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Fluke 1623-2 GEO Earth Ground Resistance Meter

sku Product SKU:  FLK-1623-2

Fluke 1623-2 Basic Kit II Geo Earth Ground Tester LIMITED STOCK going for R32 990 Ex VAT

Fluke 1623-2 Earth Ground Tester performs all four ground tests quickly and accurately.

The Fluke 1623-2 earth ground tester measures earth ground loop resistances using only clamps, only stakes, or one clamp and stakes. With the stakeless test method, the Fluke 1623-2 is able to measure earth ground loop resistances for multi-grounded systems using only current clamps. This technique eliminates the dangerous, and time-consuming job of disconnecting parallel grounds, and finding suitable locations for auxiliary ground stakes. You can use it to perform earth ground tests in places you’ve not considered before, such as inside buildings, on power pylons, or anywhere you don’t have access to soil.

Keep your options open

Keep in mind, the stakeless test method works only if a bonded earth ground system exists for the building or structure under test. If there is only one path to ground, typical with many residential applications, you will need to use the fall-of-potential test method that requires stakes.

The 1625-2 is also very easy to use. World class accessories speed set up and test time. And the tester tells you which stakes or clamps to connect for each test. The large rotary switch and buttons are easy to operate even with a gloved hand. And you can store up to 1,500 records and access them easily via the USB port.

Fluke 1623-2 GEO Earth Ground Tester Kits

The Fluke 1623-2 GEO Earth Ground Tester offers data storage and download capabilities via USB port. World-class accessories will simplify and speed up testing time.

Fluke 1623-2-Kit GEO Earth Ground Tester summary

  • 3- and 4-pole Fall-of-Potential, earth resistance loop testing
  • 4-pole Soil Resistivity testing
  • Selective earth ground rod testing using 1 clamp
  • Stateless earth ground rod testing using 2 clamps
  • IP56 rated for outdoor use
  • Rugged carrying case
  • USB data storage and transfer

Fluke 1623-2 Basic Kit Geo Earth Ground Tester, Kit / no clamps

  • 3- and 4-pole Fall-of-Potential, earth resistance loop testing
  • 4-pole Soil Resistivity testing
  • IP56 rated for outdoor use
  • Rugged carrying case
  • USB data storage and transfer

Need even more accuracy? Check out the 1625-2 that offers:

  • Automatic Frequency Control identifies existing interference and chooses a measurement frequency to minimize its effect, thus providing a more accurate earth ground value.
  • R* measurement that calculates earth ground impedance at 55 Hz to more accurately reflect the earth ground resistance that a fault-to earth ground would see.

Other useful capabilities:

  • Includes USB port for data storage and transfer
  • Works with world-class that speed set up and test time
  • Comes with a rugged carrying case

ZAR 52490,0000


Fluke PTi120

sku Product SKU:  FLK-PTi120

Product overview: Compact Fluke PTi120 Pocket Thermal Camera

Portable thermal camera for industrial inspection

In the right place. At the right time. With the right tool.

The bigger the problem, the faster you need to solve it. The Fluke Pocket Thermal Camera puts the power to minimize downtime in everyone’s hands. The first line of defense for easy troubleshooting. Stop fighting fires on the job, start preventing them.

On the job, because it does the job.

A camera small enough to carry every day without worry. Always at hand. Stands up to dirt and water. Can survive a 1-meter drop. Now enhanced infrared inspections are right in your pocket for quick temperature scans of electrical equipment, machinery and other assets.

Automatically save your thermal images to the right folders.

With Fluke Connect Asset Tagging you eliminate the tedium of sorting and organizing your infrared images. By simply scanning your asset’s QR code or barcode, your infrared image and all of your date and time stamped information will be stored to your predefined folders. Send via WiFi or automatically upload once you connect to the network or computer via USB. It's about time. Now you can more efficiently save, find and report on issues before they become problems.

Get your preferred level of infrared every time.

The 3.5” LCD touchscreen offers IR-Fusion™ to blend a visible light image with an infrared image to more easily locate problems. Simply slide your finger across the screen to adjust the setting.

ZAR 22290,0000


Fluke Norma 5000 Power Analyzers

sku Product SKU:  FLK-Norma-5000

Product overview: Fluke Norma 5000 Power Analyzers

Reliable, highly accurate measurements for the test and development of power electronics.

The compact Fluke Norma Series Power Analyzers provide the latest measurement technology to assist engineers with the development and testing of motors, inverters, lighting, power supplies, transformers and automotive components.

Based on a patented, high-bandwidth architecture, the instruments deliver high-precision measurements of single or three-phase current and voltage, harmonics analysis, Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) analysis, as well as calculations of power and other derived values.

The Fluke Norma 5000 Six-Phase Power Analyzer is a rugged, high-precision analyzer providing unmatched price performance for easy and reliable use in the field, or as a bench unit in laboratories and on test benches.


  • Electric motors and inverter drive systems – Through detailed spectrum analysis and dynamic torque calculation capabilities, switching losses caused by the inverter are accurately measured, and a thorough evaluation is made of torque transients and harmonics at higher frequencies.
  • Inverter drive system – Simultaneous measurement of all electrical and mechanical power parameters in the same time window enables users to observe the influence one component has on another, or on the whole system.
  • Lighting systems – A wide bandwidth of up to 10 MHz and a high sampling rate up to 1 MHz provide detailed signal analysis at ballast outputs. A unique shunt technique enables power measurements at very high frequencies. Simultaneous measurement of input and output power provides instant calculation of ballast losses.
  • Transformers – Synchronous six-phase power measurements enable highly accurate efficiency and loss calculations of large power transformers even at very low power factors. Synchronous multiphase resistance measurements of transformer coils are also possible.
  • Automotive – Synchronous electrical input and mechanical output measurements provide complete data on the efficiency and losses of individual components as well as the whole drive system.

Other useful features:

  • Performs simultaneous parallel acquisition of all phases to allow accurate viewing of dynamic events on all phases at exactly the same point in time
  • Compact design makes it easy to carry and saves working space.
  • Provides galvanically-isolated inputs to avoid short circuits in all applications
  • Includes FFT analysis, vector diagram, and digital oscilloscope (DSO) mode in the base unit for complete analysis capability
  • Offers user-selectable average time—from 15 ms up to 3600 s—for dynamic measurements
  • Includes 4 MB on-board memory (expandable to 128 MB) for storing measured values
  • Allows fast and easy connection to a PC; RS232 and USB included as standard; optional IEEE488, Ethernet, or USB2.0
  • Provides PI1 process interface to measure torque and speed with external sensors, plus four analog outputs for easy use on motor and drive applications
  • Features 341 kHz or 1 MHz sample rates for detailed signal analysis
  • Provides bandwidth from DC to 3 MHz or DC to 10 MHz for reliable measurement precision.
  • Includes Fluke NormaView PC software for data download, analysis, and reporting

ZAR 612000,0000


Fluke TiS20+ / TiS20+ MAX

sku Product SKU:  FLK-TiS20Plus-S

Product overview: Fluke TiS20+ / TiS20+ MAX Thermal Imaging Camera

Save time with the right level of infrared and analysis

Whether you are up on the roof inspecting heating, ventilation and air conditioning, deep in the plant scanning a motor, or if you are locking out an electrical panel, you rely on your tools to have the power and features to get your job done fast.

The Fluke TiS20+ and TiS20+ MAX handheld thermal cameras puts the power of thermal imaging at your fingertips. Designed to make your job quicker and easier, this thermal imager is the right tool for:

  • Commercial electricians
  • Heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration technicians
  • Maintenance technicians

Get context with a combined visual light and infrared image

In thermography, context matters. Let Fluke IR-Fusion™ make your job easier by using a thermal image overlaid on a visual light image to give you the full picture of where the issue is before it becomes a problem. Simply slide your finger across the screen to adjust the level of infrared. Whether you are finding an uneven load on a switchgear or inspecting a ventilation system, the Fluke TiS20+ helps you detect issues quickly.

You work hard all day, so should your tools

You cannot afford to have your thermal imager fail due to your environment. You can sleep easy at night knowing that your camera will hold up to whatever the day throws at you.

  • 2 meter drop tested
  • Water resistant (IP54)
  • Dust resistant (IP54)

Stop sorting, start analyzing with Fluke Connect Asset Tagging

Eliminate hours at the computer organizing your thermal images, let Asset Tagging do all that work for you No more dragging and dropping or renaming files in the office, just scan a QR code on your asset, capture your thermal images and they automatically are sorted by asset. Start spending your time analyzing your images and creating reports instead of sorting your files one at a time.

Longest battery life in a Fluke thermal camera ever

The TiS20+ and TiS20+ MAX can work without a break, with a battery life of over 5 hours of continuous use making it the longest battery life in a Fluke thermal camera ever. Save your battery life in-between inspection points with sleep mode. Simply press the power button one time and you are back up and running.

Fluke Connect logo

Get the most out of your TiS20+ and TiS20+ MAX with Fluke Connect™ desktop software. Create professional reports in minutes while efficiently capturing full radiometric data to support your maintenance program.

  • Edit and optimize images
  • Combine infrared and visible images for simpler analysis
  • Create detailed reports
  • Access thermal images from cloud storage
  • Organize and search images by asset, severity, and title

ZAR 36990,0000


Fluke 1760TR Basic

sku Product SKU:  FLK-1760TR-basic

Product overview: Fluke 1760TR Basic Three-Phase Power Quality Recorder

Class-A compliance for the most demanding power quality tests

The Fluke 1760 Three-Phase Power Quality Recorder is fully compliant to IEC 61000-4-30 Class-A, for advanced power quality analysis and consistent compliance testing. Designed for analysis of utility and industrial power distribution systems, in medium- and low-voltage networks. The Fluke 1760 provides exceptional flexibility with the ability to customize thresholds, algorithms, and measurement selections. The 1760 power recorder captures the most comprehensive details on user-selected parameters; the supplied PQAnalyze application software enables users uses the in depth measurement and produce sophisticated analysis and reports.


  • Detailed disturbance analysis – Perform high-speed transient analysis and uncover root cause of equipment malfunction for later mitigation and predictive maintenance. The fast transient option, with its 6000 V measurement range, allows capture of very short impulses such as capacitor switching and lightning strikes.
  • Class-A quality-of-service compliance – Validate incoming power quality at the service entrance. Thanks to Class A compliance, the Fluke 1760 allows undisputable verification. The Fluke 1760 Class A compliance has been independently verified at a world leading power quality laboratory.
  • Event correlation at multiple locations – Utilizing GPS time synchronization, users can quickly detect where a fault occurred first, either inside or outside the facility. The accuracy of this time-stamping enables users with multiple 1760s on their network to understand the propagation of events across the network.
  • Galvanic separation and DC coupling – Allows complete measurements on dissimilar power systems. For example troubleshoot UPS systems by simultaneously recording the battery voltage and power output.
  • Power quality and power load studies – Assess baseline power quality to validate compatibility with critical systems before installation and verify electrical system capacity before adding loads.

ZAR 655000,0000


Fluke 1760TR Three-Phase Power Quality Recorder

sku Product SKU:  FLK-1760TR

Class-A compliance for the most demanding power quality tests

TheFluke 1760 Three-Phase Power Quality Recorder is fully compliant to IEC 61000-4-30 Class-A, for advanced power quality analysis and consistent compliance testing. Designed for analysis of utility and industrial power distribution systems, in medium- and low-voltage networks, this power quality monitor provides the flexibility to customize thresholds, algorithms, and measurement selections. The 1760 power recorder captures the most comprehensive details on user-selected parameters.


  • Detailed disturbance analysis – Perform high-speed transient analysis and uncover root cause of equipment malfunction for later mitigation and predictive maintenance. The fast transient option, with its 6000 V measurement range, allows capture of very short impulses such as lightning strikes.
  • Class-A quality-of-service compliance – Validate incoming power quality at the service entrance. Thanks to Class A compliance, the Fluke 1760 allows undisputable verification.
  • Event correlation at multiple locations – Utilizing GPS time synchronization, users can quickly detect where a fault occurred first, either inside or outside the facility.
  • Galvanic separation and DC coupling – Allows complete measurements on dissimilar power systems. For example troubleshoot UPS systems by simultaneously recording the battery voltage and power output.
  • Power quality and power load studies – Assess baseline power quality to validate compatibility with critical systems before installation and verify electrical system capacity before adding loads.

ZAR 725000,0000


Fluke 1732 | Fluke 1734

sku Product SKU:  FLK-1732-1734

Three phase power measurements made easy

The Fluke 1732 (without wifi) and 1734 (with wifi) Three Phase Electrical Energy Loggers deliver easy to use three phase power measurement data for discovering sources of electrical energy waste, overloaded circuits and help you perform routine load studies. Discover when and where energy in your facility is being consumed - from the service entrance to individual circuits. Access and share three phase power data remotely with your team via the Fluke Connect® app so you can maintain safer working distances and make critical decisions in real-time, reducing the need for protective equipment, site visits and check-ins.

Profiling energy usage across your facility helps you identify opportunities for energy savings, and provides you with the data you need to act on them. The new Energy Analyze software package allows you to compare multiple data points over time to build a complete picture of energy usage, which is the first step to reduce the cost of your energy bill.

  • Key measurements: Automatically capture and log voltage, current, power, power factor, energy and associated values
  • Fluke Connect® compatible: View data locally on the instrument, via Fluke Connect mobile app and desktop software or through your facilities’ WiFi infrastructure
  • Convenient instrument powering: Power instrument directly from the measured circuit
  • Highest safety rating in the industry: 600 V CAT IV/1000 V CAT III rated for use at the service entrance and downstream
  • Measure all three phases: With included 3 flexible current probes
  • Comprehensive logging: More than 20 separate logging sessions can be stored on the instruments. In fact, all measured values are automatically logged so you never loose measurement trends. They can even be reviewed during logging sessions and before downloading for real-time analysis
  • Optimized user interface: Quick, guided, graphical setup ensures you’re capturing the right data every time, and the intelligent verification function indicates correct connections have been made, reducing user uncertainty
  • Bright, color touch screen: Perform convenient in-the-field analysis and data checks with full graphical display
  • Complete “in-the-field" setup through the front panel: No need to return to the workshop for download and setup or to take a computer to the electrical panel
  • Fully integrated logging: Connect other Fluke Connect devices to the Fluke 1734 to simultaneously log up to two other measurement parameters, virtually any parameter available on a Fluke Connect wireless digital multimeter or module*
  • Energy Analyse Plus application software: Download and analyze every detail of energy consumption with our automated reporting

*Not all models are available in all countries. Check with your local Fluke representative.

Which three-phase logger is right for you?

  Three-phase Energy Loggers Three-phase Power Loggers
Features 1732 Energy Logger 1734 Energy Logger 1736 Power Logger 1738 Advanced Power Logger
Load studies
Energy assessments
Neutral Current, 4th current channel    
Harmonics measurements    
Voltage event capture    
PQ Health Graphical
overview (EN50160)
    Upgrade package*
IEEE519 total harmonic distortion     Optional Optional
Fully integrated logging with Fluke Connect® Upgrade package* Upgrade package*
WiFi Optional
Wi-Fi / Bluetooth Optional Optional
Magnetic probe set Optional Optional
Magnetic hanger Optional Optional
Connection via WiFi router Requires FREE software license available upon product registration. Requires FREE software license available upon product registration.

*Upgrade packages are available to upgrade existing 1732 Energy Loggers with the same features of the 1734 Energy logger, and to upgrade existing 1736 Power Loggers with the same features and capabilities of the 1738 Advanced Power Logger. Please note that 1732 and 1734 Energy Loggers cannot be upgraded with the functionality of 1736 and 1738 Power Loggers.
Please ask your distributor for more information about the upgrade package.

ZAR 75990,0000


Fluke 1742, 1746 and 1748

sku Product SKU:  FLK-174x

The Fluke 1742, 1746 and 1748 Three-Phase Power Quality Loggers give you fast, easy access to the data you need to make critical power quality and energy decisions in real-time. With the included Energy Analyse Plus software package you can easily create detailed reports.

Upgrade according to future needs

The Fluke 1748 logs over 500 different parameters for each averaging period. This allows you to analyze power quality in detail and to correlate intermittent events with detailed waveform data, helping to identify the root cause of disturbances. For basic power quality logging, the Fluke 1746 captures all relevant power parameters for performing energy saving studies and electrical network planning with a full upgrade option to 1748 available. For simple load and energy studies the Fluke 1742 offers optimal performance in a rugged package and can be upgraded to 1746, or complete 1748, functionality.

National and international standards

Compact and rugged, the Fluke 1740 Series Three-Phase Power Quality Loggers are designed specifically for technicians and engineers who need the flexibility to troubleshoot, quantify energy usage and analyze power distribution systems. Fully compliant with international power quality standards such as IEC 61000-4-30 Class A and capable of simultaneously logging up to 500 parameters while also capturing events, the Fluke 1740 Series helps uncover intermittent and hard-to-find power quality issues more easily than ever. Energy Analyze Plus software quickly assesses the quality of power at the service entrance, substation, or at the load, according to national and international standards including EN 50160 and IEEE 519.

An optimized user interface, flexible current probes, and an intelligent measurement verification function that allows you to digitally verify and correct connections makes setup easier than ever and reduces measurement uncertainty. Minimize your time in potentially hazardous environments and reduce the hassle of suiting up in PPE by using a wireless connection (Wi-Fi) to view data directly in the field.

Analysis and reporting

Capturing logged data is just one part of the task. Once you have the data, you need to create useful information and reports that can be easily shared and understood by your organization or customers. Fluke Energy Analyse Plus software makes that task as simple as possible. With powerful analysis tools and the ability to create customized reports in minutes you’ll be able to communicate your findings and quickly solve problems so you can optimize system reliability and savings. A range of built-in report templates for industry standards such as EN 50160, IEEE 519 and GOST enable one-click reporting so you can create high quality reports at the touch of a button. Reports can be modified as standards evolve, or new versions become available.

Which power logger is right for you?

Features 1742 1746 1748
Voltage, current, power, power factor, frequency
Energy forward/reverse
Peak Demand
Voltage and current harmonics (to 50th)1  
Rapid voltage change events1  
Interharmonics (to 50th)1  
Dips, swells, interruption and transient events tables1  
Inrush current1  
Transients (low frequency) / Waveform deviation events2    
Waveform snapshots2    
RMS profile2    
USB (mini B)
Wi-Fi download Instrument to device
Wi-Fi download via Wi-Fi hub (free with registration) Opt. Opt. Opt.
Included accessories
Flexible current probe not /B version not /B version not /B version
USB stick
USB cable
3PHVL-17XX cable assembly
FLUKE-17XX-TL 0.18M test lead set
FLUKE-17XX-TL 2M test lead set
Alligator clips 4 4 4
173x/174x Soft Case
Cable marker kit
MP1-3R/1B-Magnet Probe 1 set (3 red, 1 black) Opt. 1 1
174x-Hanger Kit Opt. Opt.

Software Features

  • "In-workshop" or "in-the-field" setup and download through PC application software: simple download using USB memory stick, Wi-Fi download, wired Ethernet connection or via USB cable.
  • Energy Analyse Plus application software: Download and analyze every measured detail of energy consumption and power quality state-of-health with automated reporting.
  • One-touch reporting: Create standardized reports according to commonly used standards like EN 50160, IEEE 519, GOST 33073 or export data in PQDIF or NeQual compatible format for use with third party software.
  • Advanced analysis: Choose any available logged parameter to create a highly customized view of logged measurements for advanced correlation of data.

Hardware Features

  • Measure all three voltage and current phases plus the neutral current: Three-phase and neutral voltage leads and four flexible current probes or optional current clamps for CT secondary current.
  • Comprehensive logging: More than 20 separate logging sessions can be stored in the instrument. A comprehensive range of power and power quality variables are automatically logged so you never lose measurement trends.
  • Measure with premium accuracy: Meets the rigorous IEC 61000-4-30 Class A Edition 3 standard for ‘Testing and measurement techniques–Power quality measurement methods.'
  • Capture dips, swells and interruptions: The 1748 includes event waveform capture and RMS event profile, along with date, timestamp and severity information to help pinpoint potential root causes of power quality issues.
  • Measure key power quality parameters: Measures harmonics and interharmonics for voltage and current, also includes unbalance, flicker and rapid voltage changes.
  • Optimized user interface: Capture the right data every time with quick, guided, graphical PC based application setup and reduce uncertainty about your connections with an intelligent verification feature and the only auto-correction function for a power quality logger. Connection errors are automatically indicated via an amber light on the unit’s power button, this light turns green once corrected.
  • Optimized user interface: Quick, guided, graphical setup ensures you’re capturing the right data every time, and the intelligent verification function indicates correct connections have been made, reducing user uncertainty.
  • Flexible power supply: Powers directly from the measured circuit with the widest available range for a power quality logger automatically going from 100 V to 500 V or from a wall line cord, so you can test anywhere.
  • Rugged and reliable: Designed to withstand harsh installation environments with IP65 rating when used with IP65 voltage input adapter.
  • Two external USB ports: One for PC connection and another for quick, simple data download to standard USB thumb drives, allowing you to leave the measurement device in place and download without disrupting logging.
  • Ethernet connectivity: Wired and wireless connections for instrument setup and high-speed data download.
  • Compact size: Designed to fit in tight spaces and panels with small 23 cm x 18 cm x 5.4 cm (9.1 in x 7.1 in x 2.1 in) footprint.
  • Highest safety rating in the industry: 600 V CAT IV/1000 V CAT III rated for use at the service entrance and downstream.
  • Optimized measurement accessories: Unique tangle-free flat voltage cable and thin flexible current probes ensure easy installation even in tight spaces.
  • Battery life: Four-hour operating time (backup time) per charge on lithium-ion battery to withstand temporary power disruptions.
  • Security: Safeguard your best asset from theft with a standard chain or other security device.
  • Magnetic hanger kit: Conveniently stow the instrument safely inside or outside of electrical panels; compatible with all models and included with 1748 model as standard.

ZAR 124490,0000


Fluke 1760

sku Product SKU:  FLK-1760

Class-A compliance for the most demanding power quality tests

The Fluke 1760 Three-Phase Power Quality Recorder is fully compliant to IEC 61000-4-30 Class-A, for advanced power quality analysis and consistent compliance testing. Designed for analysis of utility and industrial power distribution systems, in medium- and low-voltage networks. The Fluke 1760 provides exceptional flexibility with the ability to customize thresholds, algorithms, and measurement selections. The 1760 power recorder captures the most comprehensive details on user-selected parameters; the supplied PQAnalyze application software enables users uses the in depth measurement and produce sophisticated analysis and reports.


  • Detailed disturbance analysis – Perform high-speed transient analysis and uncover root cause of equipment malfunction for later mitigation and predictive maintenance. The fast transient option, with its 6000 V measurement range, allows capture of very short impulses such as capacitor switching and lightning strikes.
  • Class-A quality-of-service compliance – Validate incoming power quality at the service entrance. Thanks to Class A compliance, the Fluke 1760 allows undisputable verification. The Fluke 1760 Class A compliance has been independently verified at a world leading power quality laboratory.
  • Event correlation at multiple locations – Utilizing GPS time synchronization, users can quickly detect where a fault occurred first, either inside or outside the facility. The accuracy of this time-stamping enables users with multiple 1760s on their network to understand the propagation of events across the network.
  • Galvanic separation and DC coupling – Allows complete measurements on dissimilar power systems. For example troubleshoot UPS systems by simultaneously recording the battery voltage and power output.
  • Power quality and power load studies – Assess baseline power quality to validate compatibility with critical systems before installation and verify electrical system capacity before adding loads.

Other useful features:

  • Provides uninterrupted power supply (40 minutes) so you’ll never miss important events. Even records the beginning and end of interruptions and outages to help determine the cause
  • Provides continuous recording of voltage, current, power P, Q, S, power factor, kWh, flicker, unbalance, frequency, voltage and current harmonics to the 50th/Interharmonics, THD, and mains signaling
  • Provides 2 GB data memory to enable detailed, simultaneous recording of numerous power parameters for long periods of time
  • Includes comprehensive software that provides trend diagrams for root cause analysis, statistical summaries, report writing, and real-time data monitoring in the online mode
  • Allows quick plug and play setup with automatic sensor detection. Sensors are instrument powered, eliminating the need for batteries
  • Delivers reliable testing under nearly any conditions with rugged insulated housing and a solid state design that has no rotating components
  • Comes with four dual-range flexible current probes (1000 A/200 A AC)

ZAR 725000,0000


Fluke 1760 Basic Three-Phase Power Quality Recorder

sku Product SKU:  FLK-1760-Basic

Class-A compliance for the most demanding power quality tests

The Fluke 1760 Three-Phase Power Quality Recorder is fully compliant to IEC 61000-4-30 Class-A, for advanced power quality analysis and consistent compliance testing. Designed for analysis of utility and industrial power distribution systems, in medium- and low-voltage networks. The Fluke 1760 provides exceptional flexibility with the ability to customize thresholds, algorithms, and measurement selections. The 1760 power recorder captures the most comprehensive details on user-selected parameters; the supplied PQAnalyze application software enables users uses the in depth measurement and produce sophisticated analysis and reports.


  • Detailed disturbance analysis – Perform high-speed transient analysis and uncover root cause of equipment malfunction for later mitigation and predictive maintenance. The fast transient option, with its 6000 V measurement range, allows capture of very short impulses such as capacitor switching and lightning strikes.
  • Class-A quality-of-service compliance – Validate incoming power quality at the service entrance. Thanks to Class A compliance, the Fluke 1760 allows undisputable verification. The Fluke 1760 Class A compliance has been independently verified at a world leading power quality laboratory.
  • Event correlation at multiple locations – Utilizing GPS time synchronization, users can quickly detect where a fault occurred first, either inside or outside the facility. The accuracy of this time-stamping enables users with multiple 1760s on their network to understand the propagation of events across the network.
  • Galvanic separation and DC coupling – Allows complete measurements on dissimilar power systems. For example troubleshoot UPS systems by simultaneously recording the battery voltage and power output.
  • Power quality and power load studies – Assess baseline power quality to validate compatibility with critical systems before installation and verify electrical system capacity before adding loads.

ZAR 480000,0000

Fluke 378FC IFlex

Fluke 378FC Clamp Meter

sku Product SKU:  FLK-378FC

Product overview: Fluke 378 FC Non-Contact Voltage True-rms AC/DC Clamp Meter with iFlex

Voltage and current measurements with FieldSense™ technology

The Fluke 378 FC true-rms clamp meter uses FieldSense™ technology to make testing faster and safer, all without contacting a live conductor. You get accurate voltage and current measurements through the clamp jaw. Simply clip the black test lead to any electrical ground, put the clamp jaw around the conductor and see reliable, accurate voltage and current values on the display.

Power quality indicator shows whether a problem is in the equipment or the power line

The 378 FC clamp meter includes a unique PQ function that senses power quality issues automatically. When making FieldSense measurements, the 378 FC will detect and display power quality issues, relating to current, voltage, power factor or any combination of the three. Now you can quickly determine if an upstream supply problem exists, or if there is a downstream equipment problem.

Complete 3-phase measurements in quick, easy steps

  • Complete 3-phase voltage and current tests in 3 easy steps
  • Full set of phase-to-ground and phase-to-phase values calculated and shown on the meter
  • Values are also displayed on your smart phone and saved to the cloud via Fluke Connect software
  • Phase rotation auto-calculated and shown on the Fluke Connect software
  • No more hand-written notes or complicated math.

Measure extremely high current with iFlex® probe

The included iFlex flexible current probe lets you measure ac current as high as 2500 A. Crowded wiring cabinets and large conductors are easily measured with the iFlex probe.

Easy to see, easy to use with included tools

Your job will get easier when you use the 378 FC clamp meter. The display turns green when a stable FieldSense measurement is detected. Visual Continuity also provides a bright green screen for easy detection of continuity in noisy work areas.

Record, analyze, share results with Fluke Connect® software

With Fluke Connect software you can remotely log, trend and monitor measurements to pinpoint intermittent faults. Fluke Connect also allows you to gather data as the basis for a preventive maintenance program.

  • Save measurements to your phone and the Fluke Cloud, for comparison of readings over time.

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