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Fluke 283 FC/PV

sku Product SKU:  FLK-283FC-PV

Unmatched safety and convenience for solar professionals

The CAT III 1500 V/CAT IV 1000 V True-RMS Fluke 283 FC Digital Multimeter and a283 FC True-RMS Wireless Current Clamp set the new standard for technicians in DC environments up to 1500 V. Whether you’re working with a utility-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) array, wind power, an electric railway, or a data center, the Fluke 283 FC has been engineered to enhance safety and increase productivity while giving you accurate, reliable, and repeatable results.

The 283 FC/PV includes CAT III 1500 V DC safety-rated accessories so you can work confidently in higher voltage environments without compromising safety. Staubli MC4 test leads allow you to quickly make reliable, secure connections to modules or strings to test DC voltage up to 1500 V DC. TL175-HV CAT III 1500 V/CAT IV 1000 V rated silicone test leads give you more flexibility when testing voltage, millivoltage, resistance, continuity, or capacitance on inverters, combiner boxes, PV arrays, or individual PV modules. A bright backlit LCD screen and illuminated keypad make it easier to work in both direct and low light conditions. The included magnetic hanging kit frees up your hands and the custom hard carrying case protects your investment while you transport it.

Additional features:

  • Highly accurate voltage measurements for precise frontline troubleshooting
  • Current measurements up to 60 A AC/DC for safely troubleshooting individual strings of modules with greater accuracy (when using a283 FC wireless current clamp)
  • Visual and audio polarity indicators help prevent accidental module wiring issues
  • User-defined limit gauge helps you make quick go/no-go troubleshooting decisions
  • Unique multimeter readiness self-check helps ensure your meter is ready to test
  • Save and log measurements to internal memory and view them on your mobile device via Fluke Connect™

CAT III 1500 V / CAT IV 1000 V Safety Rated

CAT III 1500 V DC systems are now a standard in utility scale PV systems, offering significant cost savings and efficiency improvements to facility owners. These systems operate at higher voltage levels, allowing each inverter to handle more energy, enable longer strings of connected panels, and reduce the need for additional wiring and inverters. Consequently, standard CAT IV inverter outputs of 800 V AC or higher are more prevalent, making it crucial to prioritize safety and accuracy in measurements.

The CAT III 1500 V / CAT IV 1000 V rated 283 FC multimeter and a283 FC wireless current clamp meet the safety requirements for test equipment (IEC 61010-2-032) corresponding to the overvoltage category level of the PV array electrical installation (IEC 61730-1). Combine these with CAT III 1500 V / CAT IV 1000 V rated TL175-HV Premium Silicone Test Leads, CAT III 1500 V MC4 connectors and you’ve got a comprehensive frontline troubleshooting solution that offers safe and accurate voltage measurement for troubleshooting everything from the inverters, combiners, strings of modules, or individual modules.

User-Defined Limit Gauge

On large-scale PV projects where you’re taking repetitive measurements and expect consistent results, the user-defined limit gauge becomes a vital time-saving tool. The adjustable limit gauge can trigger audio and visual indications whenever a measurement falls outside your expected range. This saves you time letting you quickly evaluate measurement results, increasing your confidence in the system's performance, and helping to identify potential issues that need to be addressed.

With the dedicated limit gauge button, you can easily turn the limit gauge warnings on and off, set up new measurement parameters, or select from previously used parameter profiles. This customization streamlines troubleshooting, allowing you to quickly identify measurement deviations or errors, and helps maintain optimum solar installation performance.

Unique Multimeter Readiness Self-Check

The size and location of utility-scale solar sites can present unique challenges whether they’re logistical, environmental, or testing related. Because of that, you want to have confidence that your meter is fully functional, capturing the right data every time so you don’t have to do the same job twice. The 283 FC features a unique integrated multimeter readiness self-check, that ensures your meter is in proper working order before you take your next reading. This quick self-check is an additional readiness test that gives you valuable insight to the status of your meter’s calibration, battery life availability, test lead functionality, and AC/DC voltage measurement functionality so you can be confident that your meter is ready to work when you are.

Wireless Current Clamp

The a283 FC True-RMS wireless current clamp is designed to simplify the troubleshooting process without compromising on safety and reliability. It can measure both AC and DC current up to 60 A, ensuring precise and reliable readings for a wide range of applications including solar installations, electrical systems, and industrial equipment. With its non-contact design, the clamp allows for safe connections without the need to touch live wires, enabling you to close the clamp in a cabinet and take measurements from a safe distance. It carries a CAT III 1500 V, CAT IV 1000 V rating that matches the safety rating of the 283 FC.

Wireless connectivity allows for convenient transmission of measurements, eliminating the hassle of tangled wires and allowing you to install the current clamp in an enclosure so you can safely measure at a distance. The clamp has a thin jaw design to ensure easy access to combiner boxes and tight spaces, enhancing overall efficiency in your measurement process.

Voltage and Current at the same time

With the 283 FC digital multimeter and a283 FC wireless current clamp, you can measure voltage and current at the same time and automatically calculate VA power. This eliminates the hassle of having to change your measurement setup to capture both measurements and eliminates the need to manually calculate power in the field. Voltage and current are time-stamped, eliminating any concerns about potential disparities being caused by environmental factors. You can also view more than one measurement at a time allowing you to monitor additional parameters like DC amperage or voltage, giving you even more insights into system performance.

Logging / saving

The 283 FC offers convenient logging and saving features that set it apart from other digital multimeters. With a built-in real-time clock, each measurement can be time- and date-stamped for accurate recordkeeping. The multimeter has internal memory to save and log measurements, which can then be easily transferred to Fluke Connect for further analysis. Additionally, you have the flexibility to customize logging durations and intervals, ensuring the logging process matches the specific needs of the system you are testing.

Fluke Connect™ with Fluke Cloud™ Storage

Fluke Connect™ compatibility provides convenient features to enhance your troubleshooting experience. As part of the Fluke Connect family, the 283 FC can transmit measurements to a smartphone or tablet for later, detailed analysis. No need to write down the results. Trend and monitor measurements live on your phone screen and upload those measurements to the cloud. Combine measurement data from multiple Fluke Connect test tools to create and share reports from the job site via email and collaborate in real time with other colleagues with ShareLive™ video calls or email. The table view feature organizes measurements, notes, and images in a clear and efficient manner, making it easier to reference data, identify issues, and generate reports for customers. Fluke Connect™ with Fluke Cloud™ Storage streamlines your workflow and ensures accurate data storage and organization.

ZAR 21890,0000

Fluke 377FC Clamp Meter

sku Product SKU:  FLK-377FC

Voltage and current measurements with FieldSense™ technology

The Fluke 377 FC true-rms clamp meter uses FieldSense™ technology to make testing faster and safer, all without contacting a live conductor. You get accurate voltage and current measurements through the clamp jaw. Simply clip the black test lead to any electrical ground, put the clamp jaw around the conductor and see reliable, accurate voltage and current values on the display.

Measure extremely high current with iFlex® probe

Use the included iFlex flexible current probe to measure ac current as high as 2500 A. The iFlex probe provides access to large conductors in tight spaces.

Complete 3-phase measurements in quick, easy steps

  • Complete 3-phase voltage and current tests in 3 easy steps
  • Full set of phase-to-ground and phase-to-phase values calculated and shown on the meter
  • Values are also displayed on your smart phone and saved to the cloud via Fluke Connect software
  • Phase rotation auto-calculated and shown on the Fluke Connect software
  • No more hand-written notes or complicated math.

Easy to see, easy to use with included tools

Your job will get easier when you use the 377 FC clamp meter. The display turns green when a stable FieldSense measurement is detected. Visual Continuity also provides a bright green screen for easy detection of continuity in noisy work areas.

Record, analyze, share results with Fluke Connect® software

With Fluke Connect software you can remotely log, trend and monitor measurements to pinpoint intermittent faults. Fluke Connect also allows you to gather data as the basis for a preventive maintenance program.

ZAR 19990,0000


Fluke T6-600

sku Product SKU:  FLK-T6-600

Measure voltage … without test leads

Working in cramped electrical boxes and trying to find a safe metallic contact points is often challenging. The Fluke T6-600 Electrical Tester with FieldSense™ technology, lets you quickly and safely take measurements by sliding the open fork over a conductor, without the need for test leads. The T6-600 works with wires up to AWG 4/0 (120 mm2) with a 17.8 mm jaw opening

How FieldSense™ technology works

FieldSense™ technology is a breakthrough in how voltage is measured. Other open fork testers detect a magnetic field to show AC current. FieldSense™ technology detects an electrical field, which interacts with a reference signal created by the T6 tester, which shows the measurement value on the tester’s display.

Tips on using FieldSense technology

  • Do not hold or touch wire you are testing during a measurement.
  • Use the black probe to make the ground connection if you are wearing gloves, insulated footwear or standing on an insulated ladder

Measurement versatility

The electrical tester offers a variety of measurement options giving you an all-in-one troubleshooting tool. Measure true rms voltage and current from 0 to 200 A AC or 1 to 600 V AC or DC. You can also gather resistance measurement from 1 Ω to 2000 Ω. With the easy-to-read backlit display, you can keep see your work in dark environments and keep your most recent measurement on the screen with the HOLD button for easy viewing. The T6-600 also accepts optional Fluke TPAK Magnetic Meter Hanger for convenient operation.

ZAR 6790,0000

Fluke 773 Milliamp Process Clamp Meter

sku Product SKU:  FLK-773

Save time by NOT breaking the loop on 4-20 mA signal measurements.


  • Taking mA measurements by removing a wire and breaking the loop
  • Calling the control room to isolate a loop
  • Testing analog input/output on a console
  • Troubleshooting devices with mA inputs and outputs
  • Repairing intermittent or erratic 4-20 mA loops
  • Going back to the shop to get extra tools

If you need more time in your busy day take a good look at the Fluke 773 mA Clamp Meters. It’s designed to save you time, and money, by eliminating time wasting activities. Now you can troubleshoot and repair 4-20 mA loops without breaking the loop or bringing down the system.

Here are some specific ways the Fluke 773 Clamp Meters will help you:

Milliamp Clamp Features


How it saves time and money

Measure mA signals for PLC and control system analog I/O without breaking the loop.

Measures low level dc current

Correlate process indication with real physical value

Measure output signals from transmitters without breaking the loop

Maintain and troubleshoot process and automation equipment without breaking the loop

No disruption to the process

Detachable clamp with extension cable

Measurements in tight locations

Enables measurements in difficult situations

Source, simulate and measure mA signals in circuit (break the loop)

Confirm non-contact measurement. ve the next tool in hand for troubleshooting (source simulate)

Eliminates the need to return to the shop to get a loop calibrator for troubleshooting after finding a bad signal with non-contact measurement

Source and measure VDC

Troubleshoot voltage input and output devices.

Measure presence of 24V loop power. Measure 1 to 5 or 0 to 10V process signals. Test chart recorders

4 to 20 mA In/out

Dual channel mA source and measurement for troubleshooting

Source 4 to 20 mA signals into valves and mA signal conditioners and simultaneously measure 4 to 20 mA positioning output signals.

4 to 20 mA scaled output

Scaled mA output provides a mA signal output representative of the measured mA value

Connect a logging DMM and log the mA signal without breaking the loop

Loop power supply

Power a transmitter

Substitute testing of the installed 24V loop power supply. Power a transmitter and measure its mA output signal for troubleshooting.

Dual backlit display with both mA measurement and percent of 4 to 20 mA span

Clear measurement presentation

Allows quick measurement evaluation

Measurement Spotlight

Illuminates hard to see wires in dark enclosures

Measurement process is easier and quicker

Measure up to 99.9 mA range non-contact

Wide range of measurements

Measures 10 to 50 mA signals in older control systems

Automatic power off

After 15 minutes and 2 minute automatic off for backlight and spotlight

Saves battery life


ZAR 47590,0000


Fluke T6-1000 PRO

sku Product SKU:  FLK-T6-1000PRO

Product overview: Fluke T6-1000 PRO Electrical Tester

Voltage and current on one screen

The T6-1000 PRO Electrical Tester measures voltage up to 1000 V ac and current up to 200 A ac, all through the open fork and without test lead contact to live voltage. Connect the black lead to ground with the included heavy-duty alligator clip, slide the wire into the open fork and see both voltage and current at the same time. On wires up to AWG 4/0 (120 mm2), carrying as much as 200 A and 1000 V ac. Even with gloves on. It will change how you do your job.

Key functions

  • Simultaneous voltage and current display–save time by seeing voltage and current measurements at the same time when trouble shooting motors, pumps or other equipment
  • Visual Continuity™–When checking continuity, the screen automatically turns green while the beeper is on. Perfect for those times when it’s too loud to hear the beeper, when you’re wearing ear protection or when it’s too dark to easily read the screen. Visual Continuity takes the guesswork out of checking continuity.
  • True-rms – Accurate voltage and current measurements, even when measuring complex signals.
  • FieldSense™ technology for ac voltage, current and frequency measurement without making electrical contact to live voltage

Other capabilities

  • 1 to 1000 V ac or dc
  • 0.1 to 200 A ac
  • Resistance 1 Ω to 100 kΩ
  • Frequency measurement 45 Hz to 66 Hz through open fork
  • Works with most wire up to AWG 4/0 (17.8 mm/0.7” jaw opening)
  • HOLD button temporarily freezes the screen for easy viewing
  • Easy to read display with backlight
  • Accepts optional Fluke TPAK Magnetic Meter Hanger for convenient operation
  • Standard two-year warranty; extendable to 4 years through product registration within 45 days of purchase *

* Register product online within 45 days of purchase to extend warranty to four years. See for details.

ZAR 9290,0000


Fluke 902 FC True-RMS HVAC Clamp Meter

sku Product SKU:  FLK-902FC

Fluke 902 FC True-RMS HVAC Clamp Meter helps HVAC technicians work more efficiently on the work site.

The Fluke 902 FC Clamp Meter, with Fluke Connect wireless connectivity, can help HVAC technicians improve productivity in the field. The rugged dual-rated CAT III 600 V, CAT IV 300 V meter equips you to perform many essential HVAC system measurements: microamps for testing pilot light sensors; resistance up to 60 kΩ; AC current and AC/DC voltage; capacitance; and contact temperature, all with just one tool. Plus its small form factor makes it easy to hang on to and navigate in tight work spaces.

Part of the Fluke Connect wireless family

As part of the Fluke Connect family, the 902 FC can transmit measurements to a smartphone or tablet for later, detailed analysis. No need to write down the results. Trend and monitor measurements live on your phone screen, and upload those measurements to the cloud. Combine measurement data from multiple Fluke Connect test tools to create and share reports from the job site via email, and collaborate in real time with other colleagues with ShareLive™ video calls or email.

The 902 FC can also decrease the frequency of wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) when working on high voltage/current panels. Simply turn off the panel. Verify that it is de-energized using standard safety procedures. Place the clamp and synch it to a smartphone. Close the panel, reenergize it, and take measurements from a safe distance.

Other useful features:

  • Ergonomic design fits in your hand and can be used while wearing personal protective equipment
  • Large, easy-to-read backlit display improves readings in low light settings
  • Connects to your smartphone via Fluke Connect so you can read measurements at a safer distance
  • Measures AC current to 600 A and AC and DC voltage to 600 V
  • Measures capacitance to 1000 µF and DC current to 200 µA
  • Measures temperature from -10 °C to 400 °C (14 °F to 752 °F)
  • Offers True-RMS voltage and current measurements to accurately measure non-linear signals
  • Measures resistance to 60 kΩ
  • Offers Min/Max recording to capture variations automatically
  • Runs on two AA alkaline batteries

ZAR 11690,0000


Fluke 375 FC True-rms AC/DC Clamp Meter

sku Product SKU:  FLK-375FC

Fluke 375 FC True-RMS AC/CD Clamp Meter measures very low voltage and very high resistance

The Fluke 375 FC, part of the Fluke Connect family of wireless test tools, delivers high performance features and ease of use. It features a VFD low-pass filter for accurate motor drive measurements and wireless communications to transmit results to a smartphone via Fluke Connect

The 375 FC offers most of the features of the Fluke 376 FC including compatibility with the iFlex flexible current probe but, unlike the 376 FC, it does not include the iFlex® probe in the package. You can measure AC and DC current to 600 A and voltage up to 1000 V with the fixed jaw clamp. Or connect an optional iFlex® flexible current probe to expand your measurement range to 2500 A AC. The large diameter and flexible design of the iFlex probe make it easier to measure around large conductors in tight spaces or to access individual wires.

Wireless connectivity improves productivity

Using its Bluetooth connectivity to Apple and Android devices, you can read the 375 FC results a safe distance away on your smartphone, wearing less PPE. You can create and send reports in email right from the field and save results to the cloud. You can also converse with colleagues in real-time with ShareLive™ video calls.

Versatile performance

With True-RMS AC voltage and current measurements, the 375 enables you to accurately troubleshoot non-linear signals. And you can log and trend measurements to pinpoint intermittents while you are performing other tasks. The Fluke 375 FC Clamp Meter is the direct replacement for the Fluke 375 Clamp Meter.

ZAR 15490,0000


Fluke a3003 FC Wireless 2000 A DC Current Clamp Meter

sku Product SKU:  FLK-A3003

See it. Save it. Share it.

All the facts, right in the field. The Fluke a3003 FC Wireless 2000 A DC Current Clamp Meter is one member of a growing family of Fluke wireless test tools that let you record and log data over time, and share test data using the Fluke Connect® app with ShareLive™ video call.

The a3003 is the tool of choice for high current DC ammeter applications that require measurements up to 2000 A DC. The extra-wide jaw easily clamps around large conductors, typically found in mining, utility, marine, rail or other heavy manufacturing industries where large DC currents or large current carrying cables are found. The a3003's unique jaw construction allows for a wide measurement range meaning that you can accurately make measurements from 10 A DC to 2000 A DC.

Fluke Connect Wireless Test Tools put tools, not your body, near hazardous electrical environments or dangerous work locations. It's simple. Connect the a3003 FC DC current meter or any of the other Fluke Connect remote meters, and read the results on the Fluke Connect Wireless Multimeter or a portable PC from a safe distance.

Better still, the Fluke Connect test tools can send measurement data to your smartphone, so you can save and share measurements from the field with your team anytime, from anywhere.

Don't get bogged down while isolating intermittent electrical faults.

Timing is everything when trying to find an intermittent problem and the hard part is, it doesn't always show up when you have your meter connected. We've solved that problem with Fluke Connect - leave your remote modules connected to log measurements and walk away to address other issues. You can then download the data for further analysis.

  • Send data to your laptop and go from logging to analysis and diagnosis.
  • Record over time to monitor circuit load changes for an hour, a shift or a week.
  • Use the Fluke Connect wireless USB adapter to collect logged data from remote modules by walking past a working module and downloading logged data.
  • Perform for analysis with your PC and share the results using Fluke Cloud™ storage and ShareLive™ video call. View data or graphs to get input from team members.

ZAR 18990,0000


Fluke a3004 FC Wireless 4-20 mA DC Clamp Meter

sku Product SKU:  FLK-a3004

See it. Save it. Share it.

All the facts, right in the field. The Fluke a3004 FC Wireless 4-20 mA Current Clamp Meter is one member of a family of wireless test tools that let you record and log data over time and share test data using the Fluke Connect® app with ShareLive™ video call.

Fluke Connect Wireless Test Tools put tools where measurement access or separation may be an issue. It's simple. Connect the a3004 FC current meter, or any of the other Fluke Connect remote meters, and read the results on the Fluke Connect Wireless Multimeter or a PC from a safe distance.

Better still, the Fluke Connect test tools can send measurement data to your smartphone, so you can save and share measurements from the field with your team anytime, from anywhere.

Test or troubleshoot 4-20mA control loops used with drive systems, plc's, or building energy management systems.

  • Save time by NOT breaking the loop on 4-20 mA signal measurements.
  • Are you spending time:
    • Taking mA measurements by removing a wire and breaking the loop
    • Calling the control room to isolate a loop
    • Testing analog input/output on a console
    • Troubleshooting devices with mA inputs and outputs
    • Repairing intermittent or erratic 4-20 mA loops
  • Now you can troubleshoot and repair 4-20 mA loops without breaking the loop or bringing down the system.
  • Send data to your laptop and go from logging to analysis and diagnosis.
  • Use the Fluke Connect wireless USB adapter to collect logged data from remote modules by walking past a working module and downloading logged data.
  • Perform for analysis with your PC and share the results using Fluke Cloud™ storage and ShareLive™ video call. View data or graphs to get input from team members.

ZAR 22290,0000


Fluke a3000 FC Wireless AC Current Clamp Module

sku Product SKU:  FLK-a3000FC

See it. Save it. Share it.

All the facts, right in the field. The Fluke a3000 FC Wireless AC Current Clamp Module is one member of a family of wireless test tools that let you share test data using the Fluke Connect® app with ShareLive™ video call.

Fluke Connect Wireless Test Tools put tools, not your body, near live electrical panels. It's simple. Connect the a3000 FC current clamp module, or any of the other Fluke Connect remote modules, and read the results on the Fluke Connect Wireless Multimeter or a portable PC from a safe distance.

Better still, the Fluke Connect test tools can send measurement data to your smartphone, so you can save and share measurements from the field with your team anytime, from anywhere.

Don't get bogged down while isolating intermittent electrical faults

Timing is everything when trying to find an intermittent problem and the hard part is, it doesn't always show up when you have your meter connected. We've solved that problem with Fluke Connect - leave your remote modules connected to log measurements and walk away to address other issues. You can then download the data for further analysis.

Work safely near electrical panels while wearing less PPE

Personal protective equipment (PPE) can save your life, but it's bulky, hot and hard to work in. With Fluke Connect, there's no need to work in front of live open panels or moving/hazardous machinery.

Picture having the ability to access live readings without being exposed to the live panel. It's easy. Just de-energize the cabinet, open the panel while wearing PPE and connect one or more a3000 FC modules. Close the cabinet, re-energize and let the Fluke Connect system work, reducing the risk of arc flash by separating yourself from hazardous measurement situations.

Testing 3-phase is now faster and cheaper

When your cabinet is de-energized, attach a Fluke Connect current clamp to each phase. Close, re-energize and start taking readings. What used to take hours and use costly equipment can be done in minutes with an affordable Fluke Connect wireless system.

Take 3-phase measurements in 1/3 of the time. Add your laptop and go from logging to analysis and diagnosis.

You can solve problems faster by seeing live measurements from multiple test points on a single screen. Using a3000 FC current clamp modules, you can:

  • Take 3-phase measurements in 1/3 the time of previous methods.
  • Send data to your laptop and go from logging to analysis and diagnosis.
  • Record over time to monitor circuit load changes for an hour, a shift or a week.
  • Use the Fluke Connect wireless USB adapter to collect logged data from remote modules by walking past a working module and downloading logged data.
  • Perform for analysis with your PC and share the results using Fluke Cloud™ storage and ShareLive™ video call. View data or graphs to get input from team members.

ZAR 6990,0000

Fluke a3001 FC Wireless iFlex AC Current Module

sku Product SKU:  FLK-a3001

The Fluke a3001 FC Wireless iFlex AC Current Module is a fully functional true-rms current meter that wirelessly relays measurements to the Fluke Connect® mobile app.

The a3001 puts the tool, not your body, near live electrical panels. Connect the a3001 FC current module and read the results on your smartphone from a safe distance. You can save and share measurements from the field with your team anytime, from anywhere.

Isolating intermittent electrical faults easily

Leave your a3001 connected to log measurements and walk away to address other issues. Download the data for further analysis on our phone. Record over time to monitor circuit load changes for an hour, a shift or a week. Use the Fluke Connect wireless USB adapter to collect logged data from remote modules by walking past a working module and downloading logged data.

Faster and cheaper 3-phase testing

When your cabinet is de-energized, attach a Fluke a3001 FC Wireless iFlex AC Current Module to each phase. Close, re-energize and start taking readings in 1/3 of the time. What used to take hours and use costly equipment can be done in minutes with an affordable Fluke Connect wireless system.

Log, analyze, and diagnose easily You can solve problems faster by seeing live measurements from multiple test points on a single screen. Send data from the panel to your laptop and go from logging to analysis and diagnosis with the a3001 connected. Once you’ve gathered the measurements, you can perform for analysis with your PC and share the results using Fluke Cloud™ storage and ShareLive™ video call. Share and view data or graphs to get input from team members.

ZAR 8690,0000

Fluke 365 Detachable Jaw True-rms AC/DC Clamp Meter

sku Product SKU:  FLK-365

The Fluke 365 is a rugged meter perfect for jobs where access to wires is difficult. The 365’s thin, small jaw is detachable with a flexible lead, which makes gaining access to wires and viewing the display easier than ever.

Safety Conformance
IEC/EN 61010-1:2001, 600V CAT III



  • 200 A ac and dc current measurement with detachable jaw
  • 600 V ac and dc voltage measurement
  • Detachable jaw makes accessing wires and viewing the display easier
  • Built in flashlight/torch allows for easy illumination and identification of wires
  • CAT III 600 V
  • Compact design fits in your hand and can be used while wearing protective equipment
  • State of the art signal processing allows for use in noisy electrical environments while providing stable readings
  • Large, easy to read, backlight display automatically sets the correct measurement range so you do not need to change switch positions while taking a measurement
  • Three-year warranty
  • Soft carrying case

Safety conformance
IEC/EN 61010-1:2001, CAT III 600 V

What’s the difference between the clamp meter models?

  Fluke-365 Fluke-373 Fluke-374 Fluke-375 Fluke-376 Fluke-381
Measure ac current 200.0 A 600.0 A 600.0 A 600.0 A 999.9 A 999.9 A
Measure ac current via iFlex     2500 A 2500 A 2500 A 2500 A
Measure ac voltage 600.0 V 600.0 V 600.0 V 600.0 V 1000.0 V 1000.0 V
Measure continuity ≤ 30 Ω ≤ 30 Ω ≤ 30 Ω ≤ 30 Ω ≤ 30 Ω ≤ 30 Ω
Measure dc current 200.0   600.0 600.0 999.9 999.9
Measure dc voltage 600.0 V   600.0 V 600.0 V 1000.0 V 1000.0 V
Measure resistance 6,000 Ω 6,000 Ω 6,000 Ω 60k Ω 60k Ω 60k Ω
Measure frequency       500 Hz 500 Hz 500 Hz
Measure inrush     100 mS 100 mS 100 mS 100 mS
Work in poorly lit areas Backlight Backlight Backlight Backlight Backlight Backlight
Measure non-linear loads True-rms True-rms True-rms True-rms True-rms True-rms

ZAR 10490,0000


Fluke 374 FC True-RMS AC/DC Clamp Meter

sku Product SKU:  FLK-374FC

Fluke 374 FC delivers advanced troubleshooting performance and wireless connectivity

The Fluke 374 FC, part of the Fluke Connect family of wireless test tools, delivers the standard features you need for everyday troubleshooting. Measure AC and DC current to 600 A with the fixed jaw clamp or add an optional iFlex® flexible current probe to measure all the way to 2500 A. The large diameter and flexible design of the iFlex probe make it easier to measure around large conductors in tight spaces or to access tightly packed wires. You can also use the 374 FC to measure AC and DC voltage to 1000 V and resistance to 6000 Ω.

Use wireless connectivity to keep a safe distance

The 374 FC is Fluke Connect-enabled to wirelessly transmit results via Bluetooth to Apple and Android devices. That means you can read the results out of the arc flash zone, wearing less PPE. You can even save results to the cloud and create and send reports in email right from the field. Or converse in real-time with ShareLive™ video calls.

Versatile feature set

With True-RMS AC voltage and current measurements, the 374 FC enables you to accurately troubleshoot non-linear signals. And you can log and trend measurements to pinpoint intermittents while you are performing other tasks. The Fluke 374 FC Clamp Meter is the direct replacement for the Fluke 374 Clamp Meter.

Other useful capabilities:

  • Compatible with optional TPAK magnetic hanging strap
  • Comes with soft carrying case, batteries, and three-year warranty
  • Measures capacitance to 1000 µF
  • Features CAT III 1000 V, CAT IV 600 V safety rating
  • Provides True-RMS voltage and current measurements to accurately measure non-linear signals
  • Includes Min/Max/Avg and inrush recording to capture variations automatically
  • Runs on two AA alkaline batteries

ZAR 13290,0000