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{{multiCartItemsStr.replace('[COUNT]', minicart.cartList.length)}}
  • {{itemVariant.VariantHasText ? (itemVariant.VariantName + ': ' + itemVariant.VariantText) : (itemVariant.VariantGroup + ': ' + itemVariant.VariantName)}}
Total: {{cartItem.UnitCost * cartItem.Quantity | currency : 'R' : 2}}
Qty: {{cartItem.Quantity | number : 2}}

Item Qty Total
{{cartItem.ProductName}} {{cartItem.ProductName}}
SKU: {{cartItem.ProductSku}}
{{cartItem.Quantity | number : 2}} x {{cartItem.UnitCost | currency : 'R' : 2}}
{{cartItem.UnitCost * cartItem.Quantity | currency : 'R' : 2}}
  • {{itemVariant.VariantHasText ? (itemVariant.VariantName + ': ' + itemVariant.VariantText) : (itemVariant.VariantGroup + ': ' + itemVariant.VariantName)}}
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Subtotal {{minicart.cartTotals.SubTotal | currency : 'R' : 2}}
Image Item Qty Total
{{cartItem.ProductName}} {{cartItem.ProductName}}
SKU: {{cartItem.ProductSku}}
{{cartItem.Quantity | number : 2}} x {{cartItem.UnitCost | currency : 'R' : 2}}
{{cartItem.UnitCost * cartItem.Quantity | currency : 'R' : 2}}
  • {{itemVariant.VariantHasText ? (itemVariant.VariantName + ': ' + itemVariant.VariantText) : (itemVariant.VariantGroup + ': ' + itemVariant.VariantName)}}
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Description Created
{{savedCart.Description}} {{savedCart.CreateDate | date : 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'}}
SKU Product Name Unit Cost Qty Line Total
{{cartItem.ProductSku}} {{cartItem.ProductName}} {{cartItem.UnitCost | currency : 'R' : 2}} {{cartItem.Quantity | number : 2}} {{cartItem.UnitCost * cartItem.Quantity | currency : 'R' : 2}}
  • {{itemVariant.VariantHasText ? (itemVariant.VariantName + ': ' + itemVariant.VariantText) : (itemVariant.VariantGroup + ': ' + itemVariant.VariantName)}}
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FlukeLITE 15B+

sku Product SKU:  FLKLITE-15BPLUS

Buy this digital multimeter now and get a free The Fluke TLK-225 SureGrip™ Master Accessory Set with your order!
Available ONLINE only. 

Your job requires that you have a rugged, reliable and accurate digital multimeter. The Fluke 15B+ digital multimeter does all that and more. Easy to use with one hand, even with gloves on, the Fluke 15B+ offers everything you need.

ZAR 3557,0000


FlukeLITE 17B+

sku Product SKU:  FLKLITE-17BPLUS

Buy this digital multimeter now and get a free  The Fluke TLK-225 SureGrip™ Master Accessory Set  with your order!
Available ONLINE only. 

Your job requires that you have a rugged, reliable and accurate digital multimeter. The Fluke 17B+ digital multimeter does all that and more. Common basic electrical measurements plus temperature, frequency and duty cycle. Easy to use with one hand, even with gloves on, the Fluke 17B+ offers everything you need.

ZAR 4252,0000


FlukeLITE 106

sku Product SKU:  FLKLITE-106

Buy this digital multimeter now and get a free The Fluke TLK-225 SureGrip™ Master Accessory Set with your order!
Available ONLINE only. 

The Fluke 106 digital multimeter is made to fit the way you work! It is designed to fit in the palm of your hand and go with you no matter where your job takes you.

ZAR 1991,0000


FlukeLITE 107

sku Product SKU:  FLKLITE-107

Buy this digital multimeter now and get a free  The Fluke TLK-225 SureGrip™ Master Accessory Set  with your order!
Available ONLINE only. 

The Fluke 107 digital multimeter is made to fit the way you work! It is designed to fit in the palm of your hand and go with you no matter where your job takes you.

ZAR 2426,0000