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Comtest Store RFQ

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Fluke Calibration E-DWT-H

sku Product SKU:  FCAL-E-DWT-H

E-DWT-H breaks new ground in dead weight tester calibration, improving the hydraulic pressure calibration process. E-DWT-H is an electronic calibrator designed to replace mechanical, piston-cylinder and weight based deadweight testers. It’s a lighter, easier-to-use deadweight tester calibration alternative that is at home in the lab or instrument shop, as well as in the field performing in-situ calibrations and tests. This complete hydraulic pressure calibration system combines the convenience and precision of continuous, realtime electronic pressure measurement with the simple and direct operation of high quality operator controlled pressure generation hardware. E-DWT-H one year measurement uncertainty is ± 0.02 % of reading with ranges up to 30,000 psi. It can be configured to provide this uncertainty from its full scale down to 1 % of its range. Built-in pressure generation and control hardware allow the operator to fill and prime the system under test and generate and precisely adjust pressure throughout the range with ease.

Broad workload coverage

The E-DWT-H has the operational versatility to calibrate and test a broad range of pressure measuring instruments including:

  • Analog gauges
  • Transducers
  • Calibrators
  • Sensors
  • Transmitters

AutoTest™ lets E-DWT operators quickly define test points and adjust all of the range-dependent settings with a single function.
The resolution and stability test used by the RPM4-E-DWT are set according to the range of the device under test. The upper limit setting is also set and provides range-based warnings and overpressure protection. While running AutoTests, the operator is prompted to set each sequential test point and test data is stored in the RPM4-E-DWT for recall or download. Typical test setup is quick and easy, but more complex tests can also be stored and reused.

Deadweight tester calibration performance with digital measurement convenience
E-DWT-H offers precision, low measurement uncertainty and the stability over time of a conventional deadweight tester without the inconveniences associated with the piston-cylinders, weights, hand pumps, and interconnecting plumbing.

Versatility to cover a broad workload in a variety of environments
The E-DWT-H is at home in metrology and calibration labs, on the production floor or in the field. It operates with Sebacate calibration fluid, mineral oil, Skydrol® and other liquids. An optional battery/charger pack supports up to eight hours of operation away from line power.

  • No weights to load and unload or regularly send out for calibration
  • No need to know and correct for local gravity or ambient temperature
  • No piston-cylinder changes; switch Q-RPT ranges in seconds
  • Not sensitive to level or vibration
  • Able to set and read any pressure value exactly, no minimum increment limited by smallest available masses
  • Operates in any unit of measure while deadweight tester is typically limited to the pressure unit stamped on the mass
  • Perfect for applications that require setting a nominal pressure precisely on the device under test and measuring it, such as analog gauge calibration
  • On-board, AutoTest calibration routines and data acquisition
  • Interfaceable with a PC or laptop to allow for automated data acquisition
  • Two year calibration interval supported at measurement uncertainty of ± 0.025% of reading.
  • Easily recalibrated without crossfloating. Automated calibration of E-DWT-H is possible using COMPASS® for Pressure software.

ZAR -1


Fluke Calibration MET/CAL® Calibration Management Software

sku Product SKU:  FCAL-METCAL-Software

Calibration labs have their share of challenges: an increasing and more complex workload; fewer technicians; a growing list of quality standards. Above all, there is constant pressure to reduce costs. Fluke calibration software helps you meet those challenges by calibrating and managing your workload more efficiently and consistently.

MET/CAL® calibration management software includes MET/CAL® Procedure Editor and Runtime for automated calibration; plus MET/TEAM® » software for calibration work flow and asset management.

The MET/CAL and MET/TEAM » suite of software provide you with all the tools you need to:

  • Perform automated calibration on all kinds of test and measurement tools and equipment, including dc/lf, RF and microwave instruments.
  • Create, edit, test, and document calibration procedures, quickly and easily.
  • Configure and report a wider range of measurement uncertainty parameters and include verification data to provide an audit trail and support further analysis.
  • Track asset information including work order history and status, traceability, users, customers, and location.
  • Analyze and report asset information; produce customized printed certificates and reports.
  • Make data available to other corporate systems.
  • Import asset and calibration data into MET/TEAM software
  • Help meet the requirements of quality standards like ISO 9000, ISO/IEC 17025, NRC 10 CFR, ANSI Z540.3, and others.

With all of these capabilities, Fluke Calibration software offers the most comprehensive calibration automation solution available. And we back it up with the MET/SUPPORT Gold software support program to help keep you as productive as possible. Fluke Calibration also offers a variety of installation, training, and customization services to help you utilize the power of the MET/CAL and MET/TEAM » software suite.

Join the worldwide community of calibration professionals who have discovered the value of MET/CAL for increasing throughput and managing calibration assets more efficiently.

ZAR -1


Frankin Incon DTM-4

sku Product SKU:  FRA-DTM-4


With the ability to monitor and trend transformer output voltage, loading (current) by phase, temperature, and Power Factor for an entire network of transformers, utilities are armed with powerful information regarding power distribution and equipment maintenance.

DTM - Notifications -Wide.psd


Via the CONVERGE™ web interface, utilities can be managed by exception with customized threshold alarms and notifications:

  • Voltage Signal Delta
  • Current Signal Delta
  • Fault Current
  • Voltage Sag and Swell
  • K-Factor Harmonics
  • Top/Bottom Tank Temperature
  • Temperature Delta
  • Winding Hot Spot Load Ratio
  • Winding Load
  • Winding Hot Spot Temperature
DTM - Install - Wide.psd


By continuously monitoring the key indicators of a transformer’s performance, including temperature and load, the DTM not only tracks the loss of life in a transformer but also employs advanced predictive algorithms to forecast the estimated remaining run time.

The DTM continuously assesses transformer loading and thermal conditions to calculate the accumulated loss of life in real-time, updating at approximately two-second intervals.

After each interval, the DTM updates the accumulated loss of life. This considers the exact interval duration and adjusts with an acceleration factor based on the loading and thermal conditions.

The average acceleration factor is then applied to any unmonitored time before the DTM was installed. This provides a thorough estimate of the total loss of life and can be used in predictive maintenance planning.



A secure MQTT communication protocol allows the DTM to communicate with the web-based UNITE™ asset management database safely. UNITE™ provides user-friendly access to all distribution transformer performance data for convenient centralized analysis and reporting.

UNITE™ is a sophisticated IoT database with advanced data visualization tools for Franklin Electric monitoring systems like the DTM.

UNITE™ provides user-friendly access to voltage, temperature, current Power Factor data, and more for convenient analysis and reporting. 

Arm service and maintenance personnel with a consolidated view of an entire network of distribution transformer health and performance data.

DTM - Install Components - Wide.psd


The DTM can be applied to any distribution transformer with a secondary output of 480 volts or less, phase to neutral. This includes single-phase, split-phase, or three-phase transformers. Installation has been kept simple, with only a few connections required to the transformer secondary.


Four split-core Rogowski Coils measure load current. Five voltage leads measure Phase A, Phase B, Phase C, and neutral and ground. Two magnetically mounted RTD sensors measure the top and bottom transformer temperatures.


Four powerful 25 lbs. magnets integrated into the mounting plate allow the DTM to be installed vertically or horizontally without any drilling or adhesives. 


All user interface communication, including configuration of alarms and settings, data viewing, and alarm resetting, is made via the CONVERGE™ web interface. Configuration can be done locally via Wi-Fi using a web browser or remotely through the cellular connection.



ZAR -1


PRS-370 Self-Adjusting Programmable Resistance Box & RTD Simulator

sku Product SKU:  IET-PRS-370

The PRS-370 is a Self-Adjusting Programmable Resistance Substituter, just connect an 8.5 digit DMM; Fluke 8508A, 8588A or the Keysight 3458A to the PRS-370 via the IEEE-488 interface, and the PRS-370 becomes a short-term stable variable standard of resistance.

The PRS-370 instructs the DMM to make a measurement of the source resistance and then automatically fine adjusts the output resistance to achieve the "best" accuracy to the nominal resistance value, typically better than 10 ppm.

The PRS-370 utilizes both the front and rear binding posts so that the DUT and DMM can be connected at the same time. Once the resistance measurement is complete using the DMM and rear binding posts, the source resistance is switched to the front binding posts.

The large graphical color display shows the target resistance, ∆ from nominal, measured resistance from the DMM and measurement uncertainty of the DMM.

Save time in adjustment
At the touch of a button the built-in firmware routine allows for automatic calibration of the internal resistors by just connecting a DMM to the PRS-370 . No entering values or manual trimming saves significant time over traditional programmable resistance decades or manual decades.

The right mix of features
The PRS-370 was designed with the right mix of features for to be efficient for both manual and automated application in both laboratory and production environments. With its wide range the PRS-370 was designed to replace multiple decade boxes, individual resistance standards and reduce test time.

User interface
The PRS-370 utilizes a large state-of-the-art color capacitive touchscreen which provides super fast response time. Even in low or bright light conditions the display provides exceptional clarity with large fonts and easy-to-read menus.

The user interface makes the PRS-370 well suited for high accuracy requirements for both manual and automated applications such as; calibration of resistance meters, calibration of temperature controllers and indicators, automated test systems requiring a precision resistive load

The user interface also features softkeys and a numeric keypad allowing use of the user interface without using the touch-screen.

No zero resistance
The PRS Series programmable resistance box employs very low resistance, low thermal emf relays with gold-clad silver-alloy contacts. A special design keeps contact resistance to a minimum. The gold plating keeps the silver contacts from becoming tarnished when unused, or when only low currents are passed through them. This is most often the case when only minute test currents are drawn by digital multimeters and other test instruments. Contact resistance remains low and repeatable through the use of multiple contacts.

Highest quality components
The programmable resistance box employs, high-quality gold-plated tellurium-copper five-way binding posts serve to minimize the thermal emf effects, which would produce errors in dc resistance measurements. Resistors are custom Z-foil and low inductance wirewound for low TC and excellent stability.

5 year warranty
With its industry leading 5 year warranty all aspects of the PRS-370 focus on reliability, reduced ownership costs and simplicity out of the box.

RTD calibration
The PRS-370 is also a programmable decade resistor and RTD simulator that can be used stand-alone to automate your source resistance and temperature controller testing.
Built-in tables for PT100 and PT1000 RTDs and direct resistance substitution makes the PRS-370 ideal for for RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector) simulation. User defined tables can also be created for use with other RTDs. The operator can enter temperature directly and the correct resistance will automatically be programmed.

Resistor carousel
Built-in EIA "preferred value" resistance tables of 1% (E96), 5% (E24), 10% (E12) increments or user specified increment allows the PRS-370 to be used as a resistor carousel.

AC performance
The PRS-370 programmable resistance box is a precision resistance source with excellent characteristics of stability, temperature coefficient, and power coefficient. The use of low inductance wirewound and Z-foil resistors allows the PRS-370 to be used in ac applications with minimal resistance change below 1 kHz.

Operation is both local using a color touch screen and numeric keypad or remote control with the standard IEEE-488 interface. The versatility of the IEEE-488 interface allows you to completely automate your testing when not used with a DMM.

Calibration history
Calibration history of each internal resistor can be reviewed to show drift and performance. The calibration history data can be retrieved via SCPI command for further analysis.
Pressing a switch on the front panel allows access to calibration history and adjustment menus minimizing unauthorized access.

Cyber security statement
The PRS-370 contains a microcontroller, and runs proprietary firmware. The firmware can only be updated via a JTAG or similar cable and only accessed by removing the top cover of the instrument.
There are no facilities to update firmware via the GPIB interface on the PRS-370.
Windows or Linux are not used in this product.
A factory reset is provide which will reset the PRS-370 back to factory default including calibration data history and all other data that can be saved by a user.

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