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Portable Gas Cylinders Simplify Bump Testing
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Bump-N-Go cylinders simplify bump testing of gas detectors for mobile workers.
You wouldn’t drive a vehicle without putting on your seat belt. You wouldn’t ride a bike without putting on a helmet. You don’t go to bed at night without locking your doors. Everyday practices like these create good habits that make our lives easier and safer. When it comes to gas detection, safe and simple practices like these are no different. Gas detectors that are used every day require the same type of attention. You may not think much about putting on a seat belt in a vehicle, but it sure does help when you need it. You may also not think much about bump testing a gas detector, but it sure does help to know that your gas detector works when you need it most.
What is a bump test?
Bump testing is the only way to ensure proper sensor and alarm functionality. A bump test is defined as the process of briefly exposing sensors in a gas detector to an expected concentration of gas that is greater than the alarm set points. The purpose of the bump test is to check for sensor and alarm functionality. However, it does not check for accuracy. It is important to note that accuracy is ensured through calibration, which is a completely different process than bump testing. Think of bump testing a gas detector like using a flashlight. What’s the first thing everyone does when they pick up a flashlight? They try turning it on to see if it works! If the flashlight does not turn on, you know that you either need a new bulb, a new battery, or a new flashlight, because the one you have cannot help you. Gas detectors are no different. The first thing you should do before using your gas detector is to make sure it works. Without a bump test, how do you know that the gas detector you have can perform the way you need it to? Applying gas to the sensors in a detector is just like checking to see if your flashlight works. If the bump test fails, you know that troubleshooting or further maintenance is required.
Industrial Scientific, a global leader in gas detection – has on offer Bump-N-Go™ portable gas cylinders, designed to simplify bump testing for mobile workers or those who do not have access to a docking station. The miniature cylinders are only 97 mm (3.8 inches) tall and provide up to 250 bump tests when using the corresponding pushbutton regulator. The cylinders have a one-year shelf life and are available for single-gas CO and H2S instruments as well as standard 4-gas (CO, H2S, O2, LEL) instruments. Bump-N-Go cylinders can be purchased individually or in a 6-pack.
“We are pleased to offer this highly portable bump testing solution,” said Michelle Hammons, product manager, instrumentation at Industrial Scientific. “Now people don’t need to choose between transporting large bottles of gas or not bump testing at all”.