• The Importance of Battery Testers | Fluke Pro Tips

    Fluke Pro, Jason Axelson explains why early identification of battery failure helps keep your assets as well as your company up and running.

    Use a battery tester to measure voltage, internal resistance and strap resistance to find indications of early-stage battery failure or installation problems.

    Key measurements – Internal battery resistance, dc and ac voltage, dc and ac current, ripple voltage, frequency and temperature.

    Sequence measurement mode – Automatic or manual sequence testing of battery strings with automatic measurement storage including voltage, resistance, and temperature (with BTL21 intelligent test probe), eliminating the need to press a button each time measurement needs to be saved.

    Comprehensive logging – All measured values are automatically captured during testing and can be reviewed on the instrument before downloading for on-the-go analysis.
  • When do I use a Digital Multimeter vs a Clamp Meter? | Fluke Pro Tips

    Fluke Product Manager, Jessie Zhang, walks through when it is the right time to use a digital multimeter versus a clamp meter. The two products offer different features and should be used in different situations.

    A digital multimeter is a test tool used to measure two or more electrical values—principally voltage (volts), current (amps) and resistance (ohms). It is a standard diagnostic tool for technicians in the electrical/electronic industries.

    A clamp meter is an electrical test tool that combines a basic digital multimeter with a current sensor. Clamps measure current. Probes measure voltage. Having a hinged jaw integrated into an electrical meter allows technicians to clamp the jaws around a wire, cable or other conductors at any point in an electrical system, then measure current in that circuit without disconnecting/de-energizing it.
  • Bump-N-Go

    Bump testing gas detectors before each day’s use is the only way to be sure that the sensors respond to gas.
  • Upgrading Firmware in your Radian Research RD Standard

    Step by step instructions on how to upgrade the firmware in your Radian Research RD-3x Standard.
  • RD Current Connector Locking Mechanism

    Instructional video highlighting the current input locking connector for a Radian RD-2x or RD-3x Standard. This locking feature is design for safety and ease of use.

    Website: www.radianresearch.com
  • Bantam Lite Meter Connections

    How to connect the RB-10 Bantam Lite to a typical meter installation.

  • RB-10 Bantam Lite Durability Demo #2

    The RB-10 Bantam Lite remains unscathed as it falls from a SUV.

  • RB-10 Bantam Lite Durability Demo #1

    Radian demonstrates the durability of the RB-10 Bantam Lite by driving a SUV onto it.

  • RM-17 Portable Test System

    The RM-17 is the only portable watthour test system to include a complete calibration report.
  • Reference Standard Conversion

    Instructional video illustrating the procedure to convert an older field test kit for use with the dytronic series of standards.

    Website: www.radianresearch.com

    Radian Research, Inc.
    3852 Fortune Drive
    Lafayette, IN 47905
  • Spectrum analyser demo on the MDO-2000E

    MDO-2000E series is equipped with a dual channel 25 MHz arbitrary waveform generator.
    We could utilize arbitrary waveform generator to output waveforms and conduct frequency domain analysis by the built-in spectrum analyzer.