• 0:10 / 4:27 Fluke 5730A Multifunction Calibrator

    The Fluke Calibration 5730A High-performance Multifunction Calibrator calibrates a wide range of digital multimeters, up to long-scale 8.5 digit DMMs, as well as RF voltmeters when equipped with the wideband option
  • World Metrology Day 2022 | Metrology in the Digital Era

    Since May 20, 1875, when representatives of 17 nations signed the Metre Convention, the world has agreed upon one, uniform measurement system–celebrated through World Metrology Day. Over the years this system has been adjusted and adapted to changes in technology. Throughout the first three industrial revolutions, metrologists have been able to be more and more precise with their measurements which helps technology continue to advance. The digital era, or the fourth industrial revolution, is no different. Metrology plays a huge role in IoT, technology, and digitization.

    Fluke Chief Corporate Metrologist Jeff Gust, Metrologist Nicholas Mason, and Software Metrologist Michael Brown explain how metrology is playing a huge role in the digital era and will continue to help advance technology in all industries.

    Learn more: https://bit.ly/3LoqExh
  • Spectrum analyser demo on the MDO-2000E

    MDO-2000E series is equipped with a dual channel 25 MHz arbitrary waveform generator.
    We could utilize arbitrary waveform generator to output waveforms and conduct frequency domain analysis by the built-in spectrum analyzer.