to satisfy a wider testing need without requiring the purchase of additional models.

Control via Front Panel Touchscreen & Encoder Knob or available digital control interfaces

The Asterion DC ASA Series is Digital Signal Processor (DSP) controlled and can be operated from the intuitive, easy-to-use front panel touchscreen or the Ethernet LXI, USB and RS232 standard control interfaces, as well as through the optional GPIB control interface. The touchscreen function group icons include a Dashboard, Output Programming Parameters, Measurements, Sequencing, Configuration, Control Interfaces, Applications, and System Settings. Function selection and parameter entry can be achieved either by direct selection from the touchscreen or by using the encoder selector button. The control resolution is adjusted by a dynamic rate change algorithm that combine the benefits of precise control over small parameter changes with quick sweeps through the entire range.


The Asterion DC ASA Series is designed for testing today’s complex electronics, including telecommunications and commercial electronics requiring low profile, light weight power supplies with high power density. Other applications include:

  • Military and aerospace electronics test
  • DC power simulation
  • Commercial manufacturing and process control
  • Research and development
  • Automotive component and battery testing
  • ATE applications

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NetScout nGenius 3900 Series

sku Product SKU:  NET-nGENIUS-3900-s

Improve Network and Application Test Lab Efficiency, Speed, and Performance

The 3900 Series combines Layer 1 matrix switching with unique Layer 2-4 intelligence, in a single centralized platform, to optimize test lab operations.

Today’s rapidly evolving test lab environments are placing significant demands on your organization. You need to simultaneously improve resource utilization and reduce test cycle time, while saving on capital and operational expenditures.

Lab Management Challenge

As test lab configurations become increasingly complex, the time required to manage them can grow exponentially. Many companies are consolidating test labs, moving to a service-oriented approach to share resources across multiple organizations, making efficient lab management a significant challenge.

Optimize Test Lab Operations

The 3900 Series delivers an efficient platform enabling customers to optimize their test lab operations. It combines Layer 1 matrix switching with unique Layer 2-4 intelligence, in a single, centralized platform that is managed by our TestStream Management Software .

The nGenius 3901, 3903, and 3912 chassis options allow for scalability and flexibility. They incorporate optical-electrical-optical (OEO) blades that support a wide range of interfaces, along with a combination of Layer 1 switching and higher level intelligence for efficiently managing test lab network topologies. Blades are interoperable across chassis options and can be added as lab capacity requirements increase to support various Test Lab Automation Infrastructure Solutions.


Because the 3900 Series is controlled by NETSCOUT’s TestStream Management Software, it will seamlessly integrate with the rest of your existing test lab environment.

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NETSCOUT SpectraSecure

sku Product SKU:  NET-SpectraSecure

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks can target any application or service that is reachable from the internet . Web servers, DNS servers, routers, session border controllers, and many other services are constantly subject to attack. Identifying and mitigating these attacks is done using on-premises solutions, cloud-based solutions, or a hybrid solution combing both.

DDoS mitigation is not static. With the power, sophistication, and frequency of DDoS attacks rising, DDoS mitigation must continually evolve in order to protect against the latest attack scenarios. But how can you be sure you are protected? Waiting for an attack to happen to test your resilience is a risky proposition. NETSCOUT’s SpectraSecure solution helps you eliminate that risk.

The NETSCOUT Solution for DDoS Mitigation Testing

SpectraSecure tests DDoS resilience in a controlled manner using configurable threat vectors that can mimic the malicious traffic launched by botnets. SpectraSecure utilizes test-botnets to simulate real-world attack scenarios in a customer’s controlled environment. Using SpectraSecure, you can validate the resilience of any potential target, including networks, applications, and services. Test attacks launched by SpectraSecure appear massively distributed, even when the test-botnet consists of a small number of Virtual Machines. A single test using a volumetric attack vector may appear to originate from millions of unique endpoints.

War Games

Although traditional lab testing is essential, it cannot assess the organizational readiness required for holistic DDoS attack mitigation. Conducting war games is one of the best ways to verify that the teams, tools, and processes will all be on the same page when an attack occurs.

Blacklist Verification

Maintaining a blacklist of source addresses can present a challenge. Use SpectraSecure in the lab to verify the target can handle high volume DDoS attacks from blacklisted sources. In a production network, SpectraSecure can launch low-bandwidth attacks to verify that blacklisted packets are handled properly.

Deep Packet Inspection Testing

Solutions that use Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) to identify attacks require test traffic with specific content at the application layer. Using SpectraSecure, simulated attacks can contain a mix of traditional attack vectors and packets that contain application-specific content to trigger DPI-based filters.

Notification Testing

Identifying and mitigating DDoS attacks often involves automatic notification of staff and external systems. Use SpectraSecure to verify these critical steps are occurring as required.

Multi-Vector and Custom Attacks

Use SpectraSecure to stay ahead of threat actors by verifying resilience to multi-vector attacks and custom attack scenarios. SpectraSecure’s built-in attack vectors can be modified and combined together to create unique scenarios that exercise all aspects of a mitigation system.

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Siglent SDS2000X HD

sku Product SKU:  SIG-SDS2000X-HD

SIGLENT’s SDS2000X high-resolution digital oscilloscopes are based on 2 GSa/s, 12-bit Analog to Digital converters and front ends with excellent noise floor performance. SDS2000X HD oscilloscopes are available in bandwidths of 350 MHz, 200 MHz, and 100 MHz, have a maximum record length of 200 Mpts/ch, and display 4 analog channels + 16 digital channels mixed-signal analysis ability.

The SDS2000X HD series employs Siglent’s SPO technology with a maximum waveform capture rate of up to 100,000 wfm/s (normal mode, up to 500,000 wfm/s in Sequence mode), 256-level intensity grading display function plus a color temperature display mode. It also employs an innovative digital trigger system with high sensitivity and low jitter. The trigger system supports multiple powerful triggering modes including serial bus triggering. Tools such as History waveform recording, Search and Navigate functions, Mask Test, Bode Plot, Power Analysis and Histogram allow for extended waveform records to be captured, stored, and analyzed. An impressive array of measurement and math capabilities, options for a 25 MHz arbitrary waveform generator, as well as serial decoding are also features of the SDS2000X HD digital oscilloscope.

The large 10.1’’ display capacitive touch screen supports multitouch gestures, with the addition of a user-friendly UI design, which can greatly improve the operation efficiency. It also supports mouse control and remote web control over LAN.

ZAR -1

molstic-L Mounting Systems

sku Product SKU:  FCL-molstic-L

molstics provide a quick connector input for convenient connection to the gas supply. This is followed by a 2 micron (0.5 micron for low flow) filter to protect the downstream components. Then, an adjustable regulator sets and regulates optimum molbloc upstream pressure and protects the molbox transducers against accidental overpressure. The regulator range supports all standard molbloc operating pressure ranges. A bellows shut-off valve, just before the molbloc, allows the gas supply to be shut-off for configuration changes and/or system leak checking.

Special cradles support the molbloc(s). A connection and pads are provided downstream of the molbloc for mounting the MFC (mass flow controller), another device under test, or the optional metering valve kit for manual flow control.

Single channel molstics are available to accommodate single molblocs. Dual channel models allow two molblocs to be mounted simultaneously to switch between two different molbloc ranges without changing hardware or to take advantage of molbox1+'s capability to run two molblocs in parallel.

There are low, mid and high flow versions of molstic. Low flow molstics use a unique, very high stability pressure regulator and minimize dead volumes. They are required for effective use of 2E2-L and lower molblocs and can be used up to the 1E3-L molbloc size. The mid flow molstics cover the ranges of all the molblocs from as low 2E2-L up to the 3E4-L. The high flow molstic is required for the 1E5-L (100 slm) molbloc and supports that molbloc only.


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molbox RFM Reference Flow Monitor

sku Product SKU:  FCL-molbox RFM

molstics provide a quick connector input for convenient connection to the gas supply. This is followed by a 2 micron (0.5 micron for low flow) filter to protect the downstream components. Then, an adjustable regulator sets and regulates optimum molbloc upstream pressure and protects the molbox transducers against accidental overpressure. The regulator range supports all standard molbloc operating pressure ranges. A bellows shut-off valve, just before the molbloc, allows the gas supply to be shut-off for configuration changes and/or system leak checking.

Special cradles support the molbloc(s). A connection and pads are provided downstream of the molbloc for mounting the MFC (mass flow controller), another device under test, or the optional metering valve kit for manual flow control.

Single channel molstics are available to accommodate single molblocs. Dual channel models allow two molblocs to be mounted simultaneously to switch between two different molbloc ranges without changing hardware or to take advantage of molbox1+'s capability to run two molblocs in parallel.

There are low, mid and high flow versions of molstic. Low flow molstics use a unique, very high stability pressure regulator and minimize dead volumes. They are required for effective use of 2E2-L and lower molblocs and can be used up to the 1E3-L molbloc size. The mid flow molstics cover the ranges of all the molblocs from as low 2E2-L up to the 3E4-L. The high flow molstic is required for the 1E5-L (100 slm) molbloc and supports that molbloc only.


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