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Comtest Store RFQ

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Siglent SSA3000X-R

sku Product SKU:  SIG-SSA3000X-R

SIGLENT SSA3000X-R real-time spectrum analysers are powerful and flexible tools for complex RF signal monitoring and analysis. With a capability of 40 MHz analysis bandwidth and 7.2 µs 100% POI, the SSA3000X-R spectrum analyzers can provide multi-dimensions data displays, advanced triggering, and RF data capturing, to solve modern RF spectrum challenges, like hopping frequency, conflict channel, spectrum interference, etc. They also provide a standard tracking generator for network analysis, optional wideband digital modulation analysis, and EMI pre-compliance test.
SSA3000X-R applications include broadcast monitoring/evaluation, cellular site, IoT, WiFi, Bluetooth surveying, research and development, education, production, and maintenance.

These powerful spectrum analysers are even more useful with the addition of free Vector Network Analysis (VNA) and Distance-to-fault (DTF) functions included. Now, you can perform critical real-time analysis and RF device characterization with one instrument!

Key Features

  • Spectrum Analyser Frequency Range from 9 kHz up to 3.2 GHz / 5.0 GHz / 7.5 GHz
  • VNA and DTF included
  • -165 dBm/Hz Displayed Average Noise Level (Typ.)
  • -98 dBc/Hz.@10 kHz Offset Phase Noise (1 GHz, Typ.)
  • Level Measurement Uncertainty < 0.7 dB (Typ.)
  • 1 Hz Minimum Resolution Bandwidth (RBW)
  • Preamplifier and Tracking Generator Standard
  • Vector Network Analyzer Mode Standard
  • Distance to Fault Mode Standard
  • Up to 40 MHz Real Time Analysis Bandwidth
  • 100% POI 7.20 μs, Dynamic Range 60 dB
  • Multi-view for Density, Spectrogram, PvT, and multi trigger and FMT
  • Modulation Analysis (Opt.)
  • Reflection Measurement Kit (Opt.)
  • EMI Filter and Quasi-Peak Detector Kit(Opt.)
  • Advanced Measurement Kit (Opt.)
  • 10.1 inch Multi-Touch Screen , Mouse and Keyboard supported
  • Web Browser Remote Control on PC and Mobile Terminals and File Operation

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Siglent SDS2000X

sku Product SKU:  SIG-SDS2000X

SIGLENT’s SDS2000X Plus series Digital Storage Oscilloscopes are available in bandwidths of 350 MHz, 200 MHz and 100 MHz, have a maximum sample rate of 2 GSa/s, maximum record length of 200 Mpts/ch, and up to 4 analog channels + 16 digital channels mixed signal analysis ability.

The SDS2000X Plus series employs SIGLENT’s SPO technology with a maximum waveform capture rate of up to 120,000 wfm/s (normal mode, up to 500,000 wfm/s in Sequence mode), 256-level intensity grading display function plus a color temperature display mode. It also employs an innovative digital trigger system with high sensitivity and low jitter. The trigger system supports multiple powerful triggering modes including serial bus triggering. History waveform recording, Sequence acquisition, Search and Navigate functions allow for extended waveform records to be captured, stored, and analyzed. An impressive array of measurement and math capabilities, options for a 50 MHz waveform generator, as well as serial decoding, mask test, bode plot, and power analysis are also features of the SDS2000X Plus. A 10-bit acquisition mode helps to satisfy applications which require more than 8-bit resolution.

The large 10.1’’ capacitive touch screen supports multi-touch gestures, while the remote web control, mouse and external keyboard support greatly improve the operating efficiency of the SDS2000X Plus.

Having trouble deciding which scope is right for you?

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Siglent SDS2000X HD

sku Product SKU:  SIG-SDS2000X-HD

SIGLENT’s SDS2000X high-resolution digital oscilloscopes are based on 2 GSa/s, 12-bit Analog to Digital converters and front ends with excellent noise floor performance. SDS2000X HD oscilloscopes are available in bandwidths of 350 MHz, 200 MHz, and 100 MHz, have a maximum record length of 200 Mpts/ch, and display 4 analog channels + 16 digital channels mixed-signal analysis ability.

The SDS2000X HD series employs Siglent’s SPO technology with a maximum waveform capture rate of up to 100,000 wfm/s (normal mode, up to 500,000 wfm/s in Sequence mode), 256-level intensity grading display function plus a color temperature display mode. It also employs an innovative digital trigger system with high sensitivity and low jitter. The trigger system supports multiple powerful triggering modes including serial bus triggering. Tools such as History waveform recording, Search and Navigate functions, Mask Test, Bode Plot, Power Analysis and Histogram allow for extended waveform records to be captured, stored, and analyzed. An impressive array of measurement and math capabilities, options for a 25 MHz arbitrary waveform generator, as well as serial decoding are also features of the SDS2000X HD digital oscilloscope.

The large 10.1’’ display capacitive touch screen supports multitouch gestures, with the addition of a user-friendly UI design, which can greatly improve the operation efficiency. It also supports mouse control and remote web control over LAN.

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Netscout OS Series for Test Lab Automation

sku Product SKU:  NET-OS-Series

For customers in need of an all optical solution, the OS Series offers single mode fiber connectivity delivering data-rate and protocol transparency.

The OS Series is controlled by NETSCOUT’s TestStream Management Software, so it will seamlessly integrate with the rest of your existing test lab environment.

The OS Series includes two chassis configuration options, the all-optical OS-96 and OS-192. Offering 96 or 192 duplex ports of Single Mode fiber connectivity, both configurations deliver data-rate and protocol transparency. The OS Series also offers near-zero latency for time-sensitive applications.


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NETSCOUT SpectraSecure

sku Product SKU:  NET-SpectraSecure

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks can target any application or service that is reachable from the internet . Web servers, DNS servers, routers, session border controllers, and many other services are constantly subject to attack. Identifying and mitigating these attacks is done using on-premises solutions, cloud-based solutions, or a hybrid solution combing both.

DDoS mitigation is not static. With the power, sophistication, and frequency of DDoS attacks rising, DDoS mitigation must continually evolve in order to protect against the latest attack scenarios. But how can you be sure you are protected? Waiting for an attack to happen to test your resilience is a risky proposition. NETSCOUT’s SpectraSecure solution helps you eliminate that risk.

The NETSCOUT Solution for DDoS Mitigation Testing

SpectraSecure tests DDoS resilience in a controlled manner using configurable threat vectors that can mimic the malicious traffic launched by botnets. SpectraSecure utilizes test-botnets to simulate real-world attack scenarios in a customer’s controlled environment. Using SpectraSecure, you can validate the resilience of any potential target, including networks, applications, and services. Test attacks launched by SpectraSecure appear massively distributed, even when the test-botnet consists of a small number of Virtual Machines. A single test using a volumetric attack vector may appear to originate from millions of unique endpoints.

War Games

Although traditional lab testing is essential, it cannot assess the organizational readiness required for holistic DDoS attack mitigation. Conducting war games is one of the best ways to verify that the teams, tools, and processes will all be on the same page when an attack occurs.

Blacklist Verification

Maintaining a blacklist of source addresses can present a challenge. Use SpectraSecure in the lab to verify the target can handle high volume DDoS attacks from blacklisted sources. In a production network, SpectraSecure can launch low-bandwidth attacks to verify that blacklisted packets are handled properly.

Deep Packet Inspection Testing

Solutions that use Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) to identify attacks require test traffic with specific content at the application layer. Using SpectraSecure, simulated attacks can contain a mix of traditional attack vectors and packets that contain application-specific content to trigger DPI-based filters.

Notification Testing

Identifying and mitigating DDoS attacks often involves automatic notification of staff and external systems. Use SpectraSecure to verify these critical steps are occurring as required.

Multi-Vector and Custom Attacks

Use SpectraSecure to stay ahead of threat actors by verifying resilience to multi-vector attacks and custom attack scenarios. SpectraSecure’s built-in attack vectors can be modified and combined together to create unique scenarios that exercise all aspects of a mitigation system.

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NetScout nGenius 3900 Series

sku Product SKU:  NET-nGENIUS-3900-s

Improve Network and Application Test Lab Efficiency, Speed, and Performance

The 3900 Series combines Layer 1 matrix switching with unique Layer 2-4 intelligence, in a single centralized platform, to optimize test lab operations.

Today’s rapidly evolving test lab environments are placing significant demands on your organization. You need to simultaneously improve resource utilization and reduce test cycle time, while saving on capital and operational expenditures.

Lab Management Challenge

As test lab configurations become increasingly complex, the time required to manage them can grow exponentially. Many companies are consolidating test labs, moving to a service-oriented approach to share resources across multiple organizations, making efficient lab management a significant challenge.

Optimize Test Lab Operations

The 3900 Series delivers an efficient platform enabling customers to optimize their test lab operations. It combines Layer 1 matrix switching with unique Layer 2-4 intelligence, in a single, centralized platform that is managed by our TestStream Management Software .

The nGenius 3901, 3903, and 3912 chassis options allow for scalability and flexibility. They incorporate optical-electrical-optical (OEO) blades that support a wide range of interfaces, along with a combination of Layer 1 switching and higher level intelligence for efficiently managing test lab network topologies. Blades are interoperable across chassis options and can be added as lab capacity requirements increase to support various Test Lab Automation Infrastructure Solutions.


Because the 3900 Series is controlled by NETSCOUT’s TestStream Management Software, it will seamlessly integrate with the rest of your existing test lab environment.

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NetScout nGenius TestStream Management Software

sku Product SKU:  NET-nGenius-TestStream-Software

Meet the demands of complex test lab environments
Meet the demands of complex test lab environments Today’s rapidly evolving, complex test lab environments are placing significant demands on your organization. You need to simultaneously improve resource utilization and reduce test cycle time, while saving on capital and operational expenditures. Lack of centralized lab management Traditional solutions don’t allow for remote management of test lab infrastructure. With no centralized management, there is a decided lack of controls and audit trails, adding to the complexity for test lab professionals.

Lack of centralized lab management
Traditional solutions don’t allow for remote management of test lab infrastructure. With no centralized management, there is a decided lack of controls and audit trails, adding to the complexity for test lab professionals.


Increase efficiency, speed, and performance of test labs
NETSCOUT’s TestStream Management Software provides an easy-to-use drag-and-drop user interface to define and manage topologies using layer 1 matrix switching and to apply layer 2-4 functions enabling increased efficiency, speed, and performance of test labs.

TestStream Management Software

  • Integrated intelligence with Layer 1-4 functions from a single user interface
  • Scalable deployment options to control up to 32 switches from a single instance
  • Simple drag-and-drop provisioning of layer 1 connectivity and Layer 2-4 optimization functions
  • Manage topologies to share lab tools and devices under test
  • Real-time and historical statistics for increased visibility
  • Threshold alarming and user activity logging for rapid isolation of problems
  • CLI for integrating with internal tools or 3rd party automation software

Our solution can help you meet the demands of today’s high-performance test labs, as well as prepare you for whatever the future brings.

Intuitive Layer 1-4 Functionality – Simple Operation

System Dashboard – High Scalability

Traffic Statistics – Integrated Intelligence


TestStream products you can trust
NETSCOUT understands the challenges test lab professionals face in today’s evolving, complex test lab environments. Let us show you how our TestStream Management Software enables improved efficiency, speed, and performance of test labs.

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Midtronics CPX-900

sku Product SKU:  MID-CPX-900

CPX-900 Battery & Electrical System Analyzer offers advanced diagnostics in a handheld one-piece diagnostic tool. CPX-900 features Conductance Profiling™, a patented Midtronics technology that identifies batteries with low reserve capacity, a key capability to accurately diagnose the increasing electrical demands placed on modern vehicles.

  • Quickly and accurately diagnose a battery’s cranking and reserve capacity health
  • Reduced charge and retest results
  • Proven Midtronics quality – durable design features for heavy daily use
  • Support automated over-the-air software updates and data analytics

Battery Management Processes

Midtronics products are designed to meet a variety of battery and electrical system service requirements, but selected features on individual products may make them a better fit for your unique service applications. This product is particularly well-suited for these battery management processes:

  • Preventative maintenance

  • Vehicle arrival inspection

  • pre-delivery inspection

  • Warranty management

  • Service diagnostics


Conductance Profiling™

Combines our conductance algorithm with new proprietary technology to:

  • Identify batteries with poor reserve capacity that may start the car, but could fail to support other vehicle accessories
  • Ensures service readiness for emerging vehicle systems and batteries with new points of battery failure

Analytics and Communication

  • BMIS integration supports automated over-the-air software updates and analytical reporting

    • Capture and review battery testing data
    • Visibility into process compliance
    • E-mail results via built-in Wi-Fi

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Microchip Technology BlueSky GNSS Firewall

sku Product SKU:  MIC-BlueSkyGNSSFirewall

Protects GNSS Systems against spoofing and jamming threats

The vulnerability of GNSS systems to various signal incidents is well documented. The rapid proliferation of GNSS systems has embedded these vulnerabilities into critical national infrastructure as well as corporate infrastructures that rely on GNSS-delivered position, navigation and timing (PNT) for daily operations. The widespread deployment of GNSS makes it impractical to replace all fielded GNSS systems in a timely or cost-effective manner.

Microchip provides a portfolio of technologies, products, and services that enables operators of Critical Infrastructure to construct a secure and robust PNT network that is resilient to GNSS errors as well as errors coming from other sky-based delivery channels such as Galileo, GLONASS, BeiDou, or another.  Details of this complete portfolio are described in the Virtual Primary Reference Time Clock (vPRTC) architecture which can be found here.

The BlueSkyTM GNSS Firewall protects already deployed GNSS systems by providing a cost-effective overlay solution installed between existing GNSS antennas and GNSS systems. Similar to a network firewall, the BlueSky GNSS Firewall protects systems inside the firewall from untrusted sky-based signals outside the firewall.

Defending against GNSS Threats needs to be part of a Cybersecurity Plan

Systems which rely on GNSS for reception of Position, Navigation and Time (PNT), have been determined by national security agencies across the globe as potential cybersecurity attack vectors. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recently published the Resilient Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Conformance Framework document providing a common reference point to help critical infrastructure become more resilient to PNT disruptions.  Described in the DHS Resilient PNT Conformance Framework, a cybersecurity approach has been proposed:

Prevent: The first layer of defense. Ideally threats are prevented from entering a system, however, it must be assumed that it will not be possible to stop all threats.

Respond: Detect atypical errors or anomalies and then take action such as mitigation, containment and reporting. The system should ensure an adequate response to externally induced, atypical errors before recovery is needed.

Recover: Return to a proper working state and defined performance. It serves as the last line of defense.

Four Levels of Resilience

Based on the Prevent-Respond-Recover cybersecurity model, the PNT Conformance Framework document describes 4 levels of resilience. Note that the resilience levels build upon each other, that is, Level 2 includes all enumerated behaviors in Level 1, and so forth. Using the BlueSky GNSS Firewall either as a standalone security barrier or in combination with Microchip’s high-performance atomic clocks and timing distribution systems, all four levels of resilience can be achieved and exceeded.

The new BlueSky GNSS Firewall Software Release 3.0

Contained within the BlueSky GNSS Firewall is a software platform that analyzes GNSS signal reception.  GNSS signal data is received and evaluated from each satellite to ensure compliance along with analyzing received signal characteristics.  Release 3.0 further enhances the BlueSky GNSS Firewall's already field proven GNSS protection capabilities with new features such as Trusted Time Anomaly Detection, GPS Subframe Reference Detection, embedded GNSS observable tools combined with new TimePictra Performance Monitoring features to better secure, monitor, prevent, respond and recover to GNSS threats.  Critical Infrastructure providers now have the most advanced set of tools for defending against all intentional or unintentional vulnerabilities and threats and achieving Level 4 Resilience as defined by the DHS PNT Conformance Framework.

Integrates seamlessly between existing GNSS Antenna and GNSS system

Microchip’s BlueSky GNSS Firewall is deployed in-line between an existing GNSS antenna and GNSS receiver system and can be placed near the GNSS receiver system or near the point at which the GNSS antenna cable enters the building.  Thus, nearly all currently deployed GNSS antennas are supported without modifying the existing installation.

Optional Rubidium MAC (Miniature Atomic Clock) for enhanced threat detection and holdover

Upgrading the BlueSky GNSS Firewall with the MAC enhances anomalous GNSS detection capabilities while also extending holdover performance of the hardened GNSS signal output for multiple days.

1PPS and 10 MHz timing reference inputs for extended holdover

10 MHz or 1 PPS inputs allows for connection of autonomous references sources such as Microsemi's 5071A or TimeCesium products to extend the holdover performance in case of a complete loss of GNSS reception for long periods of time.

Upgradeable Software in addition to secure and easy-to-use web interface

At the core of the BlueSky GNSS Firewall is a programmable anomaly detector that validates the GNSS subframes for spoofing incidents based on defined data validation rules. A wide range of rules have already been built into the BlueSky GNSS Firewall to detect suspicious time and position inconsistencies. As with traditional security firewalls, new validation rules are made available with each new release of software for the BlueSky GNSS Firewall to defend against new threats that are identified.

Wide scale management using TimePictra platform

Management of wide scale deployment of 10's, 100's or 1000's of BlueSky GNSS Firewall units is simplified using Microsemi's TimePictra management system. TimePictra enables a regional, national, or a global view of your PNT infrastructure to provide early alerting of threats before your PNT network is violated.

BlueSky Performance Monitoring

Integrated within TimePictra, BlueSky Performance Monitoring enables visibility of GNSS reception parameters across a wide-scale deployment of BlueSky GNSS Firewalls.  GNSS signal measurements such as GNSS phase deviation, GNSS satellites in view, and GNSS signal strength can be plotted for selected time periods.  This aids critical infrastructure operations to more quickly identify and isolate GNSS incidents. 

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Microchip Technology 9611B

sku Product SKU:  MIC-9611B-02

The 9611B switch and distribution system is an intelligent switching, monitoring and distribution system, packaged in a 1U rack-mount chassis.
The 9611B can be set up to distribute a wide range of signal formats; low noise sine waves, IRIG timecodes or pulse formats from either one of two inputs to all twelve outputs. The 9611B allows the user to deploy one model type to support multiple signaling formats which lowers support and logistics costs.
The 9611B provides for both manual and auto-switching signal distribution. When in auto-switching mode, the 9611 will detect any input or output failure based on the signal type being propagated. In the Auto mode, any input failure causes the unit to switch from Primary to Secondary source. Alarms will be indicated by all user interfaces including the front panel and Command Line Interface

 User Interfaces 

The 9611B is controlled through two user interfaces: front panel controls and indicators, and a command line interface (CLI) over a RS-232 serial port connection. 

Front Panel Controls and Indicators 

The 9611B processes two signal inputs (A and B). Either input may be designated primary and the other as secondary. In auto mode, the unit will automatically switch from primary to secondary in the event that the primary input fails. There are three push buttons (input A, auto, and input B) that allow the input mode to be selected. Pressing input A or input B will force the selected input to be sent to all channels to use the selected input. Pressing auto will activate the automatic switchover mode. The twelve LEDs, numbered one through twelve, are either green to indicate that the channel signal is present and active or red to indicate that the channel signal has failed.

 When any alarm (A, B, or 1–12) is set, the alarm indicator turns from green (normal) to red (alarm). Once the failure is remedied, the alarm can be deactivated by pressing the alarm pushbutton, or issuing a command over the CLI. If the alarm is cleared, all alarm indicators return to the normal green color. 

Command Line Interface 

The 9611B instrument has a serial port interface. Communication between the instrument is achieved by running a communications program on a PC and connecting the RS-232 serial ports of the PC and 9611B through a serial cable.


  • CE (compliant with RoHS 3 with Exemptions 
  • Emissions tests: EN 55032:201/AC:2013; KN 55032:2012; CISPR 32:2012; FCC Part 15 Subpart B (per ANSI C63.4:2014); Industry Canada ICES-003 Issue 6, January 2016; VCCI V-3/2015.04 and V-4/2012.04, A-0125, for a Class A Device; AUS/NZ. 
  • Immunity tests: EN 55024:2010; KN 55035:2012; CISPR 24:2010 


  • UL: 62368-1 
  • CSA C22.2 NO. 62368-1 
  • IEC/EN 62368-1 



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Microchip MHM 2020

sku Product SKU:  MIC-MHM-2020

Extreme Low Phase Noise and Frequency Stability for precise timekeeping and metrology applications.

Expanding upon the heritage of the world’s most widely installed active Hydrogen maser, the Microchip MHM-2020 has enhanced the unique Auto-Tune design of the MHM-2010 by re-engineering the electronics and software to attain even better stability.
Capable of achieving <3 × 10-16 daily drift rates along with improved environmental stability, the MHM-2020 has been designed for applications requiring extreme frequency stability and low phase noise.
Designed, manufactured and tested in the USA with an eye toward long service deployments, 95% of Masers built at Microchip’s dedicated Maser facility since 1999 are still in operation. Each MHM-2020 is manufactured to meet stringent quality standards and undergoes extensive performance verification testing, prior to deployment.

Auto-Tune with Drift Compensation

The MHM-2020 incorporates an automatic frequency control system to maintain the resonant cavity at a constant frequency relative to the hydrogen emission line. This technique enables the Maser to deliver long-term stability that is only attributed to the most stable cesium atomic standards.
Now, by pairing this technology with the new integrated Drift Compensation software, daily ageing rates of <3 × 10-16 can be consistently achieved with the MHM-2020.

Improved Environmental Sensitivity

The Maser is designed to withstand variable voltage, temperature and magnetic field environments. By carefully selecting electronics and controlling the manufacturing process, each MHM-2020 is designed to achieve a Temperature and Magnetic Field sensitivity of <8 × 10-15/ºC and <2 × 10-14/Gauss, respectively.


The MHM-2020 provides multiple 5, 10, and 100 MHz outputs and 1PPS. Multiple configurations can be ordered to optimize for varied applications.

  • Low Phase Noise Output Option
    • The MHM-2020 can be factory configured with low phase noise outputs that enable higher resolution measurements in VLBI applications.

The low lifetime cost of ownership, maintenance-free operation

The lifetime cost of ownership for active masers is a critical consideration. The MHM-2020 is designed for long life and low maintenance. The hydrogen supply is adequate for over 20 years of operation. An efficient hydrogen state selector minimizes the load on ion pumps (< 0.01 mole per year), and the pumps themselves are designed for greater than 20 years of life at nominal hydrogen flux. The TeflonTM bulb coating virtually eliminates any re-coating requirement and has a demonstrated life of over 20 years. Should it be required, the MHM-2020 is designed for on-site module replacement.

Upgrade your existing Maser

We have ensured that the current industry-leading MHM-2010 Maser deployed in the field can be upgraded to the new MHM-2020 depending on the age of the unit. Contact your local Microsemi representative for details.

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Microchip SyncServer S600

Microchip SyncServer S600

sku Product SKU:  MIC-SyncServer-S600

High Performance, Enhanced Security Network Time Server

The new SyncServer S600 GPS / GNSS, Stratum 1 network time server with security-hardened NTP Reflector™ technology improves the security, accuracy and reliability of the time services on the network for IT network administrators working to provide network time services in hardened network operations. The S600 network time server is purpose-built to deliver exact hardware based Network Time Protocol (NTP) timestamps.
The unparalleled accuracy and security are rounded out with outstanding ease-of-use features for reliable network time services ready to meet the needs of the user network and business operations today and in the future. 

Secure, precision network synchronization and accurate time stamping across distributed systems are critical to a wide range of enterprise IT markets for regulatory compliance, data analysis, data logging, auditing and many other applications. In high-frequency trading markets, for example, recent financial regulations like ESMA's MiFID II directive mandate more stringent than ever level timing accuracy and time stamp granularity. As financial markets and market participants are highly interconnected, these regulations have a ripple effect on market participants worldwide. Never has it been more important to choose a network timekeeping architecture, such as Microsemi's SyncServer S600, that will be accurate, reliable, and compliant to the new MiFID regulations and forthcoming SEC requirements.

High Security and Capacity

The four standard GbE ports, and optional 10 GbE ports, all combined easily handle more than 10,000 NTP requests per second using hardware time stamping and compensation. All traffic to the S600 CPU is bandwidth-limited for protection against denial-of-service (DOS) attacks. For significantly more robust and secure NTP time server operations, enable the security-hardened NTP Reflector with 100% hardware-based NTP packet processing capable of 360,000 NTP requests per second. As always, a SyncServer S600 is a much more secure network timing synchronization solution compared to windows time servers, NIST time servers, public NTP servers, or free internet time servers in general. A dedicated NTP time server like the SyncServer S600 behind your firewall and under your control is a very secure, accurate and reliable NTP solution.

IEEE 1588 PTP Grandmaster and/or IEEE 1588 PTP Slave

Applications demanding precise time accuracy can benefit from the IEEE 1588 Precise Time Protocol (PTP). The S600 IEEE 1588 PTP output license enables PTP multi-port/profile grandmaster operations leveraging the built-in hardware timestamping on each LAN port of the S600. In addition, the IEEE 1588 PTP Input option enables PTP to be a timing reference just as GNSS is a timing reference. The PTP Input option when used as a backup to GNSS is ideal as it calibrates the PTP path to and from the PTP Grandmaster to remove fixed asymmetric path delays for a more accurate PTP slave operation.

Unprecedented NTP Accuracy

The Stratum 1 level S600 derives nanosecond accurate time directly from the atomic clocks aboard the GNSS satellites. By using an integrated, 72-channel GNSS receiver, every visible satellite can be tracked and used to maintain accurate and reliable time. Even in urban canyon environments where direct satellite visibility can be limited, manually inputting the position can be sufficient to acquire accurate time even from a single intermittent satellite.

Multi-GNSS Constellation Support for Enhanced Reliability

Timing integrity, satellite signal continuity, and timing reliability can be improved with the Multi-GNSS constellation license that adds support for Galileo, GLONASS, BeiDou, QZSS and SBAS constellations in addition to the standard GPS constellation. With more satellites in view, timing performance can be improved in challenging environments, such as urban canyons. All SyncServer S600 NTP time servers ship with GNSS hardware ready to be enabled with a software license.

Timing and Design Reliability

The 72 channel GNSS receiver, coupled with Microsemi's patented Active Thermal Compensation Technology, provides best-in-class time accuracy of <15ns RMS to UTC. Backstop this with a durable hardware design subjected to severe shock and vibration testing, and high reliability components that extend the operating temperature range to a very wide -20DegC to 65DegC. Further choose the dual power supply option with SNMP trap enabled monitoring to avoid time service interruptions. As with all Microsemi NTP time servers, upgrading to a high performance oscillator such as a Rubidium atomic clock, keeps the S600 accurate for a long time in the event of a GNSS service disruption.

Four GbE ports with two Optional 10 GbE ports for Performance, Flexibility and Security

The S600 has four dedicated and isolated GbE Ethernet ports, each equipped with NTP hardware time stamping. Optionally, two additional 10 GbE SFP+ ports can be added for a total of 6 LAN ports.  These are connected to a very high-speed microprocessor with microsecond and nanosecond accurate time stamps to assure high-bandwidth NTP performance. This more than meets the need of servicing 10,000 NTP requests per second.

Intuitive, Secure and Easy to Use Web Interface

The modern web interface is the primary control interface for the S600. Once the keypad and display are used to bring the unit online, complete status and functions are easily found via the well-organized left side expanding/collapsing navigation menu. At-a-glance dashboard presentation combined with logical organization and intuitive controls make configuring the S600 quite easy.

Standard Management Access Security

All of the expected network management protocols are standard in the S600. These include mandatory password access, HTTPS/SSL only (using the high encryption cipher suite), SSH, access control lists, service termination, SNMPv2/v3 and NTP MD5 authentication. All traffic to S600 is bandwidth-limited for protection against the DoS attacks.

DISA/DoDIN Approved Product

DISA Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) has tested and certified the SyncServer S600 Network Time Server for Cybersecurity/Interoperability compliance, and listed it on the Department of Defense Information Network (DoDIN) Approved Products List (APL). The SyncServer S600 meets the critical Unified Capabilities Requirements as a Timing and Synchronization device and is certified for joint military use.

Experience Matters

The SyncServer model line is in its 4th generation dating back to Symmetricom. The same timing experts that built the first SyncServer and other world class servers at Symmetricom are the same ones who built the current generation of SyncServer S600 and SyncServer S650. Building a great time server is not easy and experience matters. The SyncServer is a device that must operate perfectly every nanosecond, and every nanosecond is different from the last. So while the company name has changed from Symmetricom, to Microsemi and now to Microchip, the commitment to build the world’s best time servers continues.

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